Chapter 3: Iron-Mace Alvida

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Luffy: "Wow! What a great day! The weather's so nice!"

(Y/n): "Yeah, who could've predicted we would face immediate danger as soon as we set sail."

They were currently referencing to the giant whirlpool, just about suck them in.

(Y/n): "Getting swallowed by a giant whirlpool...yeah, this kind of sucks since we have devil fruits."

Luffy: "Maybe we were a little careless...sadly there's nobody around to help us. Too bad we can't swim, too."

(Y/n): "Luffy, in that kind of situation, I really doubt being able to swim would make a difference all."

Luffy: "That's true, what was I thinking? We'd drown even if we could swim."

A wave made their boat keel over, and they both disappeared into the whirlpool....too bad (Y/n) didn't have his surfboard.

Time-Skip Brought To You By Chibi (Y/n) Surfing In A Whirlpool

Captain: "Why is their dust on my bulwark?"

Pirate: "A thousand pardons, Lady Alvida!! I-I thought I'd cleaned every inch of the ship! I'll clean everything all over again! Please..."

Alvida: "'Please' what...?"

Pirate: "Please, not the iron mace! I-I don't wanna die!!"

Alvida: "Koby! Who is the fairest throughout ALL the seas!" (Sanji: ANY LADY BUT YOU-)

Koby: "Ahem...Heh heh...Why YOU are, Lady Alvida!! No one compares to you!!"

Alvida: "Correct!! Which is why I will not tolerate ANYTHING dirty!! The ship I sail must be as clean and beautiful as I am, understood? Remember, Koby, was it not for your vast knowledge of the seas, I would feed you to the sharks already! But don't push your luck!"

Koby: "Y-Yes...That's very kind of you..."

Alvida: "Other than that, you're WORTHLESS! Here, shine my shoes!"

Koby: "Y-Yes, Lady Alvida! Right away!"

Alvida: "I don't want to see a speck of dust on this on this ship!!"

Pirates: "AYE AYE!!"

Alvida: "That's enough Koby! You're pathetic!! If you've got time to grovel, then you've got time to scrub the toilet!!"

Koby: "Heh heh....Yes, Milady! Right away...Right away..."

Small Time Skip

Pirate 1(Oh for fuck sake-): "What's that, Koby? Did a barrel of rum wash up on the beach?"

Koby: "Y-Yeah, and It's not empty! I wasn't sure what to do with it.."

Pirate 2(End Me Now-): "Well I know what to do with it! Let's drink it all up!"

Pirate 1: "But if the captain finds out, she'll shave our heads!" (That's actually what he says....weird punishment..)

Pirate 3: "She'll never find out! We're the only ones here. Just Koby and the three of us know about this."

Pirate 1: "I guess you're right."

Pirate 3: "And you ain't seen nothing, right Koby?"

Koby: "Right! I-I ain't seen nothing! Hehehe....Please don't hit me."

At that moment, someone knocked on the door.

(Y/n): "I think this is the right place, the barrel obviously went to this island."

As the pirates opened the door judging from their expressions, (Y/n)'s presence was already pissing them off.

Pirate 1: "What do you want, dumb ass? Get away, we're busy."

(Y/n): "It won't take that long, just wondering if you've seen a barrel that came to shore. It holds something precious to me."

Pirate 1: "And what if we did? You really think we'll just give it to you like that?"

(Y/n): "It doesn't matter if you want it or not. LUFFY!! NAP TIME'S OVER NOW!!"

From the barrel, our 'main character' jumped out, stretching himself.

Pirate 2: "What the devil?!" (Fruit-)

Luffy: "THAT WAS A GREAT NAP!!! Oh hey, (Y/n), you're here already?"

(Y/n): "Get your butt out of here, we need to find another boat now."

Luffy: "Oh well, I guess I survived somehow, even if i got so dizzy I thought I was gonna barf!! Hahahahaha! Hey...who are you guys?"

Pirate: "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?! What are you doing in there?!"

