Toad or Frog?

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It's morning and luckily (Y/N) was able to not punch the clock and got breakfast consist of rice balls from yesterday's dinner and right now (Y/N) in his Pjs sat on the floor looked at the TV and looked at the morning news and the topic today is half of the bamboo forest is 45% gone by a mysterious cause last night and by this (Y/N) sweat dropped at knowing he the one who did

(Y/N) walk around the forest after his fight with a ninja by the name of Rin and left the grounds of Hebijo to not make matters worse for him. And try to find Bamboo wood and the result gone poorly again.

"Damn it, how am I suppose to find bamboo wood in this god forsaken forest?" He ask to himself muttering under his breath, as he walked aimlessly in the forest and soon he looked and looked and the the result are poorly yet again. As he walked he saw something long and green and soon he found the one thing he looked for.

"Yes!!!" He screamed in joy to find not one but a bundle of bamboo wood and make things better it's very tall and wider than the dull ones he usually find. (Y/N) looked left and right to see if any ninja would pop out of nowhere and with a sign of relief no one is attacking or tracked him after his 'fight' with Rin. He soon use his hand in a karate chop action and said his own skill

"Serious Chop!!!"

Flashback end

Luckily he gave the wood as he promised to the landlady who is name Aimi who gave in return a sum of yen that is enough to have a dinner for his effort and the fix the holes he creates every time he punch the clock in the morning.
Right now (Y/N) looked at the damage he done to the forest when he got the wood on television and sweat dropped of overusing his secret technique.

He train of thoughts was interrupted when someone knock on his apartment door and got up from his futon and answered the door and when he opened the door he see no one. But looked down and see Aimi who wears a traditional kimono.

"Yes?" Asked (Y/N) looked down and kneel a bit to her level and asked with a polite tone of voice

"Excuse me, dearie, do are busy at the moment?"

"No, mam, I'm not busy" answered (Y/N)

"Can you do an errand for me, a friend of mine need help fishing, he can't do it because he retired and need someone to cover him can you please do that for me dearie" pleaded Aimi

"Ok, I will do it" said (Y/N)

"Thanks dearie I really appreciate it"

"No problem"

"Now if you excuse me, I meet you down stairs for you to see him" said Aimi who walked out and went down stairs to the lobby.

(Y/N) soon got dress not in his Hero suit he consistently wears, he know wears a (F/C), (F/C2) hoodie with bold bronze letters that read FUKKIN(ABS), khakis and (F/C) Shoes with (F/C2) soles in them.

He walked out of his apartment and went to the lobby to the errand the landlady mentioned of.

As (Y/N) was walking to the lobby and see the landlady, a man with fishing equipment. Aimi soon point at him and soon the man and boy looked at his direction and the man walked up to (Y/N) and the man tower (Y/N).

"You must be (Y/N), Ai, was talking about" said the man

"Yes that's me"

"I heard a lot of good things about you son, I'm Zio please to meet you" said the man who gave a hand for (Y/N).

"Likewise I'm Jr." answered (Y/N) who accept the shake with a firm grip of the man hands.

"Your a lot stronger than I thought you would" exclaimed Zio who is mildly impressed at (Y/N) firm grip for a handshake. And soon they parted hands.

"Anywho, I'm here to help you" said (Y/N)

"Thanks for helping me young man, it's very rare for someone to be polite in this new generation anyway grab as much fish, and crustaceans you fish I'll pay you for the amount of fish you fished for" exclaimed Zio who gave the fishing rod and bait to (Y/N).

"Ok" who got the rod and bait.

"Good luck finding some fish" said Zio who followed the landlady upstairs who want to talk in private.

(Y/N) soon walked out the apartment complex and soon ran at fast speeds toward a random direction to find a more convenient, less vacant spot to fish and soon he soon found it and ran toward the direction of the less vacant spot to fish while ignoring many onlookers.

(Y/N) find a huge spot that has a huge waterfall 10 feet away from him and a giant very deep lake. He soon dropped the bait and sat on the soft terrain and soon got the fishing rod out with the bait on it consist of worms and soon got the baited hook in the deep water showing nothing but the fishing bobber floating in the water.

20 Minutes later
Exclaimed (Y/N) who couldn't find a single fish in this area with the exception of frogs with bumps on them whenever he reeled in the frog from what he thought it was fish but got his hopes up more than 10 times this day.

His train of thought was interrupted when the bobber went deeper underwater and soon (Y/N) pull the bobber back.

