Father to Be

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(Sanji x Pregnant reader)

The door was kicked open as you perked up. Sanji walked in holding three bags and set them on the floor. A large smile was on his face as he looked up to you. You shut your book as he crawled up to you and your swollen stomach. You giggled as he lifted your shirt and kissed your skin. He whispered kind and gentle words to the being dwelling in your stomach. He then looked up to you.

"I got some things." He said.

"Yes I know." You said, "I can tell."

He grabbed one of the bags pulling out baby clothes, little shoes, ribbons and bows, and all sorts of baby needs. Even a few baby cook books.

"Sanji. Relax." You said, "She won't be coming for another three weeks."

You watched as his face broke out in a wild grin. You gasped covering your mouth as he got up taking your hands.

"It's a girl?!" He squealed.

You nodded, "Oops."

"I'm gonna have a baby girl?!"

Sanji embraced you kissing your cheeks and all over your face. He nuzzled into the crook of your neck. You giggled before he pulled back.

"Have you told anyone else?" He asked.

"No. Law accidentally told me. And I accidentally told you." You said.

"I have an idea."

The following day you sat rubbing your stomach as Sanji was cooking. Robin, Nami, Zoro, Luffy, Usopp, and a few others came over for a baby shower. Or something along those lines.

"I don't mean to be. Rude. But, why are you all here?" You asked.

"Sanji invited us." Nami said.


You looked to the kitchen before sighing and turning back to the group. You all sat chatting catching up. But the conversation lead back to the baby. Robin and Nami watched her kick or just talked to her. Luffy grew curious poking your stomach. To his surprise she poked back. But before Luffy could continue the poke war Sanji stepped out with a cake. Zoro groaned resting back against the couch.

"Inside the cake in the gender of our baby. So (Y/N) will you do the honors?" He asked.

He knelt before you handing you a knife. You smiled taking it and cutting into the cake. As you cut a slice out and revealed the pink color inside. You smiled as Nami gasped and embraced you. You giggled as slices of cake were passed around. But. There was a twinge in your stomach.

"Are you alright (Y/N)?" Robin asked.

"I don't know." You muttered.

"Sanji! Call an ambulance! (Y/N)'s water broke!" Nami cried.

She and Robin helped you onto the couch as Sanji called the ambulance. You cried out in pain. Tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Pain grew from your stomach to your whole body with each growing second. You clutched onto Nami and Robin's hands.

"Breathe. Just breathe." Robin said.

You gave ragged breaths. Within time a few ambulance men staggered in. They helped you into the car. Sanji and Nami climbed inside as the others were going to tail behind. Sanji sat beside you brushing your hair out of your face. He took your hand as you squeezed. The sirens went off before you all took off.

"(Y/N) breathe." Nami said.

You gave sharp breaths, clutching onto the hands clutched between yours. Sanji tried to get your mind off the pain. He told you sweet nothings and kissed your hand and fingers. You smiled but hissed as a shock of pain went through you. The doors flung open as a few nurses pulled you out. Nami and Sanji followed behind before Nami stopped him.

"You don't want to go in there." She said.


"You DONT. Want to go in there."

Sanji watched as she backed up and bolted after you. A nurse brought Sanji to the waiting room as Robin and the others came in. She approached Sanji holding a book.

"Nami went with her." Sanji said.

Robin sighed, "That's good. Cause if you went in there you would of watched her suffer in pain. And watch ounces and ounces of blood drain from her body. Just so she can have your baby."

She smiled as Sanji went pale. He swallowed thickly as Zoro yanked him into a seat. He sat beside Zoro who patted his thigh.

"Just relax. Nami is with her. She will be fine." Zoro said.

Sanji clutched onto the handle of the chair before Zoro sighed. He held out his hand to Sanji. He took his hand clutching onto Zoro's large hand. After a few hours Zoro fell asleep. Sanji still clutched his hand his eyes frantically looking over the waiting room.

"We're going to be here a little while cook. Might as well get some shut eye." Zoro grumbled.

He wrapped his arm around the back of the chair. Zoro pulled Sanji into his side cracking open his eye to Sanji.

"Breath word to this to anyone. And I will kill you." Zoro growled.

Sanji rested on Zoro's shoulder and sighed. Zoro shut his eye and went to sleep. Sanji just rested on his shoulder. But soon fell asleep. He now knew, Zoro was just a giant pillow.


He sat up to Nami. She was in a nurses coat and had a mask around her neck.

"She's waiting for you." She said.

Sanji got up and turned to Zoro. He was snoring up a storm as Sanji rolled his eyes.

"Thanks you giant teddy bear." Sanji said.

He and Nami went off to you where you lied in a bed. Slightly pale, and you looked exhausted. A pink blanket was wrapped in your arms with tiny hands reaching up to you. Sanji walked in taking your side. His eyes welled up to the baby girl you had wrapped in the blanket. You turned to him as he showered you with kisses you giggled as he pulled back.

"You want to hold her?" You asked.

He nodded as you placed the girl into his arms. Sanji sniffled looking to the blonde girl. She smiled reaching up for him.

"What are we gonna name her?" You asked.

"Sora." Sanji said.

You smiled, "That's a beautiful name."

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