But before Luffy could answer, a flying mace destroyed the shed, sending his barrel flying into the forest behind it.

Alvida: "Back to work, you scurvy dogs!!! You lazy swabbies! Who's the fairest throughout the seas?"

Pirate 1: "Lady Alvida! You are...of course!"

Alvida: "And you dare to defy me?"

Pirate 2: "W-What?! Never! Not in a million-"

Alvida: "Don't play dumb with me! I could hear you talking all the way from the ship! Which one of you had such a 'great nap'?!"

Pirate 3: GASP! "Uh...Captain, we have intruders!"

Pirate 1: "Yeah! That good for nothing Koby brought two strange fellers here!"

Alvida: "What?! Could they be bounty hunters, after the price on my head? Koby! You traitorous little runt!"

Pirate 1: "But the only bounty hunter bold enough to come here..."

Pirate 2: "That's ridiculous!! The navy has him locked up...And I don't think he'd work with anyone else."

Alvida: "BUT If he's as clever as they say...He might've escaped! And they say that the infamous Roronoa Zoro IS that clever!!"

Meanwhile With The Others.

(Y/n): "Man, Luffy. Your like the first flying boy."

Koby: "Um...Are you okay? Are you hurt? After getting knocked around so much, you must be..."

Luffy: "Hahahaha! I'm fine, just a little surprised is all. Mind helping me get out of here, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "On it. By the way, kid, do you know where we are exactly?"

Koby: "Um...This island is the hideout of Iron-Mace Alvida, the lady pirate. I'm Koby, her cabin boy."

(Y/n): "I see. Well, I'm (Y/n) Pangaro and this is Monkey.D.Luffy. By any chance, would you know where we can get ourselves a dinghy?"

Luffy: "Yeah, ours got sucked into a giant whirlpool. It caught us by surprise."

Koby: "You got sucked into a giant whirlpool?! You're both lucky to be alive! (Called plot armor-) But If it's a dinghy you want, I have one...Sorta..."

(Y/n): "We asked for a dinghy, not some sea coffin."

Koby: "I built it myself, It took me two years..."

Luffy: "Two years?! And you really don't want it?"

Koby: "...I really don't need it anymore. I built it so escape from this place...But I don't have the courage to try it. I guess It's my fate to be a cabin boy for the rest of my life. But I ONCE had a different dream."

(Y/n): "Why don't you just escape then?"

Koby: "N-No way! Just thinking about what Alvida would do to me if she caught me makes my bladder weak...I just can't risk it...I'll never forget that fateful day...I just wanted to go fishing...And I boarded a pirate ship by mistake. That was two years ago. In exchange for my life, I've been working as their cabin boy."

Luffy: "Your kinda dumb and clumsy! And you're gutless too, you really are worthless!"

Koby: "You don't have to be THAT frank...But, your right. I don't have the guts to float around at sea in a barrel like you...Why did you go to sea anyway?"

Luffy: "Well, you see...I'm gonna be the king of pirates!!!"

(Y/n): "And I'm his first mate, nice to meet you!!"

Koby: "K-King of pirates??!! But...You'd have have to make the WHOLE WORLD kneel to you!" (Dio: **Triggered**) "Wealth, fame, power...You'd have to achieve it!! Don't tell me your going after Gold Roger's treasure, the 'One Piece'!!! Do you both want to die?! Every pirate in the world is after that!!"

Luffy: "And so are we."

Koby: "But the odds against you are ASTRONOMICAL!!! It's impossible!! You want to be the king of pirates in the golden age of piracy? It'll never happen!!"


Koby: "Hey! W-Why'd you hit me?!"

(Y/n): "You were rambling."

Luffy: "We're not afraid to die, Koby. I've set myself to become the king of pirates...And if I die trying, at least I tried!"

(Y/n): "Luffy, I thought I made it clear, I'm not going to let you die, so the only possible left for you is success."

Koby: "What guts...What determination! (**Megalovonia**) Y-You're not even afraid to die?!"

