Chapter 2....

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"Hi, can I get Americano, Grande." I rattled off to the barista. It may be 4 o'clock in the afternoon but I was going to need as much caffeine as I could tonight, I was probably going to have to brew some when I get home. I was going to have to stay up late getting everything ready for tomorrow morning.

When I first took a job at Famoux E magazine I thought it would be fun and I'd write some good articles. I hadn't realized it was such a cut throat job. If your article didn't do well you were pushed to the bottom where you just edited others stuff or fired. They didn't play around. I should have realized that when I got a job at one of the worlds biggest magazine companies.

This assignment was going to be exactly what I needed for my career. Three years of writing little things and getting coffee for others I was finally going to have a say in what I wanted to write. All I had to do was ace this.

While waiting for my drink I took my phone out and typed in James Morris's name. The first thing that popped up was a list of facts about the guy.

Brown hair. Green eyes. 6'1. Full name: James Charles Morris. He was 27 years old.

Hearing my name being called I started towards the counter, still skimming the facts about James Morris. Lifting my head I rammed head first into a hard body. A second later I felt something wet and cold run down my front.

As the cold seeping through my thin blouse I gasped. I stood there not knowing what to do. A pair of hands touching my chest snapped me out of it. My eyes snapped towards the person that was touching my breasts.

I didn't expect to find a good looking guy standing in front of me, napkins in his hands as he tried to dry the cold coffee on me. I couldn't see much of him because he was wearing a baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses that covered most of his face. But what I could see I liked.

A hard jawline that looked like it was cut from marble, a nose that looked like it had been broken a few times, and a pair of very kissable lips. When his voice reached my ears I felt my heart swoon a little.

"I am so sorry." The baritone, husky voice said.

"It's okay." I found myself saying, but my voice sounded weird. Despite my words the guy kept drying to dry my shirt. The feeling of his hands and the gazes of people around the coffee shop had my cheeks turning an unflattering shade of red. Not able to take his hands on me any longer I took a small step back.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." The guys hands dropped to his sides. Even with his sunglasses on I could feel his eyes on me. For some odd reason they made me feel all tingly.

"It's fine I wasn't looking either. So it is part of my fault." I looked away from him down to my shirt. The light pink blouse now had a growing brown stain and it was starting to stick to my body. Good thing I didn't wear white or else my bra would be showing. I felt some of the coffee dripping down my pencil skirt.

"At least it wasn't hot coffee." The guy joked. Despite the situation I laughed.

"Yeah that would have hurt." I pulled at my blouse with a grimace.

"Is there something I can do? Can I buy you a coffee? Give you a ride somewhere?" If it was anyone else I probably would have cursed them out but I could tell he felt horrible. And technically it was my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going.

"No it' s okay." I waved him off. I was going to head home anyways.

"You have to let me do something. I ruined your entire outfit."

"No really its fine. I'll survive." I sent him a smile. The guy was tall, even with my heels I only came to his chest. Wonder what his eyes look like under those sunglasses. I pondered to myself but quickly shook my head. Lily, now is not the time to flirt with the hot guy who spilled coffee on you. Remember you said no boyfriends for a while.

"Uh Ma'am here is your drink. Do you need some help?" The guy behind the counter spoke, looking me up and down. With a quick glance around I noticed we had caused quite a scene. Opening my mouth I went to answer but got interrupted.

"That's okay I got it." The guy flashed a swoon worthy smile at the barista, grabbed my drink before turning towards me. "Come on." With a gentle hand he grabbed my elbow and started steering me towards the exit.

It was like my body had a mind of its own. I let him lead me out of the coffee shop and down the street before I I realized what I was doing. Planting my heels into the ground I yanked my arm free of his grip.

"As nice as it is that you want to help me I don't even know you." We finally came to a stop, the guy glancing down at me. "How do I know you aren't some serial killer that wants to chop my body into little pieces?"

I didn't miss the smirk starting to grow on his face.

"I assure you I am not a serial killer."

I looked him up and down trying to see if he was telling the truth. I've had a horrible dating record. Sure I wasn't planning on asking the guy out or anything but I seemed to attract the weirdos.

"What's your name then?"

"James. Yours?"


"Well Lily, I am going to get you a change of clothing."

"Seriously I am fine." I couldn't let him buy me clothes. "It's just a little bit of coffee."

"I can't in good conscious let you go home looking like that. So you either come along willingly to get some new clothes or I will carry you there. What's it going to be?"

The way James looked at me I instantly knew he would carry me to get clothes whether I liked it or not. I knew absolutely nothing about this man but I knew he was use to getting his way.

I continued on staring him down trying to decide if I should go with him or not. Getting out of these gross clothes sounded really appealing but I wasn't sure about James. He looked really out of place with his baseball cap and dark sunglasses. This was New York though so no one was giving us a second glance.

A part of me was telling me not to do it. To just get in a cab, go home, and forget about this whole encounter. But the other part of me was intrigued. There was something about this guy that drew me. It could be the mysterious vibe with the whole cap and sunglasses thing. Whatever it is I found myself wanting to say yes.

What could it hurt? The worst thing is I get some new clothes. James stood there with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Fine." I huffed. "But only because I want to get out of these clothes."

"Perfect." He flashed me a blinding white smile. Dramatically he stepped to the side and gestured for me to go first. I shook my head but found myself smiling.

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