A fist full of Crimson

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

the hideout of the former girls of Hebijo heard rumors that spread around like fire, of a Ninja took out one of the bests elites from Gessen, Hebijo and Hanzō. Inside the hideout of crimson squad some of the members of the squad were watching the news while only two weren't the snake of the group who was sleeping while the loli was on her laptop.

"Today a powerful shockwave was some how made a mysterious question were did this shockwave come from or who made it?, this is Tokyo news and see you later" the t.v. was turn off by The Leader of the Crimson squad

"I bet is that new ninja that I'm hearing" said the Homura of the Crimson Squad who wear casual clothes now turning on the t.v. to see what new.

"Why do you say that Homura?" Said the Swordwoman of the group who is in a green tracksuit

"Nothing I just feel that I seen him somewhere in my part time job." Answered Homura

"If I remember what Kat said she said something about a male ninja with (h/ c) hair with (e/c) eyes and (s/c) skin" said the green hair girl still closing her eyes, who is wearing a red sweater dress, who one of the ninjas eavesdropped on Katsuragi conversation.

"hhmmm you mean this guy" the loil show the group her laptop showing a picture of (Y/N) with his superhero jumpsuit taken by a blogger, grabbing the attention of crimson squad.

"oooh that's the guy that I saw him in my part time job I saw him buying some eggs." Homura remembers that guy days ago (Hint: Cold as Ice bargain Day)

"him really I expected him to look more macho" The Swordwoman of the group who is named, Yomi said imagining a big muscle guy with scars on his face in a jumpsuit.

"I bet that's the guy who defeated rin sensai by you know" after the scientist of the group said that everyone started to oooh at trying to imagine it and some hold their crotchs "poor rin now she's never going to get married "

After a while of silence and thinking Homura thought of a idea and smack the table, grabbing the attention of the Crimson squad yet again.

"What about we catch this guy and ask him to join us" said Homura

"Homura I don't know if it's a great idea we don't know him that well" said Yomi

"Yeah he might be a pervert" said the loli known as Mirai thinking this guy is a shameless pervert like ever other guy in Japan.

"Just imagine a guy with great power with our side we can have anything, with that we will no longer have to take part time jobs just imagine schools all around Japan will bow down to us and gives us anything." After Homura said that they began imagine everything they always dream of.

*Money and Respect* Homura imagine her self with a pool of money while signing autographs from fanboys and girl's.

*food * Yomi imagine her self with a table of food of all kinds in front of her.

*Respect and fame* Mirai imagine her self with a bigger body and still have that laptop of hers while people taking pictures .

*Cute People* The scientist of the group named Haruka imagine herself surrounded by cute boys and girls some lolis and some shotas.

*............................................* The snake girl named Hikage imaging...., well nothing at all.
(Y/N) sneezed once again while waking up
"Is someone talking about me?" (Y/N) questioned, knowing a myth of if your sneeze a lot and it's wasn't a cold or anything, it's means someone talking about you.

"Probably nothing....a guess" (Y/N) concluded, (Y/N) decide to goof off a bit because there's nothing to do, no sale today at any supermarket or anything that Aimi wants him to do.

Minutes later
(Y/N) who is in his pj pants decide to spend some time watching an anime shogunate wars and is picking his ears while watching it, until
Rumble.That sound came from the pits of his stomach who is rumbling of not eating lunch. (Y/N) got up while turning off the TV and got to his fridge with has pin ups of sales, specials and soon found a paper for a restaurant.
'Friday specials of getting entrees 60% off deal'
(Y/N) decide to eat there and soon took off his pants and soon started wearing his Superhero Jumpsuit again and soon walked out his apartment room door and occasionally wave at the nice landlady and walked out the apartment .

(Y/N) walked to where the Restaurant is while ignoring many stares of pedestrians, while he continue walking to where it is he felt a stare but it wasn't a stare like everyone else but a piercing stare, he turned his head very quickly to see who is staring at him very piercingly but nothing, (Y/N) scratched his chin to see what was it, but said a simple eh while raising his shoulders together and continue walking and saw his destination

The culprit of the piercing stare is one of the girls of Crimson squad who spy on (Y/N) when he was in her sight and decide to follow him.
Joseph coffee and restaurant

(Y/N) was going in a restaurant, he was seating on a table alone and was now reading the menus of the 60% entries and appetizers.

