Chapter 4: Episode 3 - Rogue Vs Wonder Woman

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"I said start it you drunk bastard!" Sanji shouted.

"Calm yourself mate." Jack said lazily.

"This is going to be an interesting one." Aokiji said.

"Two female combatants this time, I can't wait to see what they are capable of." Reiju said.

"Well they are impressive, I'll tell you that." Jack said.

"Instead of talking about it, just start the damn thing!" Sanji shouted.

"Fine." Jack replied, starting the death battle up.

Wiz: Superheroines. Millions have been drawn to these modern myths of comic book lore.

"Superheroes are cool!" Luffy exclaimed as he ate a piece of meat "Never gonna be one though."

Jinbei sweat dropped "That philosophy still going strong huh."

"Yes, we've got superpowers!" Jack sang much to everyone's surprise and he smirked "You wouldn't get it."

Boomstick: Or you could, uh, just be drawn to the way they're drawn.

Sanji started to giggle perversely while rubbing his hands

"This one might just give me a headache." Nami muttered with an annoyed sigh.

"I might enjoy this one." Shanks said with a smirk.

Wiz: Like Anna Marie, the Rogue.

Sanji and Ichiji giggled perversely upon seeing the first combatant.

"She's pretty." Rebecca commented.

"Hopefully that pretty face doesn't get messed up in this fight Zehaha!" Blackbeard laughed.

"Depends on her combatant." Katakuri said.

Boomstick: And Diana Prince, the Wonder Woman.

Sanji, Ichiji and Nichiji giggled perversely upon seeing the second combatant.

"She looks like a fine warrior." Mihawk commented.

"Very fine~" Shanks said with a smirk.

"Not you too!" Ace exclaimed.

"She would make a fine addition to my island." Hancock said.

Wiz: He's Boomstick and I'm Wizard.

Helmeppo was about to say something but Coby beat him to it "Don't say it."

Boomstick: And we're here to watch two chicks duke it out! CATFIGHT!

"Cat! Where!?" Inuarashi exclaimed, looking around.

"Meow!" Nekomamushi exclaimed.

"I don't think that's what he meant..." Chopper said with a sweat drop.

Wiz: It's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills-

Boomstick: And maybe a few other things.

Sanji, Nichiji, Ichiji and Yonji giggled perversely with drool coming from their lips.

By now Nami and Reiju had enough of them and in a swift motion, all four of the brothers were on the ground with swollen faces and bloody noses.

"Idiots." Nami and Reiju both said as they high fived.

Wiz: -to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

"Let's do this!" Kid stated with a smirk.


(*Cues: X-Men(2000) - The X-Jet)

Wiz: Rogue has possessed a variety of different powers over the years. For this duel in particular, we will use the most well-known version; the original iteration from the comics and television show.

"What does that mean?" Nami asked.

"They're trying to keep things fair, I suppose." Robin said.


- Activated through contact.

- Absorbs memories, talents, personalities and abilities.

- Temporary transfer.

- Can use copied abilities.

- Can be lethal through prolonged contact.

Wiz: Her deadliest weapon is her own skin. With just a touch, she absorbs a person's memories, talents, personalities, and abilities, whether superhuman or not, to use them herself.

"Damn, that's scary." Buggy muttered.

"It would be a pain fighting her." Killer said.

"Could Haki counteract it?" Tashigi asked.

"It can counteract Logias so I don't see why not." Smoker said with a shrug.

Boomstick: Too bad it knocks them out cold. And if she holds on long enough, it's game over.

Robin frowned "Poor girl."

"Why do you say that?" Zoro asked.

"She had to live with this ability all her life, any kind of contact with anyone was hazardous so that would most likely mean she has had to isolate herself as to not hurt anyone." Robin explained.

Some frowned sympathetically upon hearing that bit of info.

Wiz: Tenacious foes like Juggernaut can resist it, but in the end, nobody is safe from Rogue's parasitic touch. For every second of contact, Rogue can keep these powers for a full minute. Though sometimes, there's unforseen side effects.

"So people as big as Kaido aren't even safe from her wrath?" Usopp asked in shock.