Luffy: "And I believe we'll succeed, too. Or maybe I'm just deluding myself..."

Koby: "I never looked at it like that before...Maybe...I can be like that! If I'm willing to risk my life trying..."

(Y/n): "Hm? What are you yammering about?"

Koby: "...Maybe It's possible! Do you think I can join the navy!"

(Y/n): ""

Koby: "We'll end up being enemies, but I want to join the navy and fight the bad guys!! It's been my dream since I was a little kid!! Luffy, (Y/n)! Do you think I can do it?"

Luffy: "How would we know?"

Koby: "Well, I'm gonna do it!! What have I got to lose?! I don't wanna be a miserable cabin boy my whole life!! Better to risk my life to achieve my dream!! I'll join the navy...And then...I'll capture Alvida!!"

Alvida: "WHO are you gonna capture, RUNT!"

Lunging from the forest, the fat lady completely destroyed Koby's 'boat' with her mace.

Alvida: "You little sneak! Did you really think you could escape from me?! Are THOSE the bounty hunters you hired? Well, they're certainly not Roronoa Zoro...So I'll give you a chance to repent...WHO is the FAIREST throughout all the seas? Answer me!!"

Koby: "Heh heh...Lady Alvida, you..."

Luffy: "Hey, who's that tough-looking old biddy?"


(Y/n): "Wow, I think we just discovered a new species of terrestrial whale! Too bad I don't have my camera..."

Pirates: "How dare...No way!!"

Koby: "Guys!! Take it back!! Throughout all the seas, Lady Alvida is...Lady Alvida is..."

Luffy: "I'm going to be king of pirates. And If I die trying...Then at least I tried!"

Koby: "Lady Alvida is...THE UGLIEST HAG OF ALL!!" Gulp.

Alvida: "YOU LITTLE...!!!"

Koby: "I said it and I WON'T take it back! No more cringing for me!! From now on, I'll fight for my dreams!! EYAAA!!!"

Luffy: "That's good for you, Koby! Now, step back a little."

Alvida: "It makes no difference to me...You're all going to die!!"

Koby: "L-Luffy!!"

(Y/n): "Don't worry, He's fine."

Luffy: "That didn't even hurt! 'Cause I'm made of rubber!"

Alvida: "What?! There's no way!! No one can just survive the iron mace!!"

(Y/n): "Yeah, maybe should've made it sharper."

(Y/n) suddenly gripped her mace with a furry paw and threw it into the sky.

Alvida: "W-What in the?! Where is it going?!"

(Y/n): "Stop looking up, and start looking forward, would you?"


At the exact moment Luffy punched her, the mace fell down on her head, both sending her backwards AND burying her into the ground.

Pirates: "H-His arm stretched like rubber...And the other one, he tossed the mace like it was nothing!! Captain!! They beat Lady Alvida!! They're not humans!!"

Luffy: "Give Koby a dinghy! He's gonna join the navy!"

Pirates: "Y-Yes sir..."

Koby: "Luffy..."

Timeskip Brought To You By Chibi (Y/n) And Luffy Having An Eating Contest.

Koby: "So you ate the gum-gum devil fruit when you were little...that's incredible!"

(Y/n): "Before you ask, my powers are from the Pan-Pan Fruit."

Koby: "I see, but if you're going after the One Piece, that means you'll have to enter the sea that's called the 'Grand Line', right? You know they call it the pirates graveyard..."

(Y/n): "Yep! That's why were assembling a crew..." (Of remarkable people called the avengers-)

Luffy: "That guy imprisoned at the navy base...What's his name?"

Koby: "Roronoa Zoro!"

Luffy: "If he's a good guy, I'll let him join my crew!"

Koby: "Now you're talking crazy again! Never never never! That'll NEVER happen! That guy's a demonic beast!"

(Y/n): "How do you know? You already met him?"

Koby: "NEVER!"

(Sorry I haven't updated in so long I had to deal with family things and soon a new laptop so hope you enjoyed the chapter!)

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