Time is on Our Side

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Smoker x Reader
(Female reader)

You sailed into the night with your crew. They slept in the rooms beside yours snoring slightly next to you. But something was off. There was a soft creak. You snapped open your eyes. Something wasn't right. You sat up scanning your room, everything fine and sitting well. You sat there for a moment, just listening. There was a another slight creak having you jump to your feet pull on your boots and grab your flintlock. Your brows knitted as you carefully opened your door. You poked your head out into the dark hallway. Scanning around, everything seemed fine. But. Something was itching at you. You stuck to the walls before you set out onto the deck. Slowly opening the door and climbing up carefully. In the distance you noticed a figure sitting on a barrel polishing there sword. You raised your gun to them before you sighed and holstered your weapon.
You walked to the dark blue haired man who turned to you. He was the first member on your crew. Just as strong as Roronoa Zoro, but one less sword.
"Oh hey Cap." He said.
"You scared me, I thought someone was ambushing the ship." You said crossing your arms.
He furrowed, "I haven't moved from this spot for the past two hours."
His golden eyes glanced to behind you, your hand slowly reached to your flintlock glancing behind you. Dylen slowly stood before he chuckled.
"Your boyfriends here." He said.
You gritted your teeth, "He's not my boyfriend."
"Whatever you say Cap, just keep it down. The crew is asleep."
You turned to Smoker standing on deck, Dylen walked by him and patted his shoulder. Smokrt glared at Dylen's hand that rested on his shoulder.
"I'm not scared of you anymore, after the tenth time you found us. I kinda liked you." He chuckled.
Dylen waved off before heading into the ship. You crossed your arms pursing your lips.
"Stubborn boy, he's always putting his nose in my business." You huffed crossing your arms.
"I snuck aboard your ship two days ago, I'm taking you in this time." Smoker said.
"I'd like to see you try. We can relive the first time we met, with me flashing you. Oh! And your nose exploded in blood!"
He growled, "I told you not to bring that up."
You both reached for your weapons drawing them out. You pointed your gun at him pulling back the trigger.
"I will kill you." You said.
"I'd like to see you try." He smirked.
You, hesitated gun shaking in your grip. Guilt washing over your being, you couldn't kill him. You loved him. And you knew he loved you too. This game of cat and mouse was just a way of seeing each other. Then we can be together once more. You dropped the gun as Smoker sheathed his jitte. You looked up at him and sighed tapping your foot three times. Then. The world went still. No waves splashing up on the ship, no wind taking the sails, everything was trapped in time. You also were a devil fruit user, the power to stop and slow time. The trick you always would escape the marines. But in this time, titles didn't matter. You weren't a pirate and Smoker wasn't a marine. You walked up to Smoker who was frozen in time. You cupped his cheeks before kissing hims softly. You smiled pulling back as You two embraced clutching onto each other for dear life. Smoker's lips kissed your exposed skin. As his fingers combed through your (H/C) hair.
"(Y/N), god I missed you." He muttered.
"Likewise." You hummed.
He pulled back and cupped your cheeks before kissing you gently. You hummed kissing back wrapping your arms around his neck. Deepening the kiss wanting more. But he pulled back. You smiled gazing up at him.
"How could you, the pirate hater, fall for a pirate?" You asked.
"I didn't, you came onto me." He growled.
"Then why are you back?"
He blushed slightly pursing his lips. You giggled kissing him again. You pulled back and smiled.
"You know, we are long over due for some fun." You smirked.
He frowned, "What kind of fun? My kind or yours?"
You giggled once more, "Yours."
He smirked, "Then lead the way."
You lead him down below the deck to your room. He looked around your room seeing you have added some new books to your collection, trinkets, and some shells from different islands. You loved the shells, he would bring you some when he saw you again. He rummaged in his pocket pulling out a clam shell and placed it with the others.
"You brought me another shell?" You asked.
He walked over to the book shelf, "I found it when I was on the shores of the west blue."
You smiled and watched him pull a book off the shelf. He cocked a brow to the title.
'Two Single Hearts.'
"I thought it was interesting, something about romance with demons." You said.
"Stupid title." He muttered.
He placed it back and turned to you sitting on your bed. You patted the spot next to you as he smirked, he was on you pinning you down to the bed. His lips on yours as your fingers tangled in his hair. His hand trailing down to your shorts and tugging at them slightly. Lust was washing over both of you as your skin became heated and less and less clothes were on. This was his kind of fun.
Once the morning broke you sat up finding yourself alone. Your devil fruit only lasted when you were awake. Once you fell asleep, time would resume like it wasn't caught in your trap. You sighed pulling on your clothes and sat before the mirror brushing your (H/C) hair. You noticed the shell and picked it up. It wasn't a shell. It was a plastic shell. You furrowed noticing a gold latch on the front. You flicked it open before opening the shell. You gasped dropping it and covering your mouth. Tears pricking the corners of your eyes. You reached for it and opened it once more. Inside was a silver ring sitting inside. You picked it up noticing a note. You picked it up and set the shell aside. You unfolded the letter and smiled.
'I'm a marine and your a pirate. They say you can't help who you fall in love with. Then I punch them. They are right, and I hate it. But, in our case. I want there to more then just what we are. So, Marry me?' -Vice Admiral Smoker.
You smiled slipping the ring on, "I wouldn't want anything less."

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