Day 11 - "911 What's Your Emergency?" (Kaku x Reader)

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"Here let me see that," Kaku offered, reaching to take your hand so he could look at your arm better.

"I can do it myself," you scoffed and moved your arm away from him.

Kaku frowned but didn't say anything. He watched your turned your back to him and rewrapped your bandages. You were just as reckless as Jabra and stubborn as Kalifa, always insisting you were anything but delicate. Why had he fallen for you?

Kaku thought back to when the two of you went on your first undercover mission as teens. 

"Kaku! Check this out, it's a yellow hooooorse!" you exclaimed and point at the animal that caught your attention.

Kaku chuckled at your enthusiasm and the way you pronounced horse. "No, [Y/n], that's a giraffe."

"I- I knew that!" You puffed your cheeks and turn away from him. It didn't stop Kaku from laughing. You didn't let it keep you down because you moved on to the next strange thing you saw. "Look, it's a green aaaaaaaple!"

That's when Kaku learned the best way to blend in was to let your enthusiasm and fascination for the world take over, he learned it from you. He became better undercover and went on more missions as your partner, sometimes acting as a couple, however-

"They're going to get infected if you leave them sloppy like that," Kaku stated, gently taking your arm. Slowly, he unravelled the messy bandages before he started wrapping them around your arm, careful to make sure you didn't lose circulation. "Does it hurt?"

"No..." you mumble glancing in the other direction.

"There, as good as new," Kaku smiled and patted your arm, singling he had finished.

"It's not new," you told him, unamused as you stood up and began walking out the door.

"It's just an expression," Kaku replied, not knowing if you heard him or not. 

It wasn't acting on his part anymore, that's just how he acted with you when you gave him the chance. Usually, you only allowed him while undercover, that's why he took those kinds of missions when he got the chance. However, the last one you didn't join him, and it just so happened to take five years. Five years it took until he could see you again.

"Kaku, Spandam wants us to report back to his office," Kalifa informed him, standing by the doorway. "Franky is making commotion again."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." Though he'd rather not, all he wanted was to talk to [Y/n].


"Wake up square giraffe!" Jabra slapped Kaku, finally waking him up.

"Urghh, do you have to be obnoxious all the time-" Kaku tried to insult but stopped as he began to cough out blood. As if all at once, his insides screamed in agony. That swordsman did a number on him.

"Say it for later, we're getting out of here before the marines find us. Blueno's just getting the last of us," Jabra informed Kaku.

Kaku tried to sit up but even the smallest attempt made his body cry. Pain blocked the nerves from responding properly so he decided to stay lying down. He did his best to see who was with them. There's Kumadori, Fukuro, Kalifa...

"Where's [Y/n]?" Kaku asked Jabra, a little worry slipping out.

"Blueno's still looking for her I guess," Jabra shrugged as he kept an eye out. Kaku saw him narrow his eyes and then smirk. "Speak of the devil," he chuckled. The footsteps drew closer and Jabra frowned. "Ooh, what the fuck happened to your arm?"

Kaku's worry became visible. He tried his hardest to lift himself up so he could see you. Tuning out all the screaming his body did to stay still, Kaku hoisted himself on a crumbled wall. Instantly his eyes focused on you, or rather what was missing from you.

"It's nothing, the loud mask guy just got his exploding bullet in my wound and blew it off," you tried brushing it off but anyone could see you were struggling to suppress the pain as you walked. "It's not important, where-"

"[Y/n]..." Kaku sucked in a breath, gathering all the strength he had. "Let me see your arm."

Both you and Jabra looked at Kaku like he grew a second head.

"Are you fucking serious?" Jabra question. "You can barely get up, who the fuck are-" he stopped when he saw the dark aura behind you as you approached Kaku.

With the hand you had left, you slapped Kaku across the face. He looked back with hurt eyes but they dissipated to fear when you grabbed his turtleneck's collar. Your fierce eyes bore into him.

"Stop caring whether I get hurt or injured!" You yelled in his face. You sounded angry, you were angry- no... you were- "I'm not some delicate flower who can't take care of herself! I can kick ass just fine! You need to start looking out for yourself! You- You almost got yourself a ticket to death's door!"

Kaku's eyes were wide with surprise. Your entire face had painted itself with irritation but your eyes... Your eyes were watering, spilling concern and worry that you've never shown before.

"Stop worrying about me when you need to worry about yourself." With that said, you let go of his collar and walked over to Kumadori and Fukuro.

Kaku could only stare as a new kind of pain took over his attention. Heartache, his heart ached to see you in such a state, not just physically but emotionally. However, it only made it worse knowing you were experiencing the same feeling.

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