You Love Her

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(Thatch x Reader)

Everyone winced to the loud clatter as you slipped and dropped two boxes of brass wear. Thatch was soon to your rescue as he jumped down from the kitchen and darted to you. Pushing away the pots and pans you sniffled looking to a dented pan.

"I'm sorry Thatch I just wanted to help." You said.

He chuckled, "I'm sure I can fix it. All that matters to me is that your alright."

You smiled, "Yeah, I think so."

He helped you up as everyone helped gather the pans and pots before bringing them into the kitchen. Thatch embraced you as he pulled away and smiled.

"See, alls well ends well. Nothing to be upset." He said.

You nodded.

You were a cluts, you weren't trusted with sharp objects or hot things. But there was one thing you were good at. That surprised everyone. EVERYONE.

They watched as you skated across the ice with grace. Then spun in the air and landed perfectly without falling. Ace's jaw hung as he was about to jump down Thatch yanked on his necklace.

"Fire Fist, Don't even think about it." Thatch huffed, "You too Marco. Ice and fire don't mix."

"Come on Thatch, I'm not gonna explode. I can control it now."

"I don't want to risk (Y/N) falling in."

Ace pouted as the rest went down to join you in ice skating. Marco stood beside Ace and chuckled softly. He turned to Marco before back to Thatch struggling on the ice.

"I think he's in love with her." Marco hummed.

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"Does she like him back?"

"Lets go find out."

Marco and Ace headed inside the ship.

"See you got it." You smiled.

Thatch stood trying to keep his balance. You held his hands as you skated around the ice. Before you let go and he was by himself. You skated around him as he slowly picked up speed.

"There you go." You chimed.

"Heh." He swallowed.

"Would you look at that. Thatch is playing with his girlfriend." Izo hummed.

Vista chuckled, "He's always had a soft spot for her."

"She should just tell him she does it for him."

"What do you mean?"

"She's acting. Being clumsy."

"I don't know Izo."

"Then how come she can skate so well."

"You. Got me there."

As night fell it began to snow softly. You stood on the deck feeling the soft flakes fall upon your face. Until you felt something warm peck your lips. You fluttered open your eyes to Thatch. He smiled softly.

"You have no clue how long I've wanted to do that."

"You have no clue how long I've waited for you to do that."

He placed a hot coco mug in your hands as the two of you kissed once more. Before he wrapped his arms around you and shuddered.

"It's a little nippy out here love, lets go inside."

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