"Hey is this sit taken cutie?" (Y/N) took his eyes off the menu and see a girl brown hair that is curled at the ends with a large pink bow on top. And is wearing a yellow sweater and a tight pink skirt which caught the attention of the male population (Except (Y/N)). Haruka walked up to (Y/N)s table with a smile and gave him a wink.

"No Why?" (Y/N) looked at the girl who randomly come up to him while asking him is the seats is taken, while is unaffected by the girls flirtatious charm and also unaware of the male population in the restaurant started giving him stares that are not friendly.(AT ALL)

"Well that's good to know so you don't mind me and a friend seating here right next to you won't you" she said taking a seat next to him and so did Hikage who pop out of nowhere on the other side of him.

"I don't mind at all, it wouldn't hurt to have some company" (Y/N) said while continuing to look at the menu. And soon got what they ordered to the waitress who said there food would be ready and walked to the kitchen.

(Y/N) who continue to look at the menu for any dessert specials until he felt a leg rubbing his leg. (Y/N) stopped and look to see Haruka rubbing his leg with her own, probably trying to get his attention, Hmm? Asked (Y/N) trying to know what she wants.

"So tell me what do you do for a living or should I say Saitama" Haruka said the last one with a evil smile.

"You know that not my name, it's my father name, and I'm a Hero For Fun" he said plainly while narrowing his eye a little but not very very seriously. "How do you know my fathers name"

Haruka sweat at this a little *I guess the rumors were true* Hikage pulled out her knife and started to pick on (Y/N) side trying to get his attention

"What?" (Y/N) turned his head to look at Hikage who kept poking his side to grab his attention and soon she stopped poking

"Now your realize what kind of situation your in right Saitama Jr ." Hikage said emotionless

"No idea, and stop calling me Saitama and just call me Jr." Said (Y/N) who is not wary of what's going on and getting a little annoyed of them calling him Saitama because that name is his fathers.

"Mmmmm, do you remember fighting a woman with purple hair and metal fans for a weapon?" Asked Haruka

"Yeah, but what's her name again?" (Y/N) scratching his hair to remember that purple hair ninjas name, "Kin......no......Sim.......no....Zim.....no, Oh it's Rim" (Y/N) answered

The two girls sweat drop a little.
"Close but wrong but we're not here to fight you like the other ninjas we here to ask you something" Haruka said continue of rubbing her leg to his.

"Yeah and that is?" (Y/N) said while getting annoyed of the girl leg rubbing.

"The three ninja academy's which you encounter before either treat you as a danger to the ninja society or a tool for power meaning that 'hero for fun' antics will not work because some ninjas think your a evil villain" Haruka said

"I am a hero for fun and pretty much I don't care what they think of me, plus this is not the first time I been hated by the public" (Y/N) said, remember he and Saitama are hated by mostly everyone in every city and they treat them as a menace rather than real heroes, but some treat them with respect.

"That's true and all but if you like we can help you out like a team jr saitama we can show you what you need and if you don't want that I got other things that you might enjoy" she said try to move her foot to his crotch.

(Y/N) pushed the leg away from his private part. "Sorry but no thanks, I use to be part of something already"

Haruka was a little surprised she thought he was always a lone wolf but she guess was wrong but is right of he is a lone wolf.

"Really what academy are you from than" asked Haruka

"Heroes Association" replied (Y/N) "and it not an academy, it's an organization"

The two girls were thinking a little about thinking the organization he said is a lie or the truth.

"The heroes associations?, that's a weird group I never heard of it ....... but we can talk this later ..... because the food is here" said Haruka mention the waitress bringing there food.

(Y/N) got chicken tenders and fries., while Haruka ordered a salad while Hikage ordered misoa soup they ate with silence, till (Y/N) stopped eating a little because something is wrong.

*Crap I drank to much juice* (Y/N) who remember of drinking a lot of juice from his apartment of watching reruns of the shogunate wars "Uuhhh if you excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom" manage to leave the booth while going to the men's bathroom, leaving the two girls alone.

"Now what are we gonna do now?, we know that he have allies we need to keep a good image enough for him to believe we're allies" asked Hikage.

"Don't worry I'll just use my puppets to attack him and we can save him so we can have a nice image" said Haruka who has a plan to get (Y/N) on there side.

