Golden Eyes

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A/N: Honest opinion first person or third? What's better?
(Mihawk x Reader)

I pulled on my gold hood walking into town. People looked at me out of fear. You see I was a woman to be feared. I kill without hesitation. No one has shown me an act of kindness since. Nor do they know my real identity. I wore black skinny jeans with a bikini top and black gloves. Along with a cloak like shall. But on one hand I had golden claws sharp as they come. My face was covered by a cat skull mask. I hummed a soft tune as my heels tapped up the steps of the mayors office. My hands curled around the handles and pulled open the door. I stepped inside having the people inside turn to me. They gasped as the mayor stood up.

"Wh-what do you want?!" He cried.

"A ship. Build me one." I said.

My golden eyes flicked to the little girl cowering by the mayor. I looked back to him.

"Do it or I'll kill her." I said.

He gulped as I twisted my foot and teleported behind him. I scooped up the girl and put her on my hip. I twisted my foot and teleported outside. The girl was trembling in my grip as I held her. The mayor came out a moment later telling people to make a ship for me pronto. The people scrambled to get ready. I snapped at the mayor. He scampered up to me.


"Bring me a chair. I tire of standing." I said.

"Yes right away."

I snapped at him before he could get all the way up the stairs.

"Bring me the fanciest chair." I said.

"Of course."

I set the little girl down and patted her head.

"Don't move until I tell you to."

She nodded, as my hand resided on her head. A chair was brought out to me as I sat in it. The girl sat in my lap as my legs were thrown over the arm of the chair. I twirled with the girls hair waiting.

"I don't have all day." I barked.

"Or do you?"

I perked up to the unfamiliar voice. The workers stopped and started to cheer. I groaned tossing the girl up in the air before teleporting up with her. The chair was split in two as he stood. I caught the girl and put her on my hip and stepped down on the ground. He sheathed his blade as I pursed my lips. His golden eyes met mine as I stood holding the girl.

"How dare you, you almost killed a child." I said.

"Knowing you, I knew you wouldn't let harm come to a child." He said.

The girl turned to me as I glared at him. People cheered for him as he tilted up his hat. His golden hawk eyes bore into my own.

"Hawkeyes." I grumbled.

"Cat burglar." He said.

I set the girl down as she looked up at me.

"You can go. I have other business to do." I said.

She nodded going off to her father. I twisted my foot and stood behind Hawkeyes. Adjusting his necklace on my chest. He turned to me as I turned to him.

"Catch me if you can." I winked.

I teleported outside of town and ran into the forest. Climbing a tree and perching there. I waited as he dashed in.

"Where are you?! You stupid cat!" He barked.

"You should of gotten rid of this thing years ago." I said.

He turned to me as I held the necklace.

"It's a treasured gift."

"Oh? From who?"

"That doesn't matter, give it back."

"Nah. If it's important to you I'm gonna keep it."
I placed it back on my neck.

"So what's her name?" I asked.

"There is no she." He barked.

"Ah, she's work."

"I'm not in love with my work."

"How long are you going to be chasing me oh great swordsmen?"

"Until I drag you down the halls of Impel Down."

I purred resting against the tree, "Your feisty I like that."

He gritted his teeth, "Give me back my necklace!"

"Why would I?"

I jumped down and approached him. My claw grazing his toned chest abs. I looked up at him and smirked.

"If I have something of yours you'll keep chasing me."

His golden eyes glared into my being. I smirked and leaned over his shoulder.

"So. Come and get me. Dracule Mihawk." I said low and seductive.

I heard his breath hitch before teleporting off and to my home. A small shack outside of the forest. I went in taking off my mask and claw before lowering my hood to my (H/C) fell out.

Once night had fallen I grabbed my things throwing them in a bag before pulling on my mask and snuck away. I stood on the edge of the island looking down at Mihawk's necklace. I hung it in a tree before I stepped up on the dock.

"You aren't going to say goodbye?"

I gasped turning to him. The man with slick black hair and golden eyes. Dressed in black pants and a white powder shirt.

"Mihawk, you scared me." I giggled.

He tossed the necklace at me. I stumbled to catch it. Once I did I looked up at him.

"It's my symbol, if you are ever in trouble. I'll come and find you."

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked.

"I'm not. I'm just giving you a chance to. Wander. Before I find you again."

