Always Have, Always will

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Corazon x Reader

He lifted a finger, as you stiffened and turned. His eyes scanned you behind his sunglasses. Your (E/C) eyes avoided eye contact looking to the floor. Your (H/C) hair was done up in a pony tail. As you were stripped of your clothes and dressed in the most skimpiest maid outfit across the grandline. He chuckled earning your brief attention. Doflamingo pulled on his pink feathered coat and stood up. He loomed over you with a grin and a dirty look behind his sunglasses. Your eyes followed him as he walked around you in your new maid outfit. He chuckled once more.
"Perfect." He said.
You were pulled off your old island by Doflamingo. On your way to the store. But it ended up in kidnapping and now here you stood in Doflamingos office. You didn't know why you were here. But. You assumed it was important. The doors opened as you both turned to a little girl with tears in her eyes.
"Young Master! Corazon threw another kid out of the window again!" She said.
He chuckled, "Did you give him hot tea again?"
She nodded.
"Then you deserved it."
"That's so mean!"
"Alright bring him in here, I have a gift for him."
There eyes narrowed to you, you gulped under there gaze. She nodded before shutting the doors and heading off. You turned to Doflamingo as he took his seat back.
"Young, master. Um. Why am I here?" You asked.
"Your here to watch the kids, and bare my brothers children." He smirked.
Your eyes widened, "Hi-his what?!"
He laughed, "Don't worry, he's gentle. But. I wouldn't be on your feet a few days afterward."
You gulped as the door opened, Corazon tumbled in. You watched him roll onto the floor, once he stopped tumbling he flopped on his back. You snickered before going up to him. Holding out your hand the man glanced up to you before taking your hand. You helped him up as he brushed himself off. You watched him pull out a little stack of papers from his breast pocket. He flipped through the papers before he lit up to one. He smiled turning the paper to you.
You nodded, "Of course, are you alright?"
He nodded before turning to Doflamingo. A shit eating grin was spread cross his face.
"Corazon, this is (Y/N) she will be your. Assistant." He said.
He glanced to you, and smiled softly. Then turned to Doflamingo. Your face furrowed as his shoulder broke out in a small fire. You gasped looking around before grabbing a small vase with a few flowers inside. You grabbed it taking the flowers out and pouring the water onto his shoulder. You sighed in relief as Corazon turned to you. He gave you a sweet grin having you smile back. But when you turned to Doflamingo he had a frown on his face.
"You better be cleaning that up." He said.
"Y-yes young master." You said.
You left the room filling the vase with water and set it on the counter in the bathroom before looking for towels. There was a knock on the door as you turned to Corazon. He pulled out his wet stack of papers and flipped through them.
"Oh no! I'm sorry I didn't-"
'Can I help?'
You smiled, "Sure. I can also rewrite you new notes if you want."
He shook his head as he pulled out a fat note pad from his coat pocket. But he sneezed, you gasped getting up with some towels. You handed him one.
"Why don't you get dried off or you'll catch a cold." I said.
He nodded taking it, he smiled to you having your heart flutter. You blushed slightly taking your leave. Corazon stood watching you leave. You headed to Doflamingo's office and started to clean up the spilled water. You could feel his eyes on you as you started to clean up the water mess. There was a low chuckle having you turn to Doflamingo running his long tongue across his teeth and lips.
"Welcome, to the Donquixote family." He chuckled.
It's been some time now, you and Corazon were getting along well. Hell, he kidnapped you and Law to go look for a doctor. You knew Corazon could talk since he told you he loved you fairly recently. Law was asleep beside you as you stroked through his hair. You looked to Corazon sitting beside you looking at a map.
"It's, quiet." You said.
He hummed wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You rested your head on his shoulder still looking up at him.
"Corazon, have told you recently that I loved you?" You asked.
He chuckled putting the map down and looking to you, "I love you too. But it's a shame."
You furrowed as he tilted up his sunglasses.
"A shame?" You asked.
"Yeah, cause I love you more."
You smiled and nudged him, "Yeah right."
He chuckled pulling you closer and kissed your temple. Leaving a smudge of pink. He put his hand on your head.
"Get some rest. We have some time before we get to the island."
You nodded before pulling him down into a gentle kiss. He grinned pulling back and tilting up your chin.
"I love you so much." He said.
