Baby Me

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A/N: Wiper, Ace, or Rayleigh. Pick your poison.

(Wiper x Reader)

You lied in some clouds. Your fingers plucked away pedals from a flower whispering.

"He loves me." You smiled.

You plucked the golden pedal from the flower before dropping it.

"He loves me not." You frowned.

You tossed away the unlucky pedal before you got to the last pedal. Smiling softly to yourself you plucked the pedal and held it close to your heart.

"He loves me." You muttered.

Shutting your eyes as your smile grew. The sun beat down upon your skin. Heating it and giving you warmth and happiness. Until a shadow made you frown. You opened your eyes to see him. Wiper. He stood above you with a deep frown. You groaned sitting up and resting back on your hands.

"And here comes the stick in the mud." You said.

"What the hell do you think your doing out by yourself?" He barked.

"Come on, I'm not a baby I can take care of myself."

"I don't trust anything out here. You could of been killed, kidnapped, or even taken away by Enel."

"Why do you treat me like a baby?!"

"Because I know you can't handle anything by yourself."

"Oh yeah?!"


He crossed his arms, as you turned away pursing his lips.

"Let's head back to the tribe. Before Enel finds us and kills us both."

"Why should I? I've been sitting here just fine until you showed up."

He groaned rubbing his temples, "(Y/N) I'm about to drag you there myself."

"Touch me and I'll scream."


He slumped down in the cloud beside you.

"If your not moving then neither am I."

You watched as he took the bazooka off his back and lied it beside him. But. The clouds caught your eyes. They were a mixture of purples, blues and pinks. You smiled sitting to the edge of the cloud and leaning over it. Getting a better view of the colors.

"Your gonna fall if you keep leaning out that far." Wiper said.

And. The moment was ruined. You turned to Wiper as his eyes were shut and kicked back on the cloud.

"YoUR goNnA FaLl iF YoU KEep LeaNinG OuT ThAt FaR." You mocked.

"I heard that." Wiper grunted.

You rolled your eyes turning back to the colors then you lost your grip on the cloud and stumbled off the cloud. You screamed as Wiper caught your ankle. You held down your leaf skirt as you turned to him. He was resting on the palm of his hand as his other hand held your ankle.

"What did I say?" He asked.

"Shut up." You grumbled.

He pulled you up onto the cloud and sat hip to hip with you. Making sure you didn't fall again. You rested back on your hands turning to the colorful sky.

"Why are you out here?" He asked.

"Just thinking." You said.

"And you think out here?"

"It's beautiful and quiet."

You looked to the pedal in your hand earning his attention.

"What's that?"

"Nothing. Just a silly flower pedal."

It blew away in the wind before you pulled another out of your hair. He watched you smell the soft pink flower before you held it in your delicate hands. He heard you whisper before plucking off the first pedal. One after another they blew away before the last one resided. He watched a smile grow on your face while you whispered one last time. Plucking away the pedal you held it close.

Wiper cracked a smile as your eyes shut looking up to the warmth of the sun. Oh. He heard you. He heard you whisper your wish of 'him' loving you. Knowing exactly who he was.

He tilted your chin towards him before kissing you softly. Your breath hitched before you kissed back. He pulled away and scoffed turning away.

"I think we should head back. I don't want the others to worry." He said.

You nuzzled closer, "But. I'm with the great and powerful Wiper. He'll protect me."

You wrapped your arms around his waist resting your head on his shoulder. He sighed resting his head on yours and wrapping an arm around your middle.

"Five. Five more minutes." He said.

(Wheezing) I think I'm funny. And I need more Wiper in my life. {Nudge nudge wink wink}

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