Kaido smirked "I'd be willing to see how much of a fight she can put up."

"You just want to die." Big Mom said with an eye roll.

Kaido burst into tears as he drank more "Yeah! Is that such a bad thing Linlin!?"

"Oh lord, he entered one of his drunk bouts again." Shanks said with a sigh.

"Same old crybaby Kaido." Roger laughed.

(*Cues: X-Men Theme - Hard Rock Remix*)


- Super Strength

- Flight at subsonic speed

- Near-invulnerability

- Enhanced reflexes

- Telepathic resistance

- Seventh sense

Boomstick: She held on to Ms. Marvel for so long she absorbed her powers permanently. Now, she's got super strength, speed, and near invulnerability. Not that I blame her, though. I'd be holdin' on to Ms. Marvel for as long as I could! Plus, then when she's unconscious I could-

"WHOA!" Sabo shouted, covering Luffy's ears.

"What the hell man!?" Ace shouted angrily.

"This guy reminds me of Absalom." Moria said.

"Please don't speak that idiot's name in my presence." Perona muttered.

"What was he gonna say?" Chopper asked in confusion.

"Nothing Chopper, ignore the fool." Robin said as she put him on her lap.

"Hn, trash." Lucci stated.

"This man is such a pig!" Sandersonia shouted.

"I'm really starting to hate this guy." Vivi said with a frown.

"Tch, Bastard..." Sanji said with a glare.

"Surprised you don't agree with him." Zoro said with a raised eyebrow.

"Even I have my limits Marimo, women aren't objects." Sanji said, unknowingly making Reiju and Nami smile.

Wiz: She also gained a seventh sense, the ability to unconsciously predict her opponents' moves.

"So she has Observation Haki?" Marco asked.

"Maybe she just unknowingly uses it." Katakuri said.

Boomstick: But her seventh sense doesn't seem to always work. That or the writers just forgot about it 'cause, uh, Rogue gets her ass kicked a lot.

"She really unknowingly uses it." Katakuri said with an eye roll.

Wiz: For plot convenience.

"Ah, nobody can beat the plot." Sabo said.

"Some can." Jack said.

Boomstick: And damn, she's got a hot ass.

"Yes! Someone said it! Woohoo!!" Sanji exclaimed.

"Will you shut up and sit down!" Nami shouted.

"He's not wrong." Shanks said.

"You be quiet!" Nami shouted.

Wiz: What?

"I'm just tuning him out at this point." Vivi said.

"Men truly are irredeemable." Hancock said in disgust.

"Oi Hancock! Can I have that piece of meat?" Luffy asked as he pointed to the chicken she was sitting by.

"Of course Luffy-sama!" Hancock exclaimed, feeding Luffy the chicken with a blush on her face.

Boomstick: Hey, that counts as a superpower in my book, Wiz! But while she's not invincible, she doesn't have any real weaknesses either. She's a classy southern belle, who I'd like to take out to dinner.

"With your view on women, Love cook's got a better chance on gaining a harem than that ever happening." Zoro said.

"I don't know if I should be offended or thanking you." Sanji said.

"Be offended, I prefer it that way." Zoro said.

"Oh okay...Screw you Marimo!" Sanji shouted.

Wiz: Who can fly, lift buildings, and kill people just by touching them.

"Yikes, I wouldn't wanna mess with her." Nami said warily.

"Agreed." Vivi said with a nod.

Boomstick: Never mind.

Akainu smirked "Pussy."

Rogue: Ain't that enough?

"It'll never be enough for me ma'am." Sanji said with heart eyes.

Wonder Woman

(*Cues: Wonder Woman (2009) - Ending Theme*)

Wiz: To the uneducated nerd, Wonder Woman may seem a cheap clone of Superman.

"Super who?" Luffy asked and everyone else shrugged, just as confused.

Boomstick: With Superboobies!

"True!" Sanji exclaimed, earning a blow to the head from Nami "I mean, Nami~swan's are better!"

"That wasn't why I hit you dumbass!" Nami shouted.

