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(Shanks x Reader) (Someday by Michael Buble)

The sea was beautiful. You stood leaning over the railing, the wind blowing through your hair. The ship was taking you to a new island, it was beautiful, peaceful, and-

"Give it back you jerk!"

You pursed your lips slowly turning to Shanks and Buggy fighting. Shanks currently sat up on the railing of the sail of the ship. You crossed your arms leaning against the railing as your hair blew over your shoulder. It seemed you were the only mature one on this ship. Well, besides Rayleigh. But his hands were full with Roger, while you watched the two children. By children, I mean Shanks and Buggy.

Shanks stuck his tongue out to Buggy holding the bottle of Sake proudly up into the air.

"You want it? Come and get it!" Shanks called.

You glanced around noticing a rope and grabbed it. Tugging harshly making sure it would hold. You jumped up on the railing and swung yourself over to them. Grabbing the bottle and landing on the netting leading to the crows nest. Shanks and Buggy stared up at you like you were some goddess or whatever. You uncorked the bottle with your teeth before spitting it at Shanks.

"Hey! You better share that!" Shanks said.

"You stole it from me you jerk!" Buggy hissed.

You rolled your eyes taking a swig of the drink before looking at the bottle. Then tossed it down having Buggy catch it without spilling it.

"You grabbed a terrible bottle." You said.

"You have no taste in alcohol, how would you know?" Shanks asked.

You shrugged, "Got me there, but. Still."

Shanks and Buggy turned to the bottle as they tried it. And you were right. But they guzzled it down like water anyway.

As night fell you all sat on the deck looking up at the stars. You hugged your knees sitting between the two resting your head on your knee's.

"You know you guys can, go inside." You said.

Buggy rested back on his hands looking to Shanks, "I happen to like star gazing. What are you doing out here red hair?"

Shanks turned to him, "Likely story, I figured you could use some company (Y/N)."

You giggled rolling your eyes, "Well if your going to stay then stop fighting. Or I'll give you two my very special knuckle sandwiches."

They chuckled, looking back to the stars.

"Let's make a pact." You said.

They turned to you, "Okay?"

"If we ever get separated, we will reunite at a major event." You smiled looking up at the stars.

"Alright then how about this too." Shanks added.

You turned to him cocking a brow.

"And whoever you see first. You have to marry." Shanks said.

"What if I'm already married?"

"Then we'll kill him." Buggy added.

You laughed, "Fine only if I'm single."

You held out your pinkie as they locked there's with your own.

This was days before Roger's execution. You stood on a building in the pouring rain. Tears dropped down as his blood dripped down onto the cobblestone of the town. You bit your lip crying softly, your cloak fluttered in the wind as it blew by. You noticed Shanks and Buggy down below.

"Someday. We will meet again." You muttered.

You backed away from the building as you took off. Sobbing softly, the loss of your captain, your friends, and everything. Your world crumbled down as you dashed down to the docks. Hopping aboard a small ship and sailing away. You sobbed quietly sailing away. That's when you fell off the face of the earth.

Shanks and Buggy had been searching for you ever since. Listening to stories about some siren going around and getting a pretty number above her head. Shanks and Buggy both figured you wouldn't of gone back being a pirate. Since what happened to Roger. They thought you would be some kind of bartender or something. But how wrong they were.

"Shanks is coming?" You asked.

Whitebeard looked down at you, "We received a letter from him. It's about Ace."


You looked out to the sea.

Sure enough Shanks had come. Dragging a large bottle of Sake with him. You resided behind Whitebeards chair looking over your shoulder. It wasn't the time for you to show your face yet. You tugged on your hood glancing out. Shanks sat on the ground pouring himself some Sake. Then tossed the bottle at Whitebeard.

"What do you want red hair?" Whitebeard asked.

"Can't a man come and see his favorite old man?" Shanks asked.

"What about Rayleigh?" He asked.

