Chapter 20

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"I can't help but to bless the day that I met you Dannybear, you're truly an amazing human being. Thank you so much for coming through for me, like always. That dinner would've been disastrous had you not stepped up and taken over."

I say as we take our seats at our favourite restaurant, which is called Marcello's. The nearly disastrous dinner was last week and I still have a small panic attack each time I think about it.

"So how did you two meet?"

I literally stopped breathing at that moment, stupid me didn't even consider that my mom would ask that. Obviously if my daughter introduced me to a new "friend" I'd want to know all I could about their friendship.

You could've heard a pin drop at the silence that followed... Alex placed his hand on top of my thigh and squeezed it in reassurance but I was full on panic mode.

What the hell do I say now? "Oh it's such a funny story mom, we met in a club and had amazing sex that same night?" She'd kill me.

"Uhmm." Xander looks at me sideways and begins massaging my thigh.

I didn't trust him not to tell her the complete truth about our history. Seeing that we have so many cultural differences and from his description of his parents, I imagine that they wouldn't have much of a problem with how we met, unlike my mom.

"We-" Xander starts to explain before Danny cuts him off.

"We all met at a work function a few months ago mommy, Lelz was my plus one and Alex was one of the speakers there. All three of us were seated at the same table and we instantly clicked. It was as simple as that."

Danny said so smoothly, I began wondering just how my best friend became such a great liar.

"Do you two still take her as your date everywhere Dan?" she said laughing lightly. "These two have always been inseparable, when they were growing up they used to get into so much trouble because they were so naughty. Don't get me started on the many pranks they pulled on each other as well as everyone around them"

The discussion luckily changed to Danny and I's shenanigans while growing up, much to everyone's laughter. The mood became lighter as everyone else seated around the table shared tales of what they got up to while growing up.

I ended up learning some new and interesting things about the man I've just started dating... Such as that he broke his arm when he was six years old from jumping out of a tree house just because an older cousin of his had convinced him that he had superpowers or the time he stole his father's car when he was thirteen just because he wanted to prove that he was a man and subsequently crashed it.

There was thankfully no other topics that had the power to make me nearly have a heart attack, the mood remained light and filled with laughter throughout the night.

Dessert was an assortment of three dishes, a melktert, koeksisters and of course Danny's favourite; vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup on top.

I honestly don't know how mom and Danny got the time to cook all those dishes but I made a decision to take them out for lunch as a thank you gesture even though they gave me sole clean up duties.

"I miss mom so much D. It really felt nice to have someone to come home to, you know? When she was here, I always knew when leaving work
that I had a warm meal waiting for me. We'd talk well into the night, just like old times or we'd reminisce about the past. It felt like I was back home again and Lord knows that I needed that." I say as a waiter comes to our table and we place our orders.

Mom has been gone for four days now and I still miss her because I had gotten used to having her around. I can still remember her parting words to me at the airport.

"I'll finally be able to sleep peacefully from now on my baby because I can see that you truly are happy, safe and loved. You have people who care for you very much and I'm so glad. I know that I don't say it enough but I just want you to know that I love you very much and I'm so proud of the woman you've become."

"That's what mothers do honey, they can feel when their babies are not well and so do all they can to make them better. If living by yourself is not working out for you, just remember that your room at my place is always ready and waiting for you okay?"

"I know Dannybear and I'll remember that but I'm fine at my apartment. I'm just being a baby, that's all. Thank you for the offer though."

"You know that I'll always do whatever I can to protect you from any and everything Lelz as well as to help you with whatever you need." He says, smiling at me from across the table.

"I'm just not sure whether the way you handled things with Alex and mommy is the right way though."

I'm surprised at the change in topic and look at him in confusion, "what do you mean D?"

I watch as he seems to struggle with what to say next which is unheard of for my best friend.

"You my darling are a beautiful, smart and independent woman; you've got your shit together and for someone your age, that's amazing."

I nod but decide to keep quiet because from the serious look on his face, I know that I'm about to receive a long lecture.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is the twenty first century Lelz, I remember how overprotective your father was and obviously he would have had a problem with you dating because he always saw you as his little girl. We both know that mommy is an open minded and modern woman, she wouldn't have had any issue with the thought of you being in a relationship because she would love to be the M.O.B one day."

"M.O.B? What's that now?" I ask, very confused which makes my best friend roll his eyes.

Danny is always using terms like these and if you don't ask him to explain; you'll never understand him.

"The Mother of The Bride Lelz, our parents are always hounding us to get married but they also don't want us to date. I don't know how we're supposed to know whether someone is a good fit for a husband or not."

"I know that mom wouldn't have a problem with Alex and I Danny but if I'm being honest with you, I'm still a bit nervous because our relationship is still new. You know that Alex has somewhat of a reputation with the ladies. I don't want to move too fast only to find that I'm just a flavour of the month for him."

Danny bursts out laughing at that, "you my dear are so blind it's not even funny. Let me leave you like that though. No, let me not actually. That man might not be in love with you but he's nearly there babes."

I choose to ignore the heat that spreads all over me at Danny's words and change the subject instead.

"Speaking of him, I'm going to his place for dinner tonight. You'll help me choose an outfit so sexy that he'll lose his mind when he sees me, right D?"

I say with a huge grin that Danny returns, "pssssht. You could be in a potato sack and that man would still think that you look gorgeous. You're both lucky to have found each other babe."

"And it's all thanks to you since you're the one who insisted that we go out that night."

"I know that I'm amazing Lelz and you're welcome. On the day that you two get married, I'm going to be the Man of Honor. I can already envision my outfit, Lord I'm going to slay."

He says with a dreamy look on his face, I just simply smile and decide not to answer him because that's just going to lead to more wedding talk.


Hey everyone 🙋.

I hope that you enjoyed the chappie.

It's unedited, I just finished writing it now so obviously there are mistakes, my apologies in advance for that. Should you see any mistakes, please tell me so I can fix them.

So I recently finished working three weeks of night shift in a Maternity Hospital and I'm now working another three weeks of night shift in an Intensive care unit which leaves me EXHAUSTED. This is why updates have been so scarce.

I miss you all so much and thank you so much for getting ONE Night Only to #15 on Chicklit😘.

What's been going on in your lives though? Do share ☺

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