The girls stopped talking when (Y/N) came back with a sense of relieve and soon manage to walk back to the booth and continue eating. And so Haruka decide to break the ice of silence.

"hey jr how are you -" but she was cut off when someone stole her purse and run she decided to act because she was using her puppet to make a scene "Oh no!, my stuff is in their!"

(Y/N) not be able to ignore his hero instinct, he decided to chase the purse snatcher who stole the mystery girls purse that has her stuff. ( Right after he pay for the food, just in case of him being out forever)

Haruka smile at her plan doing well so she and hikage decided to move .

"well this is going to be interesting your puppets are sometimes useful" by that the two female ninjas disappeared.

(Y/N) chase after the hooded figure who has the girl's belongings with his normal speed because he don't want to cause
Another uproar of showing his limitless power that concealed in him, the figure started running while pushing pedestrians in his way, The figure and (Y/N) started moving from corners to corners 20 times in a row and neither are tired out from it and soon the hooded figure stop at a dead end that is concealed by tall building, leaving only him and (Y/N).

"Stop and give it back" said (Y/N) and walk towards the figure which didn't move a muscle. Then (Y/N) touch the figure on the shoulder which (Y/N) felt a more stiff and creak feel to the person.

"I sai-" but was cut off when the hooded figure took out a tanto and swiftly try to stab him in the gut but (Y/N) manage to grab the knife and took it off the Strangers hand and hood.

And when it did it show a face made of wood but before he could say anything else other wooden dummies pop out and brought out weapons from tantōs, swords, kurigama chains or fist of iron. (Y/N) looked at them with a plain expression and is not aware of what danger he is in.

"Are you going to give me that bag or wha-" But was soon cut off when a sword was inches to his eye. But soon the sword hit thin air and soon a gloved fist smash into the dummies face shattering the head , leaving the body lifeless. The dummies tensed up with weapons prime and ready.

"I guess we'll do this the hard way" said (Y/N), and with that the thousands of dummies charge with weapons held high to slash, bludgeon or clobbered the hero in front of them and soon (Y/N) use his fist and said his technique.

" Normal series: Consecutive Normal Punches"

Crimson Squad

Meanwhile the two female warriors went into action and by their side are the rest of the crimson squad who all are dressed in there ninja outfits

"Do you really think this will work?" Questioned Hikage

"I don't know but let's just hope for this when we come into action he will ready thank us after this" said Homura

"I hope he's not pervert who will ignored me" hoped Mirai

"Don't worry about that we will get there in time there's no way he can defeat all of my puppets ..... alone" when the group found jr he was on a pile of broken wooden dummies.

(Y/N) looked at the carnage he made and soon he see the mysterious girl from before and see what appear to be her friends as well all dressed in different attire, and soon slide off from the wooden bodies of dummies and gave The girl her bag.

"I Believe this is yours"

The Crimson Squad was shocked at what transpired especially Haruka was shocked but shake it off and try to act cool.

"Oh well thank you, your sure are a hero"said Haruka retrieved her bag and made a fake but grateful smile.

*He took out all of Harukas dolls* Thought the 4 Crimson (except Haruka)

"Don't mention it, see ya" (Y/N) turned his back to walk the opposite direction to go to his apartment. And the Crimson squad stood there dumbfounded, shock and confused at what transpired in front of them.

*Shit we had a chance but it backfired I couldn't believe that he took all of Harukas puppets, now I see how he was able to defeat the academy students and the elites but next time we will not under presented you, Saitama Jr.*
Homura thought who is looking at (Y/N) disappearing around the corner.

(Y/N) sneezed agian while walking to his apartment.
"Someone's talking about me" he said to himself, not knowing pedestrians kept there distance away from (Y/N) thinking he's a wierdo cosplayer.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Epilogue-Crimson Squad
Crimson Squad hideout
As The Girls of Crimson squad came back to the cave while talking or mentioning about (Y/N) fight against Haruka puppet which is impossible for anyone to beat on there own. As Dinner came across the time they ate with silence. Homura thought to herself of (Y/N).

*Saitama jr I was very lucky that I didn't face you as an enemy but as a friend but next time you see me I'll swear that I'll defeat you or make you join our side, see you later hero* Homura said with a noticeable smirk on her face, while continue eating

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