Impatient Daddy

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(Female reader)

Zoro x Pregnant Reader

Zoro pursed his lips tapping his foot outside of the sick bay. He was growing impatient. Is wife was going into labor in a matter of minutes. And all he could do was sit outside. He would shift occasionally and tap his sword, or cross his arms and glare at the door. He would perk up when Chopper came out, he tried to get a look inside but the door shut to quickly. He watched Chopper go back inside with a bowl of water. Then go back to impatiently waiting. The crew was worried for your sake. Hoping you would make it out okay. Of course you would, you were strong. Strong enough to catch Zoro's attention and ALMOST beat him in a drinking contest. But. That didn't stop Zoro from falling in love with you. Sure you were more brain then brawn. But. That's one thing Zoro fell in love with. When you two were separated for the two years. He worked harder to protect you from any harm for you, or the baby. And on the spot when you two reunited you were wed.
He turned to Robin who took his arm and looked to the door.
"How does it feel, being a father?" She asked.
"I'm not one yet." Zoro grumbled turning back to the door.
"Why don't we go and relax. She is in good hands. Don't you trust our doctor?"
Zoro sighed glancing back to the door, "But I have to be there when she needs me."
"I know, but. She hasn't even gone into labor yet. So it will be hours before she needs you."
Zoro then complied as Robin took him away from the door. Luffy bounded over and climbed onto his back.
"Zoro, can I be the uncle?" Luffy asked.
He smirked, "Sure Luffy."
Luffy grinned as they did there best to distract Zoro. With stories, booze and spending time with him. But occasionally he turned to the sick bay. Sanji leaned against the railing smoking a cigarette.
"She's gone into Labor." Sanji said.
The crew turned when Sanji cringed to your cries breaking through the door. Zoro was about to bolt to the door but Luffy held him back. Wrapping his arms around his body to keep him still. He struggled to get to you but Luffy and the crew held him back. For it was your wish for him not to be there. They followed what you wanted by keeping Zoro out of the way. So you could focus on giving the baby and not worrying about your husband. Zoro then sat down looking at the door. He felt weak knowing he couldn't help.
"(Y/N)." He muttered.
Sanji clutched the railing as your screams broke through the door. Knowing he couldn't help a woman at this time.
"Marimo! This is your fault!" Sanji barked.
"Sanji this isn't the time. You can fight Zoro later." Nami said.
"Yes Nami-swan!" Sanji sang.
"Why don't we all call it a night. She needs to focus." Robin said.
The crew did. Zoro lied in his hammock rocking softly looking up to the bottom of Sanji's hammock. He tossed over peaking over to Zoro who perked up when he turned to him.
"You okay?" Sanji asked.
"I'm not the one you should be asking." Zoro sighed.
"You want to hold my hand?"
"What good will that do?"
Sanji shrugged, "Thought it would help."
He lied on his stomach and reached down to Zoro's level. He hesitated before taking the cooks hand. Sanji smiled softly.
"Is it a boy or a girl?"
Zoro shrugged, "I hope it's a girl."
"Me too."
Zoro glared at him, "Touch my daughter and I'll cut you in two."
"Yeah you wish."
They were silent for a moment with soft smiles on there faces. Sanji noticed how exhausted Zoro was. He must of been up for a few days thinking of the baby wondering when they were coming.
"I'll make you a deal." Sanji said.
Zoro glanced up to him, "I'm listening."
"I'll stay up and wait for Chopper while you get some sleep. But. You can't take the good Sake for two weeks."
Zoro grinned, "Thanks. But. After the first week I'm gonna steal it."
Sanji rolled his eyes, "Go to sleep you moron."
"Thanks, cook."
Zoro tossed over as Sanji lied on his back. He did as he promised and waited the night. But. Once the crack of dawn broke. Chopper trotted in. Sanji perked up and smiled.
"How is she?" Sanji asked.
"She wants to see Zoro."
Sanji turned to Zoro and kicked him out of his hammock. Zoro fell with a thump and glared up to Sanji.
"She wants to see you." Sanji said.
Zoro's anger subsided before he got up and bolted to the sick bay. But once he got to the door he hesitated slightly. He took a breath and opened the door. When you perked up. Zoro smiled seeing your (H/C) hair tousled and your (E/C) eyes exhausted. He slowly approached as his good eye flicked to the small being suckling upon your breast. Zoro took your side taking your hand and kissing it gently. You gave out a soft giggle.
"How are you?" Was all he could say.
You giggled once more, "Well, I'm alright. And she is doing very well."
He perked up to that and grinned, the baby girl he always wanted. Once she was done you covered yourself before turning to Zoro.
"You can hold her if you want." You said.
Zoro nodded slowly. You gracefully placed the little baby girl in his strong arms. He smiled looking to the girl as you removed the blanket around her face.
"Well, she has my eyes, and smile, while she has your hair and..."
Her eyes opened looking up at Zoro, but she furrowed looking just like her father. Zoro chuckled to her scowling face.
"Your scowl." You giggled.
Zoro looked up to you as her tiny hand reached to Zoro's finger.
"She's beautiful." Zoro said, "What's her name?"
He glanced up to you, propped up against the pillow. You moved a strand of hair away from your face.
"I was thinking," you started, "Loulee."

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