"Rayleigh smalyeigh, come on have a drink. As adults do."

You giggled, "Same old same old."

"You should stop Ace. Blackbeard is. Tough."

He tapped the scar of three on his eye.

"I know something is going to happen. I can just feel it."

Whitebeard took a swig of his drink, "Then let it happen, I can take it. I wouldn't let anyone weak join my crew."

He blinked a moment before he rummaged in his pocket.

"I actually need your help for a moment." He said.

Shanks unfolded a piece of paper and pulled out your bounty. You gasped and hid behind the chair. You covered your mouth and clutched your chest.

"I've received this woman has joined your crew. The siren of the seas. Can I see her?" He asked.

Whitebeard glanced behind him before back to Shanks.

"She's not here."

Marco furrowed to that.

"I see, could you tell me where she is?"

He shrugged sticking his pinky in his ear, "That girl goes wherever the sea takes her. She could be anywhere."

They both looked to the sea as Shanks chuckled.

"Sounds like someone I know."

You smiled softly, you glanced back out as Shanks and Whitebeard had a fight. Once it was over Shanks was leaving. He stopped and turned back to him. Shanks glanced to you and smiled before leaving. You stepped out and looked up to Whitebeard.

"Nosy brat." Whitebeard huffed.

You giggled pulling down your cloak. Your hair (Long/ Short), and you have matured. You were a woman now. Not some roughed up teenager.

"He's." You smiled, "Still looking for me."

But then. As everything was going well. The war broke out, and you happened not to be with the crew. But. You were on your way. You had to help. You had to get Pops and Ace back in one piece. They had to make it. You held the Vivre card in your hand following it. Noticing it was slowly burning. Tears welded in your eyes wishing for the best. But a tearing feeling was ripping at your stomach. Knowing. One wasn't going to make it. Once you arrived everything was over. You stepped up onto the rocky area around Marineford. Your dress fluttering in the wind. You covered your mouth looking at all the slaughter Marines and pirates were doing. You pulled back your hood noticing Whitebeard was still. His chest had many holes and wounds pricing through him. Then Ace. Both sharing the gaping hole in there chests.

"Stop this!"

You turned your attention to a young marine. He was begging for Akainu to stop.

"The enemy is taken care of! Just let us heal and let them go!" He cried.

This infuriated Akainu. His arm engulfed in lava and was about to strike. You dashed forward pushing the young man away. There you lied about to take his hit. You shut your eyes turning away. But. A steal blade blocked him from getting to you. You batted open your eyes and turned to Shanks. Akainu pulled away as Shanks sheathed his blade. Everyone was whispering, asking what he was doing here.

"I'm here, to stop the war." Shanks said.

He was stone cold, his expression serious and hard. You've seen it once before. But. That was years ago. Sengoku agreed to Shanks terms before he smiled. He held out his hand to you. You smiled taking his hand and he helped you up.

"Hiya." He said.

"Long time no see, Shanks." You said.

His eyes wandered your body, before he glanced back to your eyes.

"Look at you." He muttered.

"I'm not-"


You both turned to Buggy flying in. Then fell to pieces to the ground. You noticed the straw hat lying on the ground. You walked over to it and picked it up as Buggy bickered at Shanks. You turned to them.

"Hey." You said.

They turned to you as you tossed it to them. Shanks handed it to Buggy.

"Give this to Luffy for me. I'll give you a treasure map."

Then he lit up like a firework.

"Now. Where were-"

You stood before Whitebeard. Your eyes watering as you sniffled.

"Boss. Should we do something?" Benn asked.

"Nah, let her be."


A hand took yours. You turned to Marco and that's when you lost it. You broke down as you embraced each other.

"First Thatch, then Ace, then." You sobbed.

"I know. I know." Marco sobbed.

"I. I hate to interrupt. But. I know a spot where we can take them." Shanks said.

You both turned to him.

"Thank you." You said.