I smiled, "Thank you. Your not as bad as they say you are."

Twisting my foot I jumped from island to island. Until I had gotten to a relaxing island. Not allot of people lived there. No animals. But a hot spring hidden in the forest. I smirked looking around before stripping and putting my clothes aside. I dipped myself in the hot spring and sighed. I felt weak but safe. I played with Mihawk's necklace. Opening the small blade that resided inside. I heard a shuffling in the bushes and perked up. I watched as Bartolomeo Kuma stormed in. I pursed my lips crossing my arms. His eyes locked onto me before opening his bible.

"Oi! I havent done anything yet! So back off!" I barked.

But. My words fell upon deaf ears. He removed his glove.

"What the hell are you gonna do?!" I hissed.

"Taking you somewhere were you belong."

He swung his hand down I braced for impact only to be teleported. To a creepy island. I squeaked being naked and exposed to the forest. I pursed my lips looking around for something. Until I came across a castle. I hid behind a tree and shuddered at the cold air. The sky rumbled before the sky broke out in tears and wept onto my skin. I hugged myself sinking to the bottom of the tree. The wind blew tousling my hair and nipping at my skin. I clutched onto his necklace. I looked over to the doors and pursed my lips.

"He'll be here when I need it he said, where are you now shitty Hawkeyes?!" I hissed.

I pulled off the necklace tossing it into a bush. There was a loud roar as I scrambled up. I teleported to the door and banged on it. I turned back to the forest watching something approach. Suddenly the doors were opened and I stumbled back and fell onto the red isle rug. I sat up pulling my hair back and wringing it out.

"Thanks I-" I pursed my lips looking up at Mihawk.,"Oh. It's you."

He cocked a brow at me, "Have we met?"

I gasped covering myself, "I- no no. We haven't."

"I'll get you something to wear."

He left leaving me exposed in the middle of the hallway. I looked around trying to keep warm. A shirt was thrown at me. I smiled pulling it on.

"Thank you." I said.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I turned to him, "(Y/N). I know who you are, Dracule Mihawk."

His golden eyes focused on me, "Are you sure we haven't met?"

"I don't know, maybe."

I strut up to him, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Maybe you got drunk off your ass and maybe we had a little fling. And you up and left."

"I highly doubt that."

"Oh? You think you can't get a woman like this?"

I ran my hands up my body and up my hair. His golden eyes followed my hands before locking onto my golden eyes.

"You might want to get warm or you will get sick."

I growled, "Wow, what a lady charmer."

He rolled his eyes as I followed him to the library where l sat before the fire. I hum taking in the heat.

"Where did you come from?"

I perked up and turned to him, "Just a spa island, Kuma came and batted me here. So your stuck with me until I figure out how to get back."

"It's fine if you stay for a little while."

I giggled, "Your not as bad as they say you are."

I turned back to the fire. As he sat in the chair beside me glaring at me.

"I can feel you staring at me, Hawkeyes." I said.

"You seem familiar, I can't put my finger on it." He spoke.

"Maybe I remind you of someone."

"Very much so."

I turned to him, "Oh? Is it a girl?"

He growled at me, "I'm not telling you."

"Oo, did I strike a nerve? Did she strike down the greatest swordsmen?"

He clenched his jaw avoiding eye contact.

"You didn't tell her." I gasped softly.

His golden eyes peered back at me threatening to cut me to pieces if I said another word. But I only smirked and hugged my knees resting my head on my knees. Our golden eyes still gazed onto each other. As a smirk slowly spread across your face.

"Do you love her, Hawkeyes?"

"That's enough."

He stormed out as I gave a sad smile lifting my head watching him slam the door.

"How do you like my exposed form Hawkeyes. Barely recognize your greatest enemy." I muttered.

I snuck around the mansion exploring the rooms. Until I came to a room where there was a dusty old piano. I brushed off the seat before opening the lip of the piano. My nimble fingers pressed away at keys having the music play throughout the mansion. It seemed that he lived alone in this place. I haven't seen anyone else yet. I paused a moment as the door was opened behind me. The place next to me was taken as Mihawk played along with me. We played until the song was over and our hands brushed next to each other. I giggled looking over to him.

"How do you know that song?" He asked.

"If you were born in the West, it's a common song." I said.

He smirked, "Well, It will be good having a women present in my home."

I hummed, "Well, Hawkeyes, I will stay as long as you can have me."

