One More Time

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A/N: Songfic anyone? One More Time by Jon Bellion. I don't know why I love song fics so much. But. I do. But enjoy. Also, your older then 18 your "Father." Just treats you like a kid. That's all

Shanks x Reader also, Garp's Daughter (Lemon)
(Wow, that's a long title)

You stood by the door as your current boyfriend was being chewed out by your father. Your gaze never leaving the red haired man as he rubbed the back of his neck. His shirt was off and belt unbuckled. You both had been caught on the verge of making love. Is what he would call it. By none other then your father.

You didn't have a mother since she up and left you leaving you on your current father's doorstep. So he was always rough on you. But it was because he loved you. And because you were his only daughter. Garp babied you, having Dragon grow jealous sometimes. But he still took you in as his sister. Once Dragon moved out you were stuck with Garp until you found a job or somewhere to stay.

Then again that was before you met your current boyfriend. Shanks. Once Garp found out you've been dating a criminal. Well not so much. He stole some things but they were meaningless. Along with him being a gang member. You didn't mind since Shanks didn't get you into his business. But that didn't slip past your father. He wanted only the best for his daughter. And apparently it wasn't Shanks.

He still stood as your father spit and cussed at him. You glanced to the man before back at Shanks. He trembled slightly since he's never seen this side of him before.

"I'll break your legs if you ever come around again." He barked.

Then slammed the door. He turned to you and went into full mother hen mode. He checked your body for marks he left on you. But Shanks never left any. He sighed in relief before embracing you.

"I'm glad I came home or that. Monster would of hurt my girl." He said.

You looked up to the gray haired man. A scar matted around his eye and always kept his breast pocket full of rice crackers. You cocked a brow, a smirk spread to your lips, as you put your hands on your hips.

"Papa, I'm fine. I'm a grown woman, I can do adult things." You said.

"My daughter is innocent and tender. No red haired son of a bitch is going to-"

"I'll stay away, I promise." You spoke.

He bit into a rice cracker as you went off into your room. Garp sighed going to sit on the couch. He thought for a while then went to start something to eat. Once he finished he headed up into your room and poked his head in before he furrowed.

"(Y/N)?!" He cried.

You giggled as Shanks kissed your neck. Your fingers reached up to his chest as his hands slid down to your thighs.

"What happened to staying away from me?" Shanks smirked.

"I figured maybe one more time for the hell of it." You smirked.

He chuckled as you both resided in the back of his car. The air growing thick with lust. You both kissed softly as his hands wandered your body. Slowly you both removed clothing from each other's bodies. You pushed him back onto the seat as you straddled his hips.

"Oh, your taking the lead are you?" He smirked.

You chuckled, "I thought you liked it that way."

He bit his lip as his hands ran up to your thighs and slowly helped you down onto his cock. You stifled a moan as he entered you. He filled you wonderfully, thick, hard and hit all the right spots. You had a hard time not trying to take him right then and there. He hummed as you sat fully on his dick.

"You ride me so beautifully." He said.

You pressed your hands to his chest and started rhythm. Rolling your hips slowly as he gave out a satisfied groan. You moaned clawing at his chest. A smirk playing on your lips as you watched Shanks. Both of your eyes clouded with lust, but yours had a hint of satisfaction. You continued with the rhythm riding him slowly. Bouncing up and down, rolling your hips. Not missing one spot of your core. Shanks looked up to you and furrowed figuring out what you were doing. The same consistent pace was getting slow and he wanted more.

"What's wrong, is my pace too slow for you?" You asked.

He sneered at you as you rolled proudly on his cock.

"Beg. I want you to beg for more. I want to break you." You said.

"Oh, is that a treat or a promise?" He smirked.

"Beg Shanks, captain of the red haired gang."

You slammed down on him having him groan. He chuckled propping himself up on his elbows.

"Alright, alright. Please. Go faster, harder, break me." He said.

You smiled leaning down and kissing him. You picked up the pace, slamming down on him, clawing your nails into his chest. The knot in your stomach began to turn and pull each time you slammed down on him. He groaned rolling his head back. Before he grabbed your hips and slammed you down on his hips. Having you both release. You both panted softly as the car was fogged up. You sighed removing yourself from him and lied on him. Shanks panted softly as he kissed your head and brushed through your hair.

"I love you." You hummed.

"I love you too."

You hummed and patted his chest, "I'm telling Benn I broke you."

He stiffened.  

This went on for weeks, you snuck off into Shank's car. Where the two of you would make continuous love. Then fall asleep in the back of his car. You loved each other yes. Very much so. But. Garp, didn't care for any of this. You would claim you wouldn't see him anymore but. That was a lie upon a lie.

