Chapter 1....

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All the covers sent to me will be on top of the chapters! (let me know if I missed any!) This one was almost the main cover, I'm obsessed with it!

"Lily come to my office please." I glanced up from my desk in surprise. Did Mrs. Bell, my boss, really ask me to go to her office? I couldn't help but feel dread pool in the pit of my stomach. This could not be good.

With shaky legs I stood up, smoothing my pencil skirt and wiping my now sweaty palms. It was never a good sign when your boss asks you to come into their office. As I made my way there I thought back to what I could have done wrong. As far as I know I've done everything that's been asked of me.

I sent in my five articles, I've been on time ever since I started working here three years ago, I've never once complained about my work load.

Internally freaking out I stopped into Mrs. Bell office. I took a seat she gestured to and waited. Mrs. Bell was one of those bosses who was nice until you did something to piss her off. She may only be 5'4 but she could make even the biggest man cower. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun, almost looking like it was pulling her eyes back into slits. She probably would have been very pretty if she hadn't gotten a ton of botox and plastic surgery.

"Lily, I called you into my office for a reason." I tried to find if she was going to fire me from her tone but she gave nothing away.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No. I have read your last two articles and I see great potential."

"Really?" I asked, sitting up a bit straighter.

"I like your writing style Lily." Mrs. Bell leaned back in her chair looking directly at me. "You've been here for 3 years right?" I nodded. She was quiet for a minute, her gaze unnerving me.

"I am assigning you a piece that most writers would dream of doing. If you do this one right you are looking at a promotion. To be junior writer."

What? A promotion is what I have been working my ass off for the past three years.

"I believe you can do this Lily." I was fighting hard to keep a grin off my face.

"What is the assignment?" I leaned forward a bit in my seat waiting impatiently.

"You will be interviewing James Morris and writing a piece on him for the front cover of "Famoux E".

Front cover? Interview? James Morris? Who the hell is James Morris?

"James Morris?" I questioned, not sure who he was.

"Famous actor in Hollywood." At my confused look Mrs. Bell leaned forward with her hands on her desk. "Lily do you not know who he is?" I was half tempted to lie and say I did.


"Good." I raised an eyebrow at that. "Your feelings won't get in the way as you interview him."

"Okay...when is the interview?" My mind immediately going through how much research I had to do.


"Tomorrow? Mrs. Bell I can't interview him tomorrow. That's too soon!"

"He is only in town for one day and he agreed to do this interview on short notice."

"But I-"

"Then I suggest you get started now Lily. You will be meeting him at the Sunrise Cafe on 12th Street at 11:30 am. Don't be late. Interview him and see if he will give you anything else for a good story. Come back to me on Thursday with what you have." With that I was excused.

In a daze I stood up, leaving her office. I don't remember walking to my desk, my mind trying to wrap around the fact I was getting a high profile assignment and that I had less than 24 hours to get ready.

"Lily!" I broke out of my thoughts to find my best friend, Sarah Fisher, standing in front of me an excited grin on her face. "What did she want? Did you get a promotion?"

"I got a new assignment."

"That's great. But why are you acting like someone's kicked your puppy?"

"Um...I have less than a day to get ready, if I do a good job I will get a promotion, and I'm interviewing some guy named James Morris."

"Wait! JAMES MORRIS! The James Morris?" Her voice got louder and higher as she spoke. "Oh my god!"

"Sarah lower your voice!" I hissed, not wanting everyone to know. If this guy was as famous as it seems everyone will want me to get an autograph or something.

"Lily that is insane! You are going to meet James Morris. I'm so jealous." A dreamy look passed over her face.

"Did you not hear that it is tomorrow?"

"You've done last minute things like this all the time. Don't worry." Sarah waved me off. "But seriously Lily, you are so lucky!"

"What is the big deal about this guy anyways?" I leaned back in my chair.

"Are you kidding me?" When I sent her a look she shook her head at me. "Not only is he a good actor, he was labeled the most eligible bachelor and sexiest man alive this year!"

"Oh." I guess those were pretty big titles for someone in Hollywood.

"You'd know if you'd go out more."

I rolled my eyes at her. I wasn't one for going out to party every weekend and I didn't care for reading/listening about useless Hollywood drama either. I briefly remember Sarah going on about some hot new actor but I didn't pay attention.

"Well I have more pressing matters at the moment Sarah. I have to come up with questions to ask the guy."

"Ask how he got started acting, what would he be doing if he wasn't an actor. Oh and ask if he is single!" The last part she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Thanks for those but the last one no."

"Oh come on!"

"Nope." I stood up, grabbing my bag. "I am going to go grab a coffee and start on my questions. I'll see you later." I had other stuff to do other than sit here and hear about how hot James Morris is.

Behind me I could hear Sarah protesting and asking me to get a picture and an autograph for her. I quickened my step before I was stopped by anyone else wanting the same thing. News travels fast around here and no doubt everyone already knew about my assignment.

So, I didn't get fired, got an assignment that will make or break my career, and I was going to interview some hot actor in less than 24 hours. Yeah no pressure. 

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