Little Do You Know

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A/N: This one is better, promise
(Akainu x Reader)

He kissed your lips softly before tilting up your chin higher.

"I will be home soon, don't you start any trouble." He chuckled.

"I would never." You smiled.

His thumb brushed across your bottom lip.   Then he left to head to work. After a minute of staring at the door. You shifted before looking to the couch. Slowly stepping up to it you glanced to the door once more. Then ripped off the couch coutions before pulling out a bag. You unzipped it pulling out the red and white clothes inside. Along with two rapiers. You dressed yourself before heading out of the house.

You see, you may be the wife of a high ranked admiral. But you held a secret even he couldn't know.

You string your wedding ring onto a string before tying it to your neck. Then dropped it down your shirt. You pulled on a mask that covered the upper half of your face. While a hood protected your face.

"She's here."

You glanced to the lower ranked marines who gasped and scrambled off. You pulled out one of your rapiers and rested against it.

"I was summed." You spoke.

"The Demonic Angel."

You turned to Sengoku with the three admirals. Biting the inside of your cheek Akainu caught your gaze.

"We need your help. Since you are the only. Person. To sneak into and out of everywhere without being seen. I figured you could help."

You hummed, "I guess what's in it for me?"


You smirked, "Out of any crime I commit?"

"We'll look the other way."

"You have yourself a deal."

"Great, Akainu will fill you in."

You mentally screamed.

"Thank you."

A hand grabbed your shirt and pulled you to his face. Akainu furrowed as he bit the end of his cigar.

"No funny business, I will not hesitate to kill you." He growled.

"Before that I will kill your wife."

He furrowed, "What?"

"Yes, I have a man who keeps track of my heart rate. If anything happens to me, twice will happen to her."


"You want to test me?"

You smirked as Akainu dropped you. He handed you a file before storming off. You smiled softly holding the folder close to you.

"I always like to rile you up." You sighed.

Akainu came home slamming the door. You perked up from the kitchen as stream was literally coming from his head. You finished putting the groceries away as he grumbled walking in a circle in the living room.

"Sakazuki. Your going to ruin my good carpet if you keep dwelling on it." You said.

He sighed then slumped to the couch. You approached him straddling his hips. Cupping his face you frowned to him.

"What's the matter? Someone getting on your nerves?" You asked.

"Stupid bounty hunter. She said she'd kill you if I killed her."

You giggled, "Akainu I can take care of myself. You know that. Remember, I was a marine too. And a pretty kick ass one. But since we got married I figured a little home would be more settling then bloodshed."

"You're right. I just hope if anything happens you will find me first. Or call me from the den den moshi."

You smiled and kissed him softly, "Of course, now. Lets settle those riled up nerves you have hm?"

The following morning you were curled up in Sakazuki's chest. He was always so warm, it was nice. Especially on cold mornings like this.

"I have to go love."

You grumbled pulling closer, "No."

"Yes love."

"Come on you never have a day to spend with me."

"If I want to be the fleet admiral one day I can't miss a day."

You sighed letting him go, you said your goodbyes with kisses and soft hugs before he left. Where you waited a few minutes before getting dressed.

"Ah Akainu, how wonderful it is for you to join me." You chimed.

You sat in his office reading over the file of what your part would be. You hummed as Akainu pushed you off his desk. Then sat down while you grumbled getting up. You brushed yourself off before Akainu furrowed. He grabbed your shirt once more and plucked a gold ring from your neck.

"Where did you get this?" He growled.


"Oh this old thing? It was given to me." You hummed.

He yanked it from your neck and placed it in his pocket.

"Hey! That's mine!" You barked.

"No, it's not. This is my wife's. Come near her again and this deal is off!"

"Wow, okay I see how it is."

"Now, lets get down to business."

Sakazuki came home as you put the last plate away. He swung your ring around on the string.

"Honey, where is your wedding ring?" He asked.

"My- oh! Yes, a nice lady took it. She said she was going to repair one of the stones for me."

"The stone?"

You nodded picking up a stack of plates turning to him.

"Yeah the middle one was cracked, she said she should fix it for me."

He looked to the ring seeing one of the stones was cracked. He frowned.

"I see. Well the woman you gave it to was a thief. Your lucky I got it back. But tomorrow I will talk to a jeweler to get it fixed."

You smiled putting the plates into the cupboard.

"Thank you love."

The following day as you went out. Your mask had cracked. You frowned figuring you were in too much of a hurry and didn't place it right. So. One of you sat on it cracking it.

"Damn." You grunted.

But left with it anyway.

Upon arriving Akainu was looking for you. Holding more paperwork for you. Groaning you approached him.

"What now?" You huffed.

"We have to go over a procedure-"

You should of not shown up today. Because the mask cracked and broke shattering to the ground. You stepped back pulling down your hood.

"Wait a minute." Akainu growled.

"S-Stay away!" You cried.

He approached you as you stepped back. Until you ran into a wall. He gripped your chin yanking off your hood and. He was in shock, surprised to be exact.

"(Y/N)?" He muttered.

Tears welded up in your eyes, "I missed the adventure. I. I'm sorry I didn't-"

He kissed you roughly, before pulling back.

"I should of known." He said.

"After I lost the- I couldn't live with myself anymore. I went out craving something to do and-"

He gripped your chin, "I don't care. Everyone else doesn't know. In the mean time, I think we need a little. Discussion. About this."

His hands ran up your thighs before scooping you up and squeezing your butt. You giggled being thrown over his shoulder.

"I figured you'd cheat on me, with myself." You hummed.

"I have to admit, your ass looks great in this suit."

Then the discussion happened. Which was three hours of uninterrupted sex.

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