He leaned in, "You never know, it could be a very long time."

I leaned in with him inches apart, our golden eyes flicking to our lips then back to our gaze. A slight hint of lust was mixed into our gold eyes.

"I'd like that very much." I whispered.

We both leaned in pecking each other on the lips. Before pulling back. The same look of bewilderment and excitement gleamed in our eyes. I got up and strut up to the door, I turned to him and smirked.

"Goodnight. Mihawk." I said low and soft.

He seemed to like that with a gleam in his eyes and a cracked smile. I went out going up to a free room. I went inside crawling into the bed and slumping to the bed and falling asleep.

Once the sun broke in my room I hummed hugging closer to the warmth. I felt it envelope me and pull me closer. I snapped my eyes open to find myself face to face with the sleeping warlord. The greatest swordsmen exposed before me showing me his weakness. I reached over and cupped his cheek. He nuzzled closer as my thumb brushed his pointed sideburns. The door was knocked on stirring the greatest swordsmen. I pursed my lips sneaking out of his grip and replacing myself with a pillow. I patted down the stairs. I got to the doors before they knocked again. There stood a marine man about to knock again. His eyes wandered up my figure. I snapped at him and pointed to my face.

"Kiddo, my eyes are up here." I said.

His eyes met mine as his lips were pressed in a line.

"Is. The warlord Mihawk here?"

"Who's asking?" I asked.

"The world government."

"I might know where he is. But. What's it for?"

"That's confidential."


I smirked approaching him and locking my knee to his hip. I wrapped my arms around his neck and got close enough. My golden eyes searching in his terrified ones.

"Do tell me." I breathed.

"There's a missing pirate, The cat Burglar. Her belongings were found on an island. But she seems to disappear leaving her clothes," he handed me my clothes, "Mihawk asked the government about her. We don't know why but he keeps tabs on her."

"The cat burglar, oh. Yes. I'll pass the word on."

I patted his cheek before backing off and shutting the door.

"The cat burglar has gone missing."

I turned to Mihawk leaning against a railing of the second floor.

"Why keep tabs on such a pirate?" I asked.

"That woman gets herself in trouble."

"Do you like her, is she the woman who you can't confess your undying love for?"

He walked down the stairs putting on his coat and boots.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I have to go find her." He said sheathing his sword.

"What about me?" I asked.

"You will be fine. I'll be back in a few days. Don't leave the house."


He glared at me putting his hat back on and shutting the door.

"I'm right here." I muttered.

I looked to my uniform before looking up at the door.

"Fine. I'll show you." I said.

I pulled on my uniform and slipped my mask on. I swung open the doors going back to the forest and searching for the necklace. Once I had found it I placed it on and built a raft. Sailing out to the seas to an island. I opened the blade to find a Vivre card inside.

"That's how you'll find me." I hummed.

I had reached an island stripping of my outfit and stealing a dress. I blended in for a while before getting to a cloth shop. Which I bought a white crop top with baggy pants. I had black sandals and pulled up my hair. I slipped on my claw and pulled up my hood. Adding the final touch of my mask.

I climbed up on a building watching him dock on this island. My cape fluttered in the wind as I hummed. I hopped down before teleporting into the forest. I hung the necklace on a branch while I skipped up to a different tree. Mihawk soon entered the forest. I sat watching as he approached the necklace and pulling it off the branch.

"Miss me, Hawkeyes?" I asked.

He turned to me ringing the necklace around his neck.

"I had gotten word you disappeared." He said.

"I hired the government that, so you could come after me." I said, "And I guess you couldn't resist to find me."

"What did you want?"

I jumped down, "Was it worth it?"

"Worth what?"

"Leaving that little honey alone at your home."


"What is she to you?"


I sighed, "That's what I was afraid of."

Reaching up and pulling off my mask. His golden eyes were still the same.

"My identity has been safe with you. And I trust you to keep it."

I placed my mask back on and was about to leave but. He grabbed my wrist. I turned to him with tears in my eyes. He lifted my mask and kissed me. My eyes widened As he pulled back and took the mask off.

"I knew this morning. I'm not stupid. I just wanted to see how you would react."

"Your shitty. I hope you know that."

He hummed as we embraced and shared a soft kiss. He pulled back and smirked.

"Let's get you some better clothes." He said.

"Yes dear." I smirked.

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