Day 3 - Hair's Breadth From Death (Doflamingo x Reader)

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"Doffy..." you squeaked as the gun pressed at the back of your head.

"How does it feel, Doflamingo, to have the one you love held at gunpoint?" Law smirked, having the blond right where he wanted him.

"Enough games Law!" Doflamingo shouted, he lost all patience and could hardly cool his anger any longer. "This has gone far enough!"

"Far enough? Tell that to Corazon! Clearly killing him wasn't far enough for you!" Law called out and pressed the gun harder against your head. You could feel the kid's hostility breathe on your neck. 

"I had to kill! I had no other choice!" Doffy yelled and took a step forward. He would've taken another if Law hadn't clicked off the safety. He growled at the brat, shooting looks that would kill.

"You could've just left us alone. You were always going on about how you'd do anything for your precious brother. How many times did you threaten to kill me if I touched a hair on his head?" Law chuckled to himself at how fucked up things turned out. "But in the end, I was the one who cried when you shot him."

"Is it- is it true, Doffy?" you inquired having never heard this story before. "You had... you had a brother?"

"Yes... I had a brother," Doflamingo confirmed.

You felt chills run down your back. Never once did he tell you he had a brother, you thought he was an only child. You felt realization smack you with a brick: You didn't know a thing about Doffy. Not a thing from his past, not a thing about his family, and certainly not a thing about his relations with people. Do you know him at all?

Chills crawl across your skin the longer you pondered these thoughts of Doffy. You were brought back to the conversation when you felt the gun tap against your skull once more. Law returned to being hostile to Doffy.

"And you have this woman under your strings, another one of your subordinates ready to die for you?"

"Leave her out of this Law, this is between you and me." Doflamingo seemed to have regained his composure, but he still frowned at the boy.

"How long until you shoot her too?" Law asked, looking at the blond dead in the eye. At least he would be if Doflamingo wasn't wearing sunglasses. "Until you kill her like what you did to Corazon?"

"You were- you were going to shoot me?" you choked. Your eyes looked into his, your eyes spoke you felt betrayed.

"I was never going to harm you, [Y/n]. I never will harm you."

You stared at Doffy hard. You wanted to believe him. You so desperately wanted to believe him. You love him. However, doubt whispered into your ears, making you question if anything your lover says was true.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure of that," Law stated and pulled the trigger, cold eyes glaring right at Doffy.

"[Y/N]!" Doflamingo cried and rushed to your side, catching your falling limp body.

"You don't deserve to have love, Doflamingo," Law told him as walked past the scene. "You only end up seeing them betray you and crush 'em dead."

Stuck between his sobbing heart and his rage, Doffy could only witness Law room himself out as he held your husk to his chest. Looking down at your form, Doffy took off his shades so he could properly weep the loss of his love.

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