Its Quiet

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(Fujitora x Reader)
(It's Quiet Uptown - Hamilton)

Your heels slowly tapped against the tile floor. Other marines made sure to be out of your way. For you see. You were away on the sea. Being a captain for a small band of smart ass marines. But they only wanted you as the captain. So. You left. Leaving behind, you husband and your little girl. She claimed to be just like you. Wanting to fill your shoes. But. She looked just like her father. Fujitora. He was a great father, lover, and friend. He was always there. But. Not this time.

You clutched your hands together slowly walking to the back of the base. The small band of marines followed. But a fair amount behind. Smoker stood by a door he perked up to you and frowned slightly.

"A-Are they okay?" You whimpered.

Smoker pushed off the door and took your hand. He took a deep breath.

"Come with me." He said.

You followed. Smoker kept a tight grip on your hand. You bit your lip as he lead you out back to the garden. Where sitting in the middle of the garden. Lied a tall headstone. You turned to Smoker your eyes flickering in his eyes before back to the headstone.

"It's not his fault, it's ours. A pirate was brought into the base to be locked up. But. He soon escaped finding. Her.-"

You bit your lip putting your hand to his lips. Then you approached. You knelt down before the headstone. Seeing your daughters name written in the rock. Before you knew it you started wailing. Your cries rang out into the base, your hands clutched the dirt as your eyes trickled down the tears. Smoker stood watching as you slumped down before the gave sobbing. The door opened earning Smoker's attention. Fujitora stood in the doorway. His eyes wrapped in gauze as his face was worried. Tashigi stepped out behind him.

"I said you should stay in bed-"

"Tashigi." Smoker growled.

She turned to him before he motioned to you. She turned to Fujitora.

"She's straight ahead." She said.

He nodded tapping his sword against the ground and walked over to you. She watched him sit down as you still sobbed onto the dirt.

"There a moments that the words don't reach. There is suffering to terrible to name. You hold your child as tight as you can. And push away the unimaginable. The moments when your in so deep. It feels easier just to swim down." Tashigi said taking Smoker's side.

"He's spent hours in the garden, he's walked alone to the store. It's been quiet here, I've never liked the quiet before. I'd help watch the child on Sunday. Now, that won't happen anymore." Smoker said.


"I kind of liked that kid, she. Was going to be a fine Marine."

Tashigi glanced back to you and Fujitora, they could tell. He was hesitating to reach for you, to give you a sign he was there. But he was worried.

"Look at where we are." Fujitora said.

You perked up to him, he reached out for you.
"Look at where we started."

You sniffled wiping your eyes, smearing dirt across your face.

"I know I don't deserve you, (Y/N). But here me out. That would be enough. If I could of spared her life. Traded her life for mine. She'd be sitting here right now. And you would smile, and that would be enough. I don't pretend to know. The challenges we're facing. I know there is no replacing what we've lost and you need time. But I'm not afraid, I know who I married. Just let me stay here by your side. That would be enough." He said.

You looked to his hand as he reached around for you. You sniffled as you looked to the headstone.

"Do you like it? I know she loved this garden." He said.

You glanced back to him with a sad smile.

"There are moments that the words don't reach. There's a grace too powerful to name. We push away what we can never understand. We push away the unimaginable. They are sitting in the garden. Fujitora by (Y/N)'s side." Tashigi said.

You took Fujitora's hand placing it to your cheek. Then the two of you embraced.

"It's quiet." You gave a hoarse whispered.

"I know." He whispered back.

Then you started to cry once more.

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