Dead Girl Walking

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A/N: I'm sorry. (Sobbing) I did another song fic. Dead girl walking from Heathers. I found this song last night and this is what happened. Also! Give me requests! I'm dying here.

Smoker x reader

Shackled and chained, you were dragged into a marine base. You had a gag tied around your mouth. Since you were a devil fruit user. Who could sing a lovely tune, or screech so loud shattering glass or shattering the ears of your enemies. Your eyes caught a pair of Amber. His eyes had a hint of pain in them. Earning you to smirk. Smoker stood on the second ledge. Other Marines stopped to the young marine bringing in such a terrifying woman.

"(Y/N) the siren of the seas. Has been captured and is ready to take to Impel Down." The marine who held your chains said.

You staggered back trying to get the gag off. The marines took there attention to you as you struggled to get the gag off.

"Take that off her!" Smoker barked.

You glanced up to him, he knew you wouldn't of gone down without a request. They untied your gag as you stepped up to Smoker. You glanced up to him on the second floor.

"What do you want (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Sengoku has decreed it, 8 A.M. I will be deleted. Taken six levels down in Impel down."

"Yes I know." He said, "Where are you going with this."

"You know I can get out of here with just a change in my pitch. I can escape with one of your ships and sail back to my crew waiting for me." You said.

He cocked a brow you still haven't answered his question.

"I only have 30 hours to live Smoker. But I have an option you might like." You grinned.

He furrowed to this, "What do you mean?"

"I need you hard, I'm a dead girl walking." You cried.

The marines howled as Smoker tried not to blush. You grinned to this.

"I'm in your base, I'm a dead girl walking. Before they punch my clock, I'm snapping off your-"

"Oi!" He barked.

You giggled turning to the marines laughing and hooting for Smoker to 'Get it on.' You turned back to Smoker clutching the railing of the second story.

"See I decided I want to ride you until I break you. Since Sengoku says I gotta go, your my last meal on death row. So shut your mouth and help me out of these clothes." You said.

"Shut up!" He cried.

"Tonight I'm yours, I'm your dead girl walking! Get on all fours and kiss this dead girl walking." You sang.

"Stop talking!" He barked.

He jumped down before you grabbing your jaw. But that smile still stayed on your face.

"Don't be embarrassed, allot of pirate women want to do you. I just wanted to do it first." You hummed.

He growled pushing you away.

"Let's make this beautiful! You sang .

"Stop talking! Take her away!"

Your chain was being pulled back as you stumbled to keep your ground. Smoker stood arms crossed and proud. But you could still break him.

"Take this dead girl walking!" You cried.

"How did you even know I was here?" He asked.

"Lets break the bed, rock this dead girl walking!"

"Stop talking!" He barked.

"There will be no sleep for you, so have a tankard or two. Get your ass in gear and make this base disappear. Slap me, pull my hair, touch me here and there. Then I'll stop talking! So love this dead girl walking!" You sang.

"Fine! If it will shut you up!" He barked.

You grinned as Smoker approached you. Removing your chain and adding cuffs to your wrists. Smoker's face was a soft pink as you purred next to him. The marines whispered softly as you two walked the halls. He opened a door and shoved you in. You stumbled inside falling to your face.  You grumbled glancing over to Smoker.

"Love you too." You grumbled.

He shut the door as you helped yourself up. Smoker had removed one cuff from your wrist before he walked over to the door. He swung it open having marines scramble.

"Get out of here you perverts!" He barked.

You snorted a laugh as he shut the door and shrugged off his coat.

"You didn't have to do that." He said.

"Your right, I wanted to." You hummed resting back on your hands.

"Now the whole base will-"

"Here we go again. You going on about your reputation again."


"You always bitch and moan when I sneak into the base. Always worried someone will catch us. But have they? Besides. Fucking a marine vice admiral is the best way to go."

He grumbled, "I guess your right."

Smoker approached you cuffing the other cuff to his wrist. You leaned up and kissed him softly. It was longing, missing, and loving. Tongue darted out across your lips earning you to snap away. You blushed softly as Smoker was only inches away from you. His voice slightly horse from barking at you.

"I missed this." He gave a horse whisper.

You smiled as your free hand wrapped around his neck and ran your hand though his hair.

"Kiss me." He whispered.

You bit your lip looking over him as he licked his lips.


You hummed giving in. You knew how to push his buttons. In all the right ways. Earning him to open a side he never shows anyone.

You hummed running your hands through his hair. His head rested on your chest. Both taking a break, after almost ten rounds. Lucky Smoker had replaced the cuffs without sea prism stone. You embraced him.

"I'm going to miss you." You said.

"Yeah. I know." He sighed.

You pulled back, "What do you mean?"

Smoker lifted both of your hands as he unlocked the cuffs and let your wrist go. But. He locked the other to the bedpost.

"I'd hate to see you disappear." He said.

"Smoker." You muttered.

"Get out of here while you still can."

You kissed him before embracing him and got dressed. You unlocked the window and turned to Smoker.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you loved me." You winked.

"Get out of here before I call for help." He hissed.

"I love you too, Smokey." You winked and hopped out the window.

Then you disappeared into the night.

But every once in a while you would give Smoker a gift, or something to let him know you were doing alright.

He shrugged off his coat and walked into his room. He flicked on the light and sitting on his desk was a box. Nicely wrapped, long and thin. He glanced around shutting his door and then walked over to it. He sat in his desk and opened the box. Inside was ladies underwear. It was silver and had gems on it. He frowned.

"Perverts." He growled.

"Dear (Y/N),"

He stiffened. You stepped out of the darkness of his room with a few letters.

"Where did you-"

"I just wanted to check up on you-"

You glanced up to him flicking through another letter. You glanced down to the second.

"I know it's stupid, I've probably written this a million times."

"Oi! You werent-" 

"I've noticed your bounty has gone up."

He sighed as you continued.

"I'm glad I let you go. It's good to see your face in the paper."

You flipped to the last letter.

"I love you."

It was quiet, you held the letters close to your chest.

"Why didn't you send these? I would of loved to hear from you." You said.

"I was having a hard time trying to find the right words."

You turned the last letter around facing him. All it said was, 'Dear (Y/N), I love you.' You cocked a brow.

"Why are you here?"

"I can't drop by? Have a little fun. What do you think the underwear is for?" 

He scoffed, "Should of known."

"But. That was before I found the five bounties in your room. And another in your coat breast pocket."

"Shut up!"

You walked over to him setting the letters on the desk and straddled his hips.

"I don't want to know why there's a poster by your bed. But I figured maybe you would want the real thing." You hummed.

His hands roamed to your ass, "Your right."

You both grinned before. Well you know.

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