You smiled, "I love you too."
You rested against his shoulder once more before falling asleep. During the six months, you all bonded as a small family.
"Law look!" Corazon called.
You both turned as Corazon smashed a vase without making a sound. Law and you exchanged looks before turning back to the blonde.
"That's lame!" Law said.
"How about this?" Corazon asked.
Law looked up at you with the look of 'Please make him stop.' You chuckled as you and Law turned to Corazon shooting a bazooka and it didn't make a sound. Law still was unimpressed. But the fun ended when the den den moshi started to ring. Corazon picked it up and tapped on the receiver. You all exchanged looks as the face of the Den Den moshi formed. Doflamingo.
"Corazon, not having any luck hm? Pity. But I found the solution to our problems. I found a devil fruit. And I want you to eat it, since I trust you." Doflamingo spoke.
You all remained silent as Corazon tapped on the receiver once more. He chuckled as he told Corazon the location and where you will all meet up. Law and you gulped as Corazon hung up.
"What are we gonna do Cora-san?" Law asked.
He put his fist in his hand, "We'll just steal it. And then you can eat it Law. And everything will be okay. We all can run away and we can be a family."
You smiled, "Alright, let's do it."
Corazon held your hand as you all headed up the mountain. The snow was thick and crunched under your feet. You shuddered at the air clutching his hand tighter. Corazon turned to you before he smiled as you all made it to the small town. Corazon took you and Law to a cabin. Law and you sat on the floor covered up in your coat. Corazon knelt down to you two and smiled.
"Don't worry, I'll be back." He grinned.
And with soft kisses Corazon bolted from the cabin. Law looked up to you, he was slightly warm with a fever and he had white spots blotched around his face. It was upsetting. You and Corazon wanted so much for Law to live. He was a sweet boy, it was upsetting watching him die. You held him close stroking his hair as tears pricked the corner of your eyes.
"Hang in there honey. We'll make it out." You said.
He smiled up to you nuzzling into your chest. You and Law fell asleep some time later only to be awoken to Corazon opening the door. You both perked up groggy and half asleep. He showed off the devil fruit and grinned.
"Law look!" He said.
Before Law could have a say in eating it. Corazon LITERALLY shoved it down his throat. Law looked up to him. He grinned before they embraced. You rested back on your hands looking up at them. But the moment was cut short as you all headed out to not get caught. But Doflamingo was hot on your trail. You lost Corazon and Law as you were trudging behind. But. Once you saw blood. Your pace picked up following the trail to Corazon lying against a box. You gasped going up to him as he looked up to you.
"(Y/N), sorry I should of waited for you." He said.
You smiled, but then noticed the whole Donquixote family. You clutched Corazon as Doflamingo made the scene. Corazon held you close as you watched him stop before the both of you.
"Whatever happens, know. I love you." Corazon smiled.
"I love you too, I always have." You smiled back.
You suddenly felt your body getting up, moving on it's own. As you approached Doflamingo. You stood beside him as you noticed his fingers flicking with each of your movements. Your eyes widened as Doflamingo pulled out a gun and pointed it to Corazon. Tears pricking the corners of your eyes and you couldn't move from beside him.
"Corazon!" You cried.
Then, gunfire. Blood. And the nightmare you couldn't wake up from. You cried out Corazon's name begging Doflamingo to stop. Your plea's had him turn to you as he put the gun away and he scooped you up. You were thrown over his shoulder and glanced back up to Corazon. You cried out to him once more and pounded against Doflamingo's back. Begging once more to let you go. But. This time he wasn't gonna let up. As you watched the snow change to red and the life drain from Corazon's body.
That was thirteen years ago. You were locked away in a room. Where it locked from the outside. And a chain was bond to your ankle. You were now. Donquixote (Y/N). The queen of Dressrosa. Doflamingo married you ten years ago as you died inside. The light drained from you, all the hope died from your eyes, and love stopped existing in your heart. You sat before the mirror, dressed in expensive clothes, and a large diamond on your hand. Something caught your attention at the window. You turned and got up. Heading over to the window and noticed a black feather sitting outside just between the bars of the window. You smiled and opened the window, reaching out and grabbing the feather. You placed it in your hair and smiled touching it.
"Corazon." You smiled, "I always will."

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