Wiz: But in reality, she's a whole different story. Created from Earth, born by gods, trained by ancient warriors-

"You're just going to gloss over all of that?" Law asked in annoyance.

"Why didn't you hire better hosts?" Bonney asked as she glared at Jack.

"Don't blame me, I didn't hire them." Jack defended himself.

Boomstick: Maker of Wonder Bread! Designer of the Wonderbra!

"Yohohoho!" Brook laughed.

"Someone gag him!" Ace shouted, now full blown annoyed by his behavior.

Wiz: Boomstick, that's not true!

Boomstick: See, I can do it too Wiz!

"Don't be so childish." Rayleigh said.

Wiz: Wonder Woman is the incredibly powerful and near-invincible ambassador of Themyscira, and self-appointed protector of the Earth.

"Themyscira?" Hancock asked with interest.

"She's got some balls to appoint herself the protector of an entire planet." Kid said.

Sanji turned to him with a scary look "You say that again and I will cook you then feed you to your crew."

"Good God man!" Franky exclaimed.

Luffy laughed "Sanji takes girls very seriously."

Boomstick: And she dresses like a stripper. A patriotic stripper!

"I can't fault him on that." Vivi said as she agreed.

"Are her panties the same as her costume?" Brook asked.

"That should be top priority information." Sanji said with a nod.

"Don't make me come over there!" Nami shouted.

"I find her outfit a bit too revealing." Rebecca said.

Doflamingo, Law, Robin and Luffy all looked at her "Hypocrite."

Rebecca blushed and covered her face "That was for battle, leave me alone!"


- Trained since childhood

- Skilled at armed and unarmed combat

- Prefers fist over blades

- The best of the Amazons

Wiz: Diana Prince has been trained by the Amazons as a master combatant since childhood. She dueled the best of the best for the right to be crowned Wonder Woman. Her unearthly powers are divine, granted by ancient Greek gods and goddesses. From Demeter, she received superhuman strength and durability.


- Superhuman strength

- Superhuman durability

- Magic resistance

- Enhanced healing factor

Many were shocked by the information and Hancock, Sandersonia and Marigold had jaw dropped upon hearing it.

"She's an amazon!?" Hancock exclaimed.

"A sister will be fighting in Death Battle!?" Sandersonia shouted.

"She will definitely win!" Marigold stated with a confident smirk.

"Why is her name Prince? Shouldn't it be Diana Princess?" Luffy asked.

"You have the most random thoughts sometimes." Nami said with a sigh.

(*Cues: Justice League - Main Theme*)

Boomstick: And you know that bitch Mailman god with the wingy shoes?

Wiz: Heremes?

"Who?" Garp asked.

Boomstick: Whatever. He gave Wonder Woman the ability to fly and move at hypersonic speed.


- Flight up to Mach 5 speed

- Superhuman reflexes

- Superhuman speed

"How many handouts were given to this chick!?" Kid asked.

"I wish I had gods backing me since birth." Benn said.

"Why not start now? Luffy's got a god in his crew, let's kidnap him." Shanks said jokingly.

"EEEK!! Luffy save me!!" Usopp shouted.

"Shanks is so funny!" Luffy laughed.

"Don't laugh!" Usopp shouted.


- Enhanced sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste

- Multi-lingual

- Increased wisdom

- Superior empathy

- Animal rapport

Wiz: She was given numerous other powers from enhanced senses, animal rapport, and blessings of wisdom and empathy.

"I hope she loses." Blackbeard said.
"Why?" Crocodile asked.
"Because some of us had to work to be powerful." Blackbeard stated.

Boomstick: Aside from the obvious cannons rested right below her neck, she's got a pretty bizarre mix of weaponry. Her Lasso of Truth is a piece of unbreakable string that, well, makes you tell the truth.


- Forged by Hephaestus

- Unbreakable

- Infinitely Elastic

- Forces prisoners to tell the truth

"That makes you do what?" Buggy asked with wide eyes and many of the men paled in fear.

"Now I really wanna have that weapon." Nami said as Robin giggled.

Hippolyta: What other depraved thoughts must you be thinking?

