Marine and Pirate

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(Roger x Reader)

Your eyes glanced to his in the dim light. You stood before his cell, Roger's eyes locked onto yours.

"Take him out, I must speak with him." You spoke.

You then proceeded down the hall. Where you met Roger in a small room. Where you locked the door behind you. He chuckled softly.

"Ah my dear, it's good to see a familiar face." He hummed.

"And it's good to see your not dead, yet." You said.

"Why am I here?"

You pulled a loop of keys off your hips.

"I want one last thing from you."

He grinned wickedly, "I knew you still had some pirate blood running through you."

You unlocked his cuffs before he soon pinned you to the wall.

"You really shouldn't be so trusting, the world is a dangerous place my dear."

"I know how to take care of myself."

Your arms wrapped around him as the two of you were in heavy lip locking session. Slowly one by one clothes were being shed off. 

"This body hasn't changed since the last time I saw it bare." Roger purred.

"And you've changed somewhat. Your a lot thinner."

He chuckled, "The food isn't all that great."

"Your dying aren't you?"

Roger's smile faded, "I am."

You sighed, "What a bold move turning yourself in. You always had a going out with a bang."

He hummed, "As did you."

"Well, we have all day. So let's have some fun."

You stood over watching the death of your lover. You knew about his soon to be born son. And, you had to find him before they did.
It wasn't until a few years later you ran into him.

"Hey! You!"

You turned to a small boy holding a lead pipe. Your eyes widened as you knew that face. Almost the spitting image of his father.

"Roger's son." You muttered.

"Vice admiral. What do-"

You turned to your captain, "Take them to the ship. I have some business here."

"What about-"

"I'm fine just go."

They slowly left as you turned back to the boy. You knelt down to his level and smirked.

"I know that face anywhere. Say, what's your name?" You asked.

"Ace. Dadan says you know a lot about, Roger." He grunted.

"Your father."

He shushed you. You giggled softly.

"I'm not related to a monster! He left me with his sins."

You frowned, "He didn't mean anything by it Ace. He loved you, he'd be so happy to know that your alive. And free."

"He would?"

"Yes, I watched him cry when he told me about you. He loved you. I promise you that."

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