What He Don't Know

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(Killer x Reader)

You gasped clutching onto Killer as he grunted. Both of you panted as he pulled away. Both of your bodies slick with sweat and bodily fluids. Killer slumped to your form earning a soft giggle from your lips. You rubbed your leg against his hip while your hands went through his hair. You hummed kissing his cheek.

"Damn. I'm spent." Killer grumbled, "I still can't hold back when I'm with you."

You snapped your fingers as the purple orb disappeared.

"I feel we have a few listening ears." You whispered.

You and Killer turned to the door before Killer chuckled getting up. You watched as he dressed himself before you pulled on your nightgown. Killer went to the door snapping it open as Wire and Heat bolted from the door. You and Killer chuckled as you picked up his helmet.

"I wish you didn't have to go." You said.

He chuckled, "I will be back tonight. Once Kidd falls asleep."


You both turned to Kidd in the doorway. Killer put on his helmet noticing Wire and Heat behind him.

"What the hell are you doing in my sisters room?" Kidd growled.

"I uh. I-"

"I was brushing his hair." You spoke up.

They turned to you holding a hair brush.

"Then why was it so quiet in here?" Kidd hissed.

"Do you want me to brush your flaming hair?" You cocked a brow.

He winced, "Alright I get it."

Kidd turned to Killer and jabbed him in the chest.

"Try any funny business and I'll personally make sure your swimming with the fishes." Kidd huffed.

Then turned and walked away. You clicked your tongue and went to brush your hair. Wire and Heat grumbled walking away as Killer soon followed after.

Later that night you sat behind him brushing through his hair. He sat on the bed in his boxers looking up at the ceiling. You pulled his hair up onto a pony tail and smiled.

"Okay all done." You smiled.

He turned to you as you brushed away his bangs. The matted scars and brown and blue eye was what stared back at you. You smiled cupping his face and kissed him softly. He pulled back and sighed cupping your face and smiled softly to you.

"Why did it have to be you?" He sighed.

You shrugged, "I know. I want to tell Kidd. But. I'm worried what he will say. What he will do."

Killer embraced you as you embraced back burying your face into his chest.

"I know." He sighed, "I know."

You and Killer soon fell asleep holding each other close. In the middle of the night Wire and Heat creaked open the door. Killer was glaring at them as they poked there heads in the room. They snuck into your room as Killer slowly got up. They opened your dresser drawer earning your attention. You sat up as Killer grabbed them. You screamed earning everyone's attention. Kidd dashed into the room and flicked on the light. Killer held Wire and Heat in a head lock as you held the blanket up to your form.

"What's going on?" Kidd frowned.

"I caught these two going through (Y/N) drawers." Killer said.

"(Y/N) go back to sleep. I'll take care of this."

You nodded as Killer lead them out of the bedroom and down the hall.

The following morning you woke up and got dressed. You went to the kitchen and started breakfast. Little did you know you had company. A hand trailed up your thigh trailing into your jean skirt. You turned to Killer with a proud smirk on his face.

"Doesn't your hero get some type of reward?" He purred.

You giggled, "Not now. Maybe later."

He grumbled pulling away and leaned against the counter. You smirked pulling a key from your back pocket.

"I got us a hotel room. But we'd have to do things when Kidd and the others are out. You know him, he'd have a cow if anyone but him shared a room with me." You said.

"Yeah I know. That's fine. We'll make an excuse to go off together."

The both of you nodded before the guys docked the ship. You grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder then headed up onto the deck.

"Alright boys. Kidd and I are going to share a room while you guys share another room." You said holding up three keys.

They took them as you held your one and only key for your room.

"Now I'm off to do a little shopping since half of my clothes seem to disappear." You said.

Then walked off to he island. Killer fidgeted watching you strut off. That earned Kidd's attention.

"Killer, you alright? You seemed to fidget as (Y/N) left." Kidd hissed.

"I realized I better go with her. You never know who could be out there."

Kidd hummed, "Right go on ahead."

Killer nodded going off to follow you. Kidd crossed his arms as Wire and Heat glanced to each other.

"So what about us captain?" Wire asked.

"Go find groceries for the ship. I have a little, personal work to do." Kidd said.

They nodded as Kidd went off. He headed to the hotel and stopped at the front desk. He got an extra key for the room before heading up to the room. He stepped in inside seeing it was empty. He smirked shutting the door and went to take a luxurious bath.

You pushed open the door seeing it was empty. You motioned Killer inside as the two of you headed inside. You locked the door before pushing Killer down on a bed. Lifting his helmet your lips crashed. Teeth and tongue meshed as his rough hands gripped your rear. You moaned softly before pulling back and pulling off your shirt.

Kidd perked up to a soft squeaking outside of the room.

"The hell?" He grunted.

He got up wrapping a towel around his hips before leaving the bathroom. You gasped clutching onto Killers skin having him grunt.

"Killer." You said.

"Why are you so tense? Rela-"

"You might want to run."


"Killer run."

He snapped over to Kidd before the both of you grew pale. If you could see Kidd's anger. You'd see his hair caught on fire and a burning look in his eyes.

"Your dead." Kidd growled.

It took a while for Kidd to calm down. Like four to six hours. Killer and you sat naked wrapped in the blanket of the bed.

"Kidd. I didn't mean for you to-"

"Oh you didn't mean to have sex? What happened your clothes slipped off and you tripped and fell on Killers dick?!" Kidd barked.

"I didn't mean for you to find out this way. When we were at the summer island two years ago. Killer and I just bonded. After a while we started sleeping together but not out of-"

"You've been sleeping together for two years?! You've fucked my vice captain for two years behind your own brothers back?!"

"Would you just listen?!" You barked.

Kidd shut up for a minute.

"I love him Kidd. Wouldn't you rather have me be in love with your best friend instead of some punk ass pirate like Law or Luffy? We didn't know how to tell you without you overreacting. Or exploding."

Kidd sighed sitting between the two of you. He turned to Killer gripping his ear and tugged him.

"You love her?" He hissed.


Kidd let go, "Good. Then. This is okay. I don't care if you see my sister. I trust you Killer."

But he grew a dark and twisted look, "If I find out about you fucking my sister again. I will not hesitate to break your skull."

You giggled, "Can Killer stay with us tonight then?"

"Fine. I'm going to finish my bath."

Kidd stormed off to the bathroom before slamming the door. You and Killer embraced before exchanging soft kisses.

"Let's be a bit quieter this time." He said.

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