You stood before the graves. Ace's hat shifted in the wind while Whitebeards coat fluttered. You took a breath before shutting your eyes. Once you had opened your eyes you started singing. It was foreign. A song none of the crew had heard before. It was a song you picked up on an island. A song you would sing to the deceased. Marco came up next to you taking your hand. You continued to sing your heart out. Earning the rest of the crew to join. Taking each other's hands and stood around the graves. Once the song was over you were embraced by your family. You smiled embracing them back. They pulled back with smiles on there faces.

"We love you. You know." Marco said.

"You've been there for all of us." Izo said.

"Now it's time for someone to be there for you." Juzo said.

Haruta tugged on your cloak as you turned to him. Shanks held his hand as he grinned to you. Haruta took your hand putting it into Shanks hand.

"Pops would of wanted you in good hands." Marco said.

"Yeah and if he doesn't," Vista pulled out his sword pointing it at his throat, "We'll find him and take you back."

You smiled lowering his sword.

"So how about it (Y/N)," he said.

You turned to him, "About what?"

"You want to join my crew?"

You smiled, "Sure."

And that's how you got here. Sitting on the deck of the redhaired pirates crew. You cursed fixing the string of your ukulele. Sitting behind a barrel hiding from the crew. They were partying and when they party. That means you have to sing. Captains orders. Shanks head popped up upside down in front of yours. You squealed hitting your head against the barrel and groaned. He chuckled as you looked up at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Hiding from you." You batted your eyes.

He chuckled as you kissed softly. He pulled back and grinned helping you up. And the deck was clear as the crew sat around like it was a dance floor. Shanks brought you to the middle and motioned you to play. You sighed and started to strum the instrument. The crew started to clap as Shanks danced around a bit.

"I love seeing you happy, I miss seeing that smile it's been such a long time." He sang.

You shook your head with a soft smile, "What are you doing?"

"And although I don't have you. And I know now that I need to. And somehow make you mine. And I won't lie. It's hard seeing you with him. Cause I know he can't hold you like I can."

Yasopp tapped your shoulder, you turned to him as the ukulele was passed off. He continued picking up the tune as you turned to Shanks. He held out his hand. You approached him and took his hand.

"Sing with me." He said.

You sighed, "Fine."

He grinned as he pulled you close.

"Someday maybe when we're old and gray we could be in love once more. Till then I won't give my love away. Darling, I'm forever only yours." You both sang.

Shanks and you danced around the ship singing and having the crew laugh and clapping along. It went on until the crew past out and you and Shanks were the only ones on the deck. Your arms around his neck as his lone arm wrapped around your hips. He kissed your neck before your cheek and then your lips. You kissed back before pulling back.

"So, you trying to tell me your jealous?" You asked.

"What? Me no. Who would I be jealous of?"

"Oh. I thought you knew."

"Knew what?"

You patted his cheek and started to walk off. He furrowed standing on deck.

"Wait! What are you talking about?"

"I thought you were jealous. So nevermind." You waved your hand.

"Of who?"

You walked to the door to below deck and opened it. You leaned against the door putting the back of your hand to your forehead. Being all dramatic.

"Rayleigh." You sighed.

"Rayleigh?!" He cried.

You sighed turning away, "Back in the day, I had a thing for the old man."


You giggled softly but kept your dramatic pose.

"It's true, I accidentally caught him when he was done with the shower."

You turned to Shanks with a smug look on your face. His lips were pursed in a line.

"His second sword was all out in the open. And ever since then. I've had a thing for older men." You said.

"I'm older then you!"

"Well, then. You got that for you." You smirked, "Then why don't you show me your second sword then."

He blinked, "I only have the one."

You glanced down before back to him, "I know."

Then you walked inside the ship. He stood slightly dumb fooled. He glanced down before he glanced back up to the door and grinned.

"Oh I'll show you my second sword." He said.

And two this day. He still doesn't know if you were kidding about seeing Rayleigh naked.

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