Shanks woke up as the sun started to shine into the car. You lied upon his chest sleeping softly. He brushed a strand of hair out of your face as you both lied naked in the backseat of his car. Shanks smirked running his hand down your back to your entrance. You batted your hand away glancing up at him.

"I have to go home or my father will kill us both."

There was a soft vibrating noise earning both of your attention. You reached for your phone and noticed you had ninety missed calls and about a hundred texts. All from your father. You chuckled tossing your phone to the floor and started dressing yourself. Shanks ruffled his hair and yawned as he watched you get dressed.

"You beautiful you know." He said.

"I know, you tell me that every day." You said.

"And I'll keep telling you for the rest of our lives."

"Shanks, we haven't even talked about marriage or anything like that. So don't get my hopes up."

"Then let's talk about it now."

You turned to him, "What do you mean?"

"You and me settle down and have a few kids. Live in a little house somewhere. Or we can travel around, jumping from town to town. Being my little gang wife. There are so many endless choices. Pick one and we'll do it."

You smiled buttoning your shirt, "That does sound nice. But what about my father? How are you ever going to win him over?"

"I'll think of something."

Then he smiled, one of those childish smiles that won over your heart. You chuckled and kissed his forehead. Little did he know. You had something, or someone, to help win over your father.

"Why is he here?" Garp barked.

Shanks and Garp currently sat on the couch. You fiddled with your hands biting your lip. Shanks saw how nervous you looked, but he didn't know why. Nor did Garp. For the past week, you've been getting sick, having weird cravings, sleeping all day, and mood swings. They both noticed but decided not to say anything. Both of them figured you would tell them when the time was right. And. They were right, it was time to tell them.

"I brought you two here because. I uh." You swallowed as tears formed in your eyes.

You hiccuped as the tears started to fall and your lip quivered. Shanks was about to get up but you stopped him. Garp and him exchanged looks as you held your ground. You sniffled taking a breath and calming yourself. It was hard for you for some reason. The mood swings not helping. Your mind was clouding over with negativity. You had to try, so you did.

"I know I'm an adult. I can take care of myself. So I'm not your little girl anymore. I love Shanks and he loves me. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me and. He gave me something I'm happy to have." You started.

They glanced to each other before back to you. You clutched your fists biting the inside of your cheek.

"I'm. Im pregnant." You sniffled.

The room was quiet, dead silent. If someone dropped a pen you could hear it. Garp and Shanks eyes were wide staring at you. Shanks slowly got off the couch and approached you. He cupped your cheeks staring into your eyes. He wiped away your tears flicking to both of your eyes. It took him a moment before he could form words.

"This isn't a joke, Benn didn't put you up to this?" Shanks asked.

You shook your head, "I'm serious. There's a little you in me."

Shanks fell to his knees staring at your stomach. He rolled up your shirt to your stomach and kissed it softly before embracing you. You giggled as he nuzzled his face into your tummy. His facial hair giving that extra scratch and tickle.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He grinned.

"Then, I'd be a grandpa?" Garp asked.

"Well, yes. You already have Luffy. But you'd have another-"

He laughed approaching you and hugging you. Shanks got up and grinned to Garp.

"Does this mean I can call you dad now?" He asked.

"Call me that, and I'll make your death look like an accident."


He huffed pulling back and smiling.

"I can finally throw a baby shower." He grinned.

You pursed your lips, "That's a few months before the baby comes."

But, you figured he wasn't listening when he got lost in the moment. Going to the phone and calling your brother Dragon. You sighed and shook your head as you turned to Shanks. He smiled with a gleam in his eye.

"So. I was thinking."

"You tend to do that allot." You said.

"Ha! You think your so funny, " Shanks started, you rolled your eyes crossing your arms, "But anyway. How about we have a little wedding. Invite a few friends, plain and simple. Then later on once the baby comes we can throw a huge wedding to renew our vows and a big party."

You chuckled, "That doesn't sound too awful bad."

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" He grinned.

You shrugged "I'm not that far along Shanks. But I'll find out in a few months."

"Oh." His smile faded, as his lips pressed into a line slightly disappointed.

"Did you have a name in mind?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "I mean, I kinda liked Roger. Yah know since-"

"And if it's a girl?"

"Rose. I mean, if she has my scarlet red hair. And her mothers beautiful (E/C) eyes."

You snickered, "Shanks."

"Can't a man be honest?"

You kissed his cheek having him smile and embrace you.

"I'm really happy you told us, now your dad and I can get along he can welcome me into the family. You know." Shanks chuckled.

You both turned to Garp glaring at Shanks.

"One step at a time dear." You said.

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