Pirate Nurse

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Your feet tapped against the cobble stone. You held close the green backpack with black stripes across it. Cloak fluttering in the wind and hood blocking your identity.  Behind you fire was on your tail. Well. So he thought. You swung the bag over your back before climbing up for boxes and knocking them down. You climbed up onto a roof panting softly as the man in the orange hat looked up to you.

"Hey! There's not much in there. I don't know what you want but. Can I have my bag back?" He asked.

You pursed your lips, "You stole something I cannot get back. So your bag will have to service."

The man groaned, "Awe come on please!"

You turned before jumping onto another building. Then he was on your tail again until you lost him in the woods. You panted softly hidden in a tree. His bag clutched tight in your hands. You clung to his bag so tight your knuckles turned white. But your breath hitched as you noticed him walk under you.

"Come on lady, at least just give me the log pose. I'm running out of time." He whined.

"Why should I? You stole something from me so I'm stealing something from you." You huffed.

He turned looking around, "What did I do? What can I do to make up for it? I can give it back if you want."

"A broken promise."

"That's not really stealing."

"There's more to it then that. But I don't think a pirate like you would care."

He pursed his lips, "what do you mean?"

The branch that held your support gave out and broke. You squeaked tumbling to the ground. Hood fell off as your cloak fanned out behind you. He turned to you pushing back his hat. He was the one and only. Portgas D. Ace. A dear, dear friend to you.

"Well I'll be damned, (Y/N)?"

You looked up to him before throwing his bag at his face. He groaned as you got up and started to storm away. But he grabbed your wrist.

"Whoa whoa, that's the kind of hello I get? Take my bag have me chase you across town, give it back and leave?"

Your turned to him with a furrowed look. Then yanked your wrist away from his grip. You now stood before him as your finger prodded his chest.

"You have some nerve! You left me on that island and ran away with some old man and a bunch of other guys. Leaving me and Luffy behind!" You barked.

Ace backed up but you still were prodding his chest and following his every step.

"You let your flaming ego get the best of you and you got sucked up in the fame. So what your some captain of the white mustache pirates!-"

"The second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates." Ace corrected you.

You stepped back and started looking in your pockets, "I'm sorry, I can't find where I asked you to correct me! Ace do you even remember who I am!? What promise you broke! Why I'm even here in the first place?!"

He remained silent, you stepped back. But after a moment of him not speaking you sighed.

"Typical. See, I thought you loved me. But now I see. I was just apart of some stupid dream that never will happen."

You started to walk away when you felt a tug on the back of your cloak. You didn't turn as a tear ran down your cheek. You sniffled softly before wiping away that lone tear.

"I did." He started.

You glanced over your shoulder, "You did what?"

"I sailed back for you. I went searching for you but. Dadan told me you left with Luffy."

"I wasn't going to wait forever."

"But I did, now that I found you we can have our stupid dream. Just you and me sailing the world. Looking for trouble. Just like the old days."

He approached you wrapping his arms around your waist before resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Maybe we can go skinny dipping again, or finally have some alone time. Hm? Would you like that?" He purred.

"I'm having a hard time being mad at you when you talk to me like that." You huffed.

He chuckled, "I did miss you, hell I thought about you everyday. I dreaded the day to find you dead in the paper. But. I only found your bounty posters. I still do love you, can you forgive me? Hmm?"

You sighed and turned to him, "Maybe, but you promised skinny dipping. So meet me here later. Hm?"

"Fine. It's a deal. Then after that I take you to pops."


As night fell you and Ace acting like rebel teens snuck off to a small lake in the forest. You were the first to get in m and rub the could water on your body. But you felt his eyes on you.

"Ace less staring and more stripping." You said.

But as you finished that sentence he jumped into the water having a wave of water hit you. You gasped to the cold water and crossed your arms over your chest. Ace bobbed out a moment later and ran a hand through his hair. You couldn't help but look at how. Big, and burly he's gotten. You bit your bottom lip as he caught you staring.

"You haven't m changed a bit." He chuckled.

"Sorry, I can't help looking at you." You hummed.

He approached you pulling you close, "I'm not the only one who grew. Looks like you grew a few sizes too."

You smacked his chest, "Pervert."

"You started it."

You both just stared at each other before you grabbed his beaded red necklace. Pulling him into a longing kiss. Which he was happy to return. After a moment or two it grew heated with tongue and teeth. But you pulled back before the two of you got carried away. You rested your hands on his chest before you looked up at him. You splashed water at him before a large water war broke out. Leaving you the winner since Ace was a devil fruit user. He sighed sitting on a rock on the outskirts of the lake. His dark eyes followed your form each time you bent over to get some shells.

"Ace." You said.

You turned to him catching him staring. But he didn't mind. A smile was stuck on his face. He hummed as you brought over some shells.

"Does your pops know?" You asked.

"About what?" He asked.

"Who you are."

"Yeah, but he didn't care. He still took me in."

You sat in the water counting over the shells as Ace watched you.

"I hope you know we have company." You hummed.

He perked up, you glanced up to the bushes. Before back down to your shells. Ace held out his finger and thumb before firing a flame bullet into the bush. A few teenagers screamed before running away.

You chuckled, "So. When will I meet your pops?"

He grinned.

It's been some time now. You had just joined the Whitebeard pirates. But you weren't a pirate. You held a clipboard behind your back. Your leopard print boots tapped against the deck while your body moved in the pink nurses outfit. You had a soft smile on your face as you approached Ace.

"Ace sweetie." You hummed.

He turned to you as your smile turned into a dark frown. You smashed the clipboard over his head. He groaned holding his head as you pulled down the skirt of your dress as you held closed the top.

"You said I would be a pirate you liar! I don't want to be a nurse." You barked.

Ace's head snapped to you a grin grew on his face. He crossed his arms looking over your form. It was no use talking to him. He was too busy thinking over dirty thoughts. Thatch came over a second later and rested on Ace's shoulder. You pursed your lips before you sighed. You pulled up the boots back up to your thighs before unwrinkling your dress. Then you round house kicked them both in the temple. They skid down to the railing before falling into the sea. You flicked your hair over your shoulder before storming into the ship. You could hear the laughter of the crew as you walked into the nurses office.

Ace coughed up water lying on the deck. Thatch pulled his hair into a bun before wringing out his clothes. After a minute Thatch stood closer to Ace who set himself on fire drying himself. And Thatch. He chuckled sitting up and looked up to Thatch.

"Thanks." He grinned.

"I fish you out you dry me off." Thatch shrugged.

"Hey where did (Y/N) go?" Ace asked.

"I think she went below deck."

Ace got up putting on his hat and went below deck. He saw Vista and Teach listening against the door. He furrowed approaching them. Vista motioned him closer. Ace went to the door pressing his ear to it.

"Come on, no one has to know." Marco said.

Ace furrowed.

"I don't know Marco, if Ace found out he'd have a fit."

"Yeah I know. But he isn't here. You look like you need some relief. I have more experience then that hot head."

You sighed, "Alright, just this one time."

It got quiet before soft grunts and moans escaped your form. Ace swung the door open having Teach and Vista tumble inside. You and Marco looked up to Ace. His hands on your neck as you sat backwards in a chair. Your arms propped up on the back of the chair.

"Wh-what?" Ace asked.

"Can't I get a message every once in a while?" You asked.

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