Chapter 4: Locked Up Bounty Hunter

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(Y/n): "A demonic beast, huh?"

Koby: "Roronoa Zoro is his real name, but they call him 'Zoro The Pirate Hunter'. He's like a bloodthirsty hound, roaming the seas, hunting men for the bounties on their heads! They say he's a demon in human form." (Meliodas: What-)

(Y/n): "My bounty is only 25,000,000 belli and Luffy doesn't have a bounty yet, so I think we'll be fine."

Koby: "(Y/n), he's a pirate hunter! Pirate hunters don't mix well with pirates!"

Luffy: "I haven't decided whether I'll invite him to join our crew or not. If he's a good guy, then I'll-"

Koby: "He's in prison because he's NOT a good guy!"

Small Timeskip

Luffy: "We're finally here! We made it to the naval base town!"

(Y/n): "Yeah, we finally made it, even if it cost us our boat."

Luffy: "Koby, you're amazing! You actually got us to our destination!"

Koby: "Of course I did! That's the minimum requirement for people who sail the seas."

(Y/n): "Floating around aimlessly in a barrel won't lead you anywhere, Luffy. Too bad I didn't bring my surfboard.."

Luffy: "I already told you, I get sick when we ride your surfboard. But enough talking, let's eat!"

Small Timeskip

(Y/n): "Well, Koby, I guess this is where we go our separate ways."

Luffy: "I'm sure you'll join the navy and become a great sailor!"

Koby: "Th-Thank you, guys! And I hope you become great pirates! Even if it means we'll be enemies."

(Y/n): "If you could just wait until we actually set sail before going after us, that would be nice."

Luffy: "About that, I just remembered...That guy is supposed to be imprisoned here, Roronoa Zoro."

(Y/n): "By the looks of it, even his name is really feared here."

Koby: "Yes, maybe you shouldn't say it out loud around here...Anyway, I saw a poster that said this base is under the command of Captain Morgan."

Luffy: "Hahaha! What a great restaurant! I want to go back there again!"

Koby: "Everyone is so jumpy, I've got a bad feeling about this!"

(Y/n): "Getting scared Roronoa Zoro's name is understandable, but why does it seem like they're more afraid of their own captain...why does he sound familiar.."

Luffy: "Who knows? Maybe they just like to jump around like that." (They're a bunch of Kangaroos-)

Koby: "How could this even be possible?! I'm trying to think seriously here..."

(Y/n): "Wow, It looks way bigger up close!" (That's what she said-)

Luffy: "Well, go on in Koby!"

Koby: "B-But I haven't mentally prepared myself yet...And those people sure were scared when they heard the captains name..."

(Y/n): "Suit yourself then, wait if you want, we have things to do."

Koby: "Guys! What are you doing?!"

Luffy: "I wonder if we can see the demonic beast from here."

Koby: "You won't find him just by peeking over the fence. He's probably deep within the bowels of the prison..." (Right next to the shreddies...)

Luffy: "Oh yeah? Well there's somebody over there! Maybe it's Zoro!"

(Y/n): "I don't see who else it could be."

Koby: "A b-black bandanna and a haramaki sash!!! I-It's really him! That's Roronoa Zoro!!! He looks so...Menacing!!!" (Pretty bizarre...)

(Y/n): "Exposed in the middle of a plain field like that? We can just hop over and untie him considering there's no guards."

Koby: "That's suicide!! If you let him lose, he'll kill us then wreck the town!!"

Zoro: "Hey, kids.... ((Y/n): But I'm older-) Come over here, and untie me. I've been here for nine days and I can't take it anymore."

Luffy: "Hey, he's smiling!"

Koby: "H-He's talking to us!"

Zoro: "I'll make it worth your while. I'll capture someone with a big price on their head and give all of the bounty to you. You can trust me, I'm a man of my word."

(Y/n): "Well then, he's making things rather easy."

Koby: "D-Don't do it (Y/n)!! As soon as you untie him, he'll kill us and get away! I just know it!"

Luffy: "Don't worry, he won't kill him. Simply because he can't. He won't be able too."

Zoro: "Huh?"

Koby: "Why are you both so stubborn?!"

At that moment, a ladder went against the wall, and a little girl climbed it, landing on the other side of the wall, starting to walk towards Zoro.

Koby: "Hey! D-Don't go down there! It's dangerous! Luffy! Do something! She'll be killed!"

(Y/n): "God sake with the amount your shouting I would think your Present Mic.." (Agreed....Wait what-)

Zoro: "What do YOU want? Get lost! Do you want to be killed?!"

Girl: "I made these rice balls for you! I thought you might need some food! It's the first time I've ever made rice balls, I hope you like them."

Zoro: "I'm...Not hungry! Now beat it and take that stuff with you!!"

Girl: "B-But..."

Zoro: "I don't want it!! Now get outta here!! Or I'll stomp you to death!!"

(And Now Time For Such A Worthless Piece Of Shit He Makes Mineta Seem Slightly Worthy.)

???: "Roronoa Zoro!! You shouldn't pick on little girls. I'll tell my father on you!"

Luffy: "Who's that weirdo?"

Koby: "He must be a high-ranked naval officer. Now that little girl will be safe."

'That level of smugness.....makes me think of an power copying blonde....'

Zoro: "Hmph! Well....If it isn't the idiot son, living off of daddy's wealth."