"11th times the charm" he said expect to find fish but soon when the hook was revealed another frog with bumps on it jump out of the water and the frog was on top of his head and soon the frog thing use (Y/N) head as catapult to somewhere else.

"Damn It!!!!" Screamed (Y/N), but soon relaxed and continue to fish

5 Minutes

(Y/N) continue to fish despite the odds of frogs than fish in the ponds and is determine to find fish whenever and wherever it is.

While the young hero continue was busy fishing, sounds of kicking, pounding and don't forget shouting was heard far away.

"Hm?" (Y/N) pause of what he is doing and looked to where the sound is and thought for a moment whether he should investigate what going on or leave it be.

Before he could decide a soft blonde hair worn with a blue headband that has a ribbon on each side of her head and has bright blue eyes and is wearing a gym uniform, burst out of nowhere with a flying kick and land right next to (Y/N) not knowing the male in front of her.

"Oh what a work out!, I feel like I can take on the world yah---but stop when she saw (Y/N) in front and soon a moment of silence happened

(Y/N) turned his head to look at the blonde girl who came out of nowhere, all he could do is stare at her. Until he decide to break the ice and said something to lower the awkward moment.


The girl was now sweating out of worry to be seen by an outsider, normal person.

"Aww sorry dude, but this parts of the area is off limits for anyway, we need you to leave" she said trying to play cool.

(Y/N) has his eyebrow raised that the area is restricted for anyone to enter." You sure about that, last time I saw there no restrictions in this parts of the area before...and why it's restricted anyway for what reason why it's off limits in the first place anyway?" Asked (Y/N) who is suspicious of what she said.

*Shit, now what do I do?, he got me their if Ikaruga was here she will take care of this I guess I have no choice but to knock him out* she turned her head to look at (Y/N) with a devilish smile on her face.

(Y/N) raised his eyebrow yet again, at the blonde girls sudden change of personality."What's with that smile?, is there something on my face?" As (Y/N) brush his face to see anything on his face but noting, much to his relief thinking that he messed up his breakfast or toothpaste on his face.

"Yes, theirs something on your face like MY FOOT!!" She kicked Jr on the face but didn't hurt him and stood unaffected but the force of the kick.

(Y/N) was confused all of a sudden, first the girl kick him in the face but didn't effect him at all. "What are you trying to do?" He looked at the girls sudden expression of shock, probably how he is sitting perfectly still with the fishing rod still in his hands.

*He took the hit with ease, what about this!* she smirk and took off her bloomers to see if the guy passed out of blood loss.

(Y/N) looked at her weirdly at the girl sudden change of Dilemma from her telling this place is restricted from her kicking him in the face and now she started showing her underwear in front of him in public. "What is wrong with you?" Questioned (Y/N)

The blonde girl eyes pop out of surprise to see that he's not effective by this, by that she was in her knees with a blue aura of sadness around her and was crying about how she wasn't womanly enough for (Y/N).

The young hero looked surprised of making the girl he never know and appeared out of nowhere cried and soon he decide to help her. "Are you okay?, stop crying please, what's wrong?" (Y/N) looked worried and try everything in his power to cheer her up.

By that the blonde girl smiled and jump on him and try to wrestle him down but failed to do so and soon do a choke lock on (Y/N) and even crossing her legs, trying to choke him." You fall right into my trap, how you like that?" Said the blonde girl triumphantly.

The hero said nothing but soon he grab the legs that crossed his neck trying to 'strangle' him and uncrossed them and pushed her back. *Whats her deal?* He thought she was nuts.

The blonde girl try to do a flying kick at (Y/N) but he catches the said foot letting her hang upside down, she try to hit (Y/N) and struggling to get out. "Let me go, and fight like a man, coward" She said still shaking upside down

"Are you done?" (Y/N) who had enough of the girls behavior long enough because he is very busy and the girl is bothering him to the point of a vein pop on his head.

"Never, until I beat you" she said and she accidentally pull down (Y/N) khaki pants and pull them down showing his spotted underwear, she blush and smirk "Oops, my bad" by that (Y/N) throw her into the water, the girl is skipping couple of time until the last skip stopped.

"Are you finish with this?" Asked (Y/N) who put his pants up that the girl pulled them down, after that he looked irritated by the girls psycho personality.