Col. Steve Trevor: God, your daughter's got a nice rack.

"Hell yeah, she does!" Sanji exclaimed.

Boomstick: Hell yeah, she does!


- Returns after each use

- Razor-sharp edge

- Can cut through most substances

Wiz: She uses her tiara as a long-range throwing weapon, using its razor-sharp edge to slice open her enemies' throat.

"Can you do that?" Luffy asked Vivi with stars in his eyes.

"Unfortunately mine is just normal." Vivi said with a smile.

"Luffy-sama, please don't talk to other women." Hancock asked tearfully.


- Indestructible

- Formed from the Aegis of Zeus

- Blocks blades, bullets, beams and other attacks

- Can discharge lightning

Boomstick: Wonder Babe here uses the Bracelets of Submission, indestructible steel gauntlets forged from the remains of Zeus' legendary Aegis. These babies can block all sorts of attacks.

"Lasso of truth, Bracelets of submission..." Sabo said with a stone faced look.

"This chick is full on NSFW!!" Ace shouted.

"I find her equipment cool." Tashigi said.

"Heh." Ichiji let out with a smirk.

"Equipment." Nichiji let out with a smirk of his own.

Wiz: She has persevered throughout the years, fighting a huge variety of foes, even killing the Greek God of War, Ares.

"She killed a god!?" Luffy exclaimed in awe.

"Better watch out Usopp." Zoro said with a smirk.

"Now why would you say something like that!?" Usopp shouted.

Boomstick: Hear that, Kratos? A chick beat you to it!

They were very confused on who he was referring to so they just dismissed it altogether.

Wonder Woman bashes the edge of the shield down to Mad Harriet.

Wonder Woman: Let's see you smile now!

"I like her." Nami said with a smirk.

"She's badass." Bonney said in agreement.

"Rogue is gonna kick ass!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Yeah right! Wonder Woman is gonna whoop her." Bonney stated.

Rogue: Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Kid, Law, Carrot, Shirahoshi, Katakuri, Usopp, Shanks, Doflamingo, Blackbeard, Rayleigh, Dragon, Aokiji, Kuma.

Neutral: Bege, Sanji, Judge, Garp, Bon Clay, Franky, Ivankov, Whitebeard, Nekomamushi, Inuarashi.

Wonder Woman: Nami, Brook, Akainu, Bonney, Hancock, Sandersonia, Marigold, Big Mom, Tashigi, Vivi, Rebecca, Zoro, Killer, Roger.

Death Battle

(*Cues: Rogue's Theme - X-Men vs Street Fighter*)

Rogue is shown flying in the sky. The Invisible Jet descends in background and Wonder Woman flies out. She kicks Rogue in the face, and both superheroines fly down to the ground.

"Well that was rude." Shirahoshi said.

"Gotta start the fight somehow, Fight!!" Kid shouted.


(*Cues: Wonder Woman (2009) - The Battle/Origins*)

Wonder Woman throws her tiara at Rogue, runs behind her, and roundhouse kicks her. The kick sends Rogue flying, Wonder Woman then flies after her, kicking her multiple times before dashing behind her again and punching her. She grabs a dazed Rogue with the Lasso of Truth and slams her on the ground numerous times, drags Rogue near her, and uppercuts her in the air. She darts around the airborne Rogue with a flurry of punches.

"C'mon Rog! You can do it!" Luffy cheered.

"Her name is Rogue." Law said to him.

"That's what I said." Luffy said to him and Law face palmed.

(*Cues: X-Men Theme - Hard Rock Remix*)

When she punches Rogue in the face however, Rogue absorbs some of Wonder Woman's powers, and she absorbs more of her powers when she takes off her glove and touches her leg. While Wonder Woman breaks free, Rogue strikes her from behind, elbows her in the neck, and sends her soaring with a quick kick combo. Wonder Woman throws out her Lasso of Truth again, but Rogue grabs it, tugs it, and slams her on the ground. Rogue flies behind her again and launches her tiara again, but Rogue blocks it, -propelling it back on her head- kicks her in the air and uppercuts her. Wonder Woman stops Rogue with several punches, but her finishing kick is blocked and she is knocked in the air.

