Little Switch

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(Smoker x Reader)

You stretched before tossing onto Smoker's chest. He grunted as you rolled your finger around his chest.

"You should release your wild side more often. It's kinky." You purred.

"Shut. Up." He grunted.

"Daw come on smokey. You liked it too. Don't lie."

You ran your finger down his chest. Your nail slowly grazing his skin sending a chill up his spine.

"You like it when you go in hard, while I scream your name and claw up your back. Hm?"

He huffed as you felt him harden.

"Vice admiral were here!" Tashigi called.

You groaned flopping onto your back. Smoker got up pulling on his clothes as you lied in the bed.

"This time, don't socialize with the enemy." Smoker said.

"I'm gonna talk to Luffy, he's my brother after all." You hummed, "I mean I haven't seen him sin-"

You cut yourself off clutching onto the sheets. Smoker sighed watching as you fought back the tears.

He remembered seeing you go into your grief. Locking yourself in your room with your own silver. You hadn't left in days. Almost a week. Before Smoker slipped into the room. Where you were skin and bone, curled up in the corner of the room. Where you branded onto yourself. Ace's tattoo on your thigh. Which was badly infected and almost killed you.
But. Now. Smoker kept to your side during your grieving. He made you fit again. And gave you a light for working for the marines. If it wasn't for him, you would of left with Kuzan leaving Akainu's wrath. But you were lucky to work under Kizaru.

"It would be good for you to see family." Smoker said.

You smiled to him, "I'm gonna rest here. You wore me out."

He smirked pulling on his coats before kissing you softly. You smiled cupping his cheek before he headed to the door. He then turned to you.

"I love you. Don't over sleep. You never know what can happen." He huffed.

You saluted him, "Love you too. Don't be such a hardass."

"Shut up."

Once the door opened many of the G5 cadets scrambled to the door. You giggled as Smoker slammed the door behind him keeping the decency of your title. You hummed curling up with your pillow and falling asleep.

Once you awoke you woke up in the snow.

"Vice admiral! Vice admiral!"

You grumbled sitting up and looked around. You noticed the ship pieces scattered around. You stretched before silver surrounded you and dressed you into your marine uniform.

"Smoker and Tashigi! They tried to fight Law and they-"

You lifted your hand, "Lets find shelter first."

They nodded as you groaned popping your back and following after them. Where you had come to a cave bringing in the marines. You watched the blizzard outside while the rest of G5 watched you.

"Smoker always gets hot ass."  One scoffed.

"Yeah what happened to sharing is caring?"

"But we did get to see her tits earlier."

"I'll kill you all." Smoker grumbled.

They turned to Tashigi getting up. They furrowed hearing Smoker's voice. She groaned holding her head. Then she noticed you sitting out for watch. Then. Noticed the glasses. She glanced around before stopped.

"This. Isn't my body." Smoker said.


He shushed them. You glanced to her and smiled you snapped to one of the marines to keep watch while you approached her.

"Tashigi! What the hell were you thinking? Going on by yourself to attack Law? That's the dumbest thing I woke up to!" You snapped.

She only gave you a cheesy smile. You tugged on her ear before embracing her.

"I don't want to lose anyone else that I'm close to." You said, "I can't lose another family member."

She glanced to you before embracing you.

"I'm sorry." Smoker said.

You furrowed pulling back, "Wh-why do you have such a deep voice? Did Law get you sick too?"

"Ugh what happened?" Tashigi said.

You turned to Smoker getting up off the floor. He was squinting a bit before he noticed Tashigi in her body. Tashigi put a finger to her lips warning him not to say anything. You glanced back to Smoker in Tashigi's body. Before a shit eating grin grew on your lips.

"No fucking way. Smoker? Are you in Tashigi's body?!"

He groaned, as you started to laugh holding your sides. You soon fell to the floor with tears pricking the corners of your eyes.

"This is a fucking riot!" You cried.

Tashigi stood above you putting her hands to hips.

"How is this funny?" Smoker asked.

You snorted, "Such a deep voice coming from you."

"Smoker. My back hurts. Is there a wound or something?" Tashigi asked.

Smoker removed his coats to the long scratches down his back. You pursed your lips as the rest of G5 whistled and cat called. Leaving Tashigi confused.

"I don't understand. Wh-"

"Tashigi. Don't worry about it." Smoker scoffed.

As everything was back to normal as Smoker and Tashigi got back to there normal selves. Smoker watched as you and Luffy spun around in a hug and met his crew. He held a soft smile while you smiled to Luffy seeing he was doing okay. You even showed him Ace's tattoo. Who was impressed.


He turned to Tashigi she stood next to him while they watched you.

"Why did you help her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know, when Rogers son died."

"Ace. Call him Ace."

"Then, when Ace died. Everyone did what they could to help her. But. You broke through her barrier."

"Because. I fell in love with her."

She smiled, "I know you have a silver ring on your hand. That's why you wear gloves. Just admit you two have been married."

"Mind your own business."


He perked up to you waving holding a cup of soup. While Sanji was wiggling all around you.

"If you will excuse me. I have to save my wife."

Tashigi smiled watching Smoker stomp off.

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