The blonde girl was floating in the water than she started to swim back to land and Stand up agian. "Never!, now fight me like a man Secret Ninja Arts:Tornado Spindle!" And suddenly two heavy looking boot appeared in her feet and soon she was doing some type of break dancing and spinning around making a green twister, the twister was picking up sea creatures that are edible and frog things with bumps, and most of the sea creatures landed on the bucket that is full of it, while the frogs land on their feet and hoop to somewhere to safety. (Y/N) was getting wet but the water standing his clothes and soon got annoyed and walk through the twister and grab her foot again and throw her in the water again but with much force into it.

"Are you still going to fight or what?" (Y/N) asked to the girl who wish to fight him with veins popping around his head.

The blonde girl was floating in the water "Na I'm good think I'll just leave you " she said tiredly

(Y/N) sigh in relief and turn to get back of what he is doing and see a ton of fish and crustaceans a
Ready in the bucket, he smiled in relief and looked at the girl.

"Thanks" he said while holding the bucket full of fish and ran at top speed out of the area and to another location much to the girl's surprise

*who was that guy he can't be a normal person and he can't be q evil ninja either because he could have kill me while he have the chance but something of him looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it and put the puzzles together* She think for a while but nothing.
As he got back from the apartment who see Aimi and Zoe still in the lobby waiting for him to comeback and soon he gave the man the bucket, much to Zoe surprised of how one person is able to catch fish in many without any help and soon Zoe payed (Y/N) a huge sum of Yen and give half of the sea creatures to (Y/N), (Y/N) nod in response for helping someone and turn the other way until...

"Wait, there's someone panties in here" said Zoe who showed (Y/N) a blue stripped underwear in the bucket "why is it here?" Asked Zoe.

"Uhh..... I fished it out of the water" said (Y/N) who sweat nervously at his simple explanation.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hanzō academy-epilogue

In a school of good Shinobi the 4 elites all wearing there uniform consist of a white button up shirt with blue tie and blue skirt and school girl shoes, was worried about katsuragi who been out all morning exclaiming she is trying but for to long all there worry was relieved when the blonde girl who is named katsugari came in the room that is meant for elite Shinobi.

"Katsuragi you took a while to come back did something happen?" Asked the girl who is named Asuka who has her dark brown hair tied in a ponytail with a white ribbon.

"Noting happen is just theirs was a very strong guy who was fishing and I accidentally fight him, when I thought he was a intruder but was just fishing.

"What did this guy looked like" said the girl with long black hair who is interested on this new warrior.

I didn't see him very well he's a (S/C) skin guy with (h/c) hair and his clothing was very much normal so even if we tryhis to find him, he'll just blend in the people of this city so is useless to find him if we can. Said katsuragi who give information about the hero as much as possible.

"Will tell me on other details about this guy?" Said the Swordwoman

"Weeeellll....." She Close her eyes to think a little "Well his personality is like that of Yagyu, I can tell that but believe me, that guy sure was strong he took all of my attack like it was nothing" she said chuckling a little.

A girl with white hair and 2 pony tails and has a eyepatch on her and has a paper umbrella and her named is Yagyu who her looked uninterested on the outside but interest on the inside of the topic.

"So like a boy Yagyu" said a girl with pink hair adorned with three black ribbons that tie it into two pigtails.

"Yea and believe me he's no threat because their were many options to kill me, but he didn't he was even nice when I accidentally pull down his pants" she said blushing a little and everyone sweat drop" but he did. Katsu said

"Enough talk, I need to grope those fun bags Asuka-chan" Katsuragi said with a perverted glim in her eyes while holding her hands like a predator and soon she jump on Asuka who fondling her chest, much to Asuka protest and Katsuragi delight. And soon paused her fondling knowing something is wrong

"Is it me or I feel something breezy" said Katsuragi and soon stopped and looked at her bloomers and see her panties are gone and soon panicked not realizing so sooner.

The girls were unaware of Kiriya and Hanzō eavesdropping on there conversation about the mysterious 'ninja'.

"I don't know if he's an enemy or a friend but he just came to our training grounds to fish and I don't know what to describe him" said Kiriya quietly to make sure the student not hear about their intrusion of the hero.

"Just wait a little longer we don't know if he's a good or evil ninja and the 2 schools of good and evil was attacked by a boy with a superhero jumpsuit, but we still don't know what his intention is so we must wait a little longer Kiriya" said Hanzō.

ACHOO sneezed (Y/N) while he is eating his luxurious meal and watching tv.
---end of chapter----

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