"Looks like the tables have turned." Blackbeard laughed.

"Oh no." Nami said worriedly.

"Either way, I love this battle!" Sanji exclaimed with a grin.

(*Cues: Wonder Woman (2009) - The Battle/Origins again*)

Rogue flies after her in the air, and is responded by a commotion of punches, Rogue blocks on of them and delivers some of her own, which is later black by Wonder Woman. She is then knocked down to the ground by a dive kick delivered by Wonder Woman. Both combatants fly down to the ground. Wonder Woman dashes towards her with a flying kick, but it is interrupted by Rogue, who grabs her.

"Eh?" Everyone asked and Sanji gasped.

Rogue: Good night, sugar!

Rogue proceeds to plant a kiss of death upon Wonder Woman's lips, killing her.

"Oh no..." Nami muttered.

"S-Sanji?" Chopper asked nervously.

Sanji had a stone faced look as his nose started spurting blood, he flew in the air as a geyser of blood came out of his nose.

"WAHH! SANJI!!!" Chopper shouted as Sanji landed on the ground with a happy smile on his face.

"That idiot." Zoro said with a sigh.

"No sister!" Sandersonia shouted.


Rogue then strikes a pose.

"I really loved this battle." Yonji said with a laugh.


(*Cues: X-Men (2000) - Main Theme*)

Boomstick: Woo-hoo-hoo! This goes down in history as the best DEATH BATTLE! ever!

"It was decent." Whitebeard said.

"I enjoyed it." Rayleigh said.

"Akuma's fight was better." Kid said.

Wiz: Poor Wonder Woman was more than a match for Rogue, but then she touched Rogue's face.

"Yeah, her skin was the biggest issue for Wonder Woman." Sengoku said.

"A deadly ability indeed." Jinbei said.

Boomstick: Wonder Woman is a trained fighter, so naturally she would strike her opponent's weakest spots, like the neck, stomach, joints and, well, the face.

"Hey I focus on those when I fight!" Luffy exclaimed with a grin.

Kid laughed "Then you'd be screwed against her."

Wiz: In the end, her failure was a result of her thorough Amazonian training.

"Don't you dare blame the amazons on her failure you geeky wizard!" Hancock shouted.

"Burn." Ace said with a smirk.

"Please don't." Sabo said with an unamused look, he was not in the mood for Ace's puns right now.

Boomstick: And her stripper outfit! Her leg was just begging to be grabbed there. Though personally, uh, I might have grabbed elsewhere.

"I am going to find this bastard and make him suffer." Hancock said with a glare.

"I'll join you." Bonney said.

Wiz: Wonder Woman's powers may be godly, but Rogue's taken similar powers before, so there's no reason to say she couldn't here. Adding Wonder Woman's strength and speed to Rogue's own power gave her a huge advantage, drastically turning the tide.

"If Wonder Woman had knowledge of her opponent then she might've won." Robin said.

"Maybe." Katakuri agreed.

Boomstick: A few high flying combos and our favorite X-Girl had Wonder Woman on the ropes.

Wiz: And with her combined reflexes, speed, and seventh sense, she outmaneuvered Wonder Woman with one fatal kiss.

"Woohoo!" Sanji cheered as he sat up but then passed out again.

Boomstick: Rogue sure "made out" in this fight!

"Heh!" Ace laughed.

"Yup." Shanks chuckled.

"I don't get it." Luffy said as he tilted his head.

Wiz: The winner is Rogue.

"Shishshi! So far the people I wanted to win are winning, we should start betting with meat." Luffy said with a laugh.

"I think that's a terrible idea." Nami said as Beri appeared in her eyes "Make it money!"

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle.

There was 8-bit music playing and a field of strange floating blocks with question marks was shown. A brown mushroom shaped creature with short stubby legs enters the field along with a bipedal turtle.


"Argh! This next one is going to be lame!" Kid complained.

"Maybe it will be cool." Rebecca said enthusiastically.

"Doubt it." Smoker said.

"Let's see if it will surprise us then." Jack said with a smirk.

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