Did That Just Happen?

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Chemistry, second period on an average Tuesday. Students were piling into the room as the grandmotherly teacher wrote notes on a board for the class experiment. Kay Rouge walked towards her desk, greeted her teacher, then found her spot. Kay looked to the seat next to her, only to find it empty. Her heart sank at the realization. Where is he?


A tall, lean, boy walked in with shaggy hair almost covering his eyes. He sprinted across the room and slung himself into the desk chair all before Mrs. Sim turned around. Kay's heart fluttered at the sight of her partner. She began to stair at Nate but was soon brought back to class from the teacher's voice.

"Class, today we will be discussing how to chemically calculate the calories in our favorite junk food. Meet your lab partners at your tables and I will call groups back one at a time. Good luck my little chemists." Mrs. Sim's cheerful face was always welcoming in the early hours of the day.

Kay gathered her belongings and waited for Nate. "You really cut it close today."

Nate glanced at Kay as he placed his backpack on his shoulder. "Yeah I know. Mrs. Marsh let my Spanish class out late again and it's not easy to go from one far corner of campus to the other. You know what I mean?"

Kay smiled slightly. "I understand. She was a really pain when I had her two years ago. I'm just glad I never have to take her class again."

The couple walked over to the lab desks in the far left corner of the room. Both seemed to hold one another's eye contact not wanting to look away. Finally, Kay looked down at her worksheet and tried to focus on working instead of how adorable Nate was.

"So, um, what product do we want to test for?"

Nate skimmed through the options, "How about the sour cream and onion chips. Those are my favorite."

"Mine too!" Kay looked up to see Nate's dazzling smile. Why does he have to be so cute and adorable and everything I look for in a guy?!

Nate continued to smile as he began to work on the paper with Kay. Kay would attempt to work, however Nate would gain her attention causing her to lose interest in the work. Each time, Kay would mentally slap herself to focus once again. Not long after, Mrs. Sim called over Kay and Nate.

Just keep calm Kay. If you're cool then he'll be cool.

They walked up to the vents in the far right corner of the the lab. Kay and Nate were the last students to participate. Nate smiled at Kay, but she did not notice. She was too busy trying to keep focus on the experiment.

"All right you two, there's only potato chips left. Good luck." Mrs. Sim said cheerfully as she winked at the two students.

Kay grabbