Day 2 - Nowhere to Run (Jinbei x Reader)

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"[Y/n], get out of here while you still can," Jinbei instructed as he blocked the door with a bookshelf. His breaths were uneven and sweat dripped from his forehead. "I'll hold them off when they come through the door."

"No!" you protested and pushed a sofa in front of the bookshelf. You were trying to catch your breath yourself from all the running and dodging. "We're in this together. I'm not leaving you."

You could feel yourself walking on thin ice, your heart beating on the edge. You were unable to decipher if the room was burning or freezing because both temperatures slithered across your body. You had the ice of fear running down your back but your adrenaline pumped through your system to fire your ass to get out of harm's way. Either way, your body screamed to get to safety.

"I'll be fine, these guys are nothing," Jinbei reassured you as he went to lift the window up. the cool night slipped into the room after it was lifted up. "It's you I'm worried about. I can't let them get to you."

"I can't just let you get captured either, Jinbei," you said as you did your best to drag a desk to build the barricade.

"[Y/n]." Jinbei placed a hand on your arm.

You turned to him and saw his face full of worry despite it staying strong. Your emotions hit you like a truck and your eyes began to shed tears. You wrap your arms around the fishman, your breath becomes unsteady as you feel fear pounding in your mind. You need him.

"Jinbei..." you mutter as you felt him return the hug. "I'm... I'm scared."

"Don't let fear consume you, [Y/n]," Jinbei told and squeezed you tighter. "You're strong, and you can make it. I'll catch up with you once I can."

You nod your head and let him wipe your tears. You take a deep breath, readying yourself for the journey ahead. The fear in your mind was buried in the back of your mind.

"We're three stories high so you'll have to climb down carefully. Pass the gates, and make sure you don't get caught. Once you get out, meet Hatchi at the lampost, he'll know what to do next. Remember to stick to the shadows," Jinbei instructed. His hands are on your shoulders, and crouching down to meet you at eye level.

"I will." You peck his cheek and give him a small smile. "Don't get yourself killed, okay?"

"I won't." Jinbei returned the smile. It gave you all the strength you need.

A pound on the door brought you back to the reality of the situation. Jinbei pushed the desk against the barricade and held it there. He looked back to you who appeared frozen in headlights.

"Go!" he urged as another pound on the door shook the furniture blocking the door.

Shutting your brain on and moving on instincts now, you rush over to the window and began to climb out. Your heart pounded with each bang on the door. Getting to the ground, you started to run. Your ears started to ring, drowning out any background noise. You repeated to yourself that you needed to keep going. 

It got cut short, as you watch the ground rise and hit your face. The impact clouded your mind and the rest of your body met the ground. You lifted your head and saw a figure standing in the shadows. In your struggle, you did your best to glance at your leg which screamed in pain. You were shot in your quads.

Your breath slowly lessened as your adrenaline ran out. Your blinks were slower and you couldn't hear what jibberish the figure spoke. All you could do was think about Jinbei, and how you failed him. He stayed behind for nothing.

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