Hermepp: "Did you just call me an 'idiot'? A man in your position should guard his tongue, or he could lose it! Little girl...Did you bring those rice balls for me? How thoughtful."

Girl: "Hey! Give it back!"

Hermepp: "BLECH! Disgusting! It's sweet! There's sugar on it!! Rice balls are supposed to be seasoned with salt, not sugar!"

Girl: "B-But I like sweets, so I figured sugar would be better!"

Hermepp: "These are COMPLETELY inedible!!"

Girl: "Stop! Please! You're ruining them!"

Koby: "How evil...That little girl worked really hard to make those rice balls."

Hermepp: "Don't worry! I'm sure the ants will find them delicious!! Hahaha!"

Girl: "Oh no! Why!! I worked so hard to make them!"

Hermepp:  "Oh, stop that crying! That's why I hate kids! It's your own fault! Can't you read this sign?! It says 'Anybody aiding the prisoner shall be found guilty of the crimes he has committed. Captain Morgan'.  I'm sure you heard how scary my father can be! If you were an adult, you would be put to death! You there! Throw that brat over the fence!"

Soldier: "B-But..."

Hermepp: "I'm ordering you too throw that little brat over the fence! Are you going to disobey a direct order?! I'll tell daddy on you!"

Soldier: "Y-Yes sir...Right away!"

"I got her!" 

I caught the girl in my arms, making sure they were transformed for a more softened landing.

Koby: "Are you okay?! What a bad man!"

Hermepp: "My, Roronoa Zoro, aren't you a stubborn one!"

Zoro: "That's right, I'm going to last the entire month! You just keep your end of the bargain!"

Hermepp: "Hahaha! I wouldn't dream of my breaking my word. If you survive out here for a month, then I'll let you go!! It'll be my pleasure, I'm sure!!"

He then left the field, but two certain pirates weren't exactly gonna just leave anytime soon.

Zoro: "You two are still here? Better not let Hermepp's father catch you."

Luffy: "Look, I'm looking for good men to join my crew."

Zoro: "Pirate crew, You think I'd lower myself to that level? No thanks!"

Luffy: "But becoming a pirate's my dream! What's wrong with it?!"

Zoro: "You think if you untie me, I'm gonna join your crew?"

"We haven't exactly decided yet, you've got quite the bad reputation, ya know? People have portrayed you as 'A demon in human form'."

Zoro: "Bad reputation, huh? Well, anyway, I don't go for that kind of deal, I've got my own plans for the future. I don't need your help, I can get out of here on my own. All I have to do is last a month here, then I'm a free man! Captain Morgan's idiot son promised me. All I've got to do is survive here for a month. Then I'll be free to pursue my own dream!!!"

Luffy: "Hmmmm...I see....I don't think I would last one week without food."

Zoro: "Me and you are different, I've got more willpower."

"No, Luffy just has a black hole of a stomach, he's always hungry."

Zoro: "Whatever, go look for a crew elsewhere...Just, before you go, could you...Pick that up for me?"

Luffy: "You're going too eat it?! It's more of a dirt ball than a rice ball now...I know you're hungry, but this..."

Zoro: "Shut up! Just shut up and feed it to me! And don't miss one grain of rice!"

"At least let me kind of clean it first."

Using my transformed hands, I rolled the rice ball around them, the fur grabbing all the dirt but leaving the rice. (Magic hands-)

"There. It's not perfect, but at least It's edible now. Couldn't do anything about the taste, or the fact my paws are dirty now.." 

Zoro: "Koff...T-Tell the kid...Tell her I said it was delicious. Tell her I ate it all."

Girl: "Really?!"

Luffy: "Yeah! He ate it all up."

Girl: "I'm so glad!"

"It's a matter to think if he's the actual bad guy in this situation..."

Girl: "He's NOT a bad guy! Everybody In town is afraid of him, but he's done nothing wrong! He got thrown in prison because of me. Captain Morgan's son had a bunch of mean dogs! They attacked me and Roronoa Zoro saved me! Besides, these dogs were running loose and scaring everybody in town!"

"Wait, Zoro is in prison....For hitting that guys dogs that attacked you?!"

Girl: "Yes!"

Koby: "That makes sense! Zoro's really scary, but he only goes after people with a price on their heads. And he wouldn't get thrown into prison for that!"

Girl: "Captain Morgan and his son are the bad ones! They sentence people to death for no reason at all! Everyone's afraid of them."

Hermepp: "Hahaha! You're not bowing your heads low enough, scum! I'll tell my father on all of you!"

"Speak of the moron and he shall come..."

Hermepp: "Do you want to be jailed like Roronoa Zoro?! We're going to hold a public execution for him in three days!! We'll make an example of him! I can hardly wait!"

"Wait a second....Three days?"

Luffy: "But...You made a promise to him!!"

Hermepp: "What, Where did you hear about that? That promise was a joke!! He's just a stupid beast for believing it!! HAHAHA!!"

Zoro: "Captain Morgan's idiot son promised me. All I've got to do is survive here for a month."

Koby: "Luffy!! Stop! Calm Down! You want to make an enemy of the navy, do you?!"

"Koby, we're pirates, we're the navy's enemy whether they like it or not."

Luffy: "That guy is scum! I've made my decision! I'm going to ask Zoro to join my crew!"

(Sorry this took so long to publish guys I've just be caught up with school work and other things.)

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