Chapter 19

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Song for this chapter: Selena Gomez- Can't Keep My Hands To Myself.


The three strong and consecutive knocks on my door at exactly seven o'clock have me springing to my feet.


I'd know that knock anywhere. Is it weird that I know just how he knocks? Anyway I check my outfit which is a grey polo neck and a blue skirt, coupled with flat sandals just before I get to the door. It's currently the beginning of winter so nights in Cape Town are getting colder and colder

I take several deep breath and say a small prayer, asking The Man Above to ensure that tonight is a success.

I open the door and my jaw drops at the sight of the delicious looking man standing in front of me with his hands behind his back and a sexy half smile.

"Good evening baby girl, you look beautiful as always."

He says as his eyes roam all over my body and his eyes darken as he takes in all of me. I bite my lip as his perusal leaves me feeling extreme heat in it's wake.

"Hey Xander, I'm glad that you could make it and you look great as well babe. Come on in..."

I say, opening the door and moving aside for him to enter but he surprises me as he grabs hold of my hand. He gently pulls me outside my apartment and closes the door so that we're standing in the passage.

"People are waiting for us inside. What on earth are you doing Mr Greene?"

I say, unable to hide the huge smile on my face.

"I'm not doing anything Lelo baby, at least not yet. I just feel like getting at least one kiss from my girlfriend before I have to endure an entire night of not being able to touch and kiss her whenever I want to. You do understand, don't you baby?"

He says snaking his arms around my waist and drawing me closer to him until I'm standing flush against him.

"I missed you so much baby girl."

He says burying his face in my neck and inhaling deeply. He starts peppering kisses all over my collarbone then moving up to my neck. I move my head to the side, giving him space to continue on.

The door banging behind us has me springing away from him, well trying to as Xander doesn't let me go. I probably would've kissed the floor anyway had his arms not tightened around me.

"Can you two lovebirds finish up whatever you're doing out there? Lelo Dube let the poor man come in, we're also waiting to ogle his God-like self in here. Don't be selfish."

"Seriously, Danny?" I call out, not even bothering to hide how exasperated I feel with him at the moment.

Xander chuckles and gives me a peck on my cheek then let's me go, much to my dislike. It's only then that I see the large bouquet of flowers carried by him. He must surely have three hands, how on earth was I not pricked by the flowers' stems as he held me to him?

"These are beautiful babe."

I say, admiring the beautiful and intricate arrangement of the different flowers in his hands.

"I'm glad you like them baby girl but I'm afraid that these are not yours, they're for my future mother in law. She's not allergic to them, right?"

Future mother in law!!! Okay.

"Uh, no she's not. She'll surely love them babe, please relax."

I say grabbing a hold of his hand and begin leading him inside my apartment. We go into the living room where we find Danny animatedly chatting with Neo and her husband Mike.

They get up when we come in, "hey everyone. Here's one more person who will be joining us."

Introductions are made and Xander shakes hands with both Neo and Mike. The problem starts when it's time for Xander to greet Danny.

My best friend gets up and gives Xander a hug that's a bit too long and a bit too tight, he takes things a bit too far when he snuggles into him with a sigh and begins rubbing his back.

Poor Xander looks so uncomfortable, Neo and her husband look at each other and they look like they're battling to hold their laughter in.

"That's enough Daniel, let the poor man go." He shakes his head and continues to hold onto Xander.

"His girlfriend, your best friend is right here, you know." I say, pulling him away from Xander.

"What the hell is your problem Lelz? You do know that what's yours is mine."

"Yeah well you're welcome to everything that's mine except him."

Everyone laughs as Danny flips me the bird and Xander pulls me to his side.

My mother chooses that exact moment to walk into the room looking all kinds of beautiful and I sigh deeply as Xander removes his arm around me.

He must've heard me sighing because he places his hand on the small of my back and begins gently rubbing my back.

"Good evening son, I'm glad that you could join us tonight." She says smiling warmly at him and practically engulfing him in a warm hug. Xander smiles and bends his tall frame so that he can hug her back.

"Evening ma'am, I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Thank you for inviting me. These are for you," he says handing her the flowers.

"Thank you dear, I apologize for not being there to welcome you, the perfectionist in me just plain refused to leave that kitchen until everything was perfect."

"That's no problem at all, as a fellow perfectionist myself; I understand."

"I know that I'm a bit late but mom let me introduce you to one of the most important people in my inner circle, Alexander Greene. Bab-" I clear my throat after my near slip up. Alex comes and stands next to me then resumes rubbing my back. "Xander, I'd like to officially introduce you to THE most important person in my life. My mom."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you ma'am, I've heard so much about you."

Danny and Rose then enter the room at that exact moment. More introductions are made and we finally make our way to the dinner table.

Wow, my mom surely went out. We all take our seats, my mom sitting at the head of the table with Mike, Neo and Danny at her right then Rose, Xander and I at her left side.

Danny says grace and then we all dig in. Neo dishes up for her husband while on impulse I pick up his plate dish up for Alex because I already know his favorite foods. It is only when I'm halfway through that I realise what I just did, by then it would just be too awkward to stop midway so I finish up and hand him his plate without making eye contact with anyone.

Throughout the dinner Xander places his hand on my thigh and the heat from his hand leaves me with a nice warmth all over. Everything is going well, the ambience is amazing, there is no shortage of laughter, everyone is having a great time when mom asks how we all met.

We then tell her how we all became friends, with Danny over exaggerating and embellishing some incidents, much to the group's laughter.

My mother then turns towards Alexander and I then utters the words I've been dreading all night.

"So how did you two meet?"

Danny and I make eye contact from across the table.



Hey everyone 🙋. It's sure been a while, hey?

I missed y'all, so so SOOOO much❤.

I hope that you'll enjoy the chapter. Please tell me what you think about it.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share the story.

Thank you all so much for getting ONE Night Only as far as to #22 on Chicklit.

One last thing: can someone please help me with a new cover? I'm hopeless when it comes to things like that.

Until next time.

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