Day 12 - What Could Go Wrong? (Zoro x Reader)

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"Let's go this way," Zoro suggested when your captain couldn't make up his mind which way he thought would be more fun.

"Yeah right, like we're going to let you lead the way Zoro," Sanji scoffed and rolled his eyes. He then gestured to another tunnel. "We should go this way."

"Hey, why don't we split into teams?" you said before the duo could start arguing over who should decide what. "That way we can find the treasure faster."

"Good idea, [Y/n]!" Nami agreed with your plan since it'd mean she could find her money sooner.

"Alright guys, we're splitting up," Luffy declared and dashed down the path in front of him.

"Luffy!" Nami snapped out of her money trance and ran after him. "Wait up!"

"Yo Robin, how 'bout we go down this way," Franky offered the ravenette as he shinned his nipple lights on the walls. "This one got some runes."

"I'd be happy to," Robin smiled as she followed the shipwright.

"Hey look, this one has skeletons like me," Brook chuckled as he lifted up the bone body to show the others, scaring Usopp and Chopper.

You laughed at the sight until you noticed the swordsman wandering back the way you guys just came. "Zoro, you're the wrong way."

"Huh?" He turned around with a puzzled expression.

You shook your head and took his hand, beginning to lead him. "This is the cave you wanted to explore."

"I knew that." If it weren't for the darkness surrounding you two, you would've noticed Zoro's cheeks turning into red roses.

Your footsteps echoed down the cave, the only thing keeping silence at bay. At times, Zoro's arm brushes against yours, you sense how he tenses each time. Unsure why he's uneasy, you decide to strike up some small talk.

"What are you hoping we'll find in the treasure chest?"

"Some booze would be nice," Zoro answered bluntly.

"I don't know if we'll find any," you deadpan thinking it might not have been the best question to ask. "I'm sure we could use some of the wealth to buy some though."

Silence squeezes between the two of you when the attempt at conversation fails. You sigh and begin to glance around the cave for something interesting. Briefly, you catch sight of pointy-shaped rocks up ahead and-

"Hey, I have a question, [Y/n]," Zoro abruptly pulled you out of your observation.

"Hm?" you hummed turning your head to him as you kept walking.

"How come you don't drink?" 

"Oh- uh- I guess I just got used to not being able to drink," you shrugged. "My island sorta outlawed alcohol."

"What? How did your people survive? That sounds like a nightmare," Zoro said dreading the idea of living in a place that didn't have booze.

You giggled at him, "Maybe to you, however, thanks to that law, pirates didn't care to visit our little island." A memory flashes in your mind and your smile disappears. "At least until..."

Zoro stops and places a hand on your shoulder making you halt. You glanced at where his eyes would be, unable to see them due to the darkness clouding the view. The outline of Zoro's mouth opens, about speak when-


The area vibrated as your captain's voice bounced off the walls. Bits of rubble fell from the ceiling, landing on your head and shoulders. Your eyes glanced above your head, and you realized you two were under unstable rock spikes.

"WE FOUND THE TREASURE!!!" Luffy shouted down your cave. Larger rocks rolled down the sides of the wall.

"Luffy! We're in an unstable zone!" You tried to warn without lifting your voice too high, in fear of being crushed.



"[Y/N] watch out!"

You felt yourself being pushed away from the sounds of crumbling rocks dropping down. Vibration shook the earth as rocks collided against the stone ground. You felt big arms shield you as everything around you collapsed. You couldn't feel your breath and without realization, you grab onto the arm, holding onto it for dear life. Your eyes squeezed shut, you weren't sure when it stopped.

"[Y/n] are you alright?" Zoro asked, a grunt in his voice.

"Yeah," you reply, eyes fluttering open. "I'm fine, what about-"

Zoro stressed out a few grunts as he held up a large boulder above his head, keeping it from crushing the both of you. You gasped, "Zoro!"

"I'm fine." Zoro sucked in a breath. "This is nothing. As long as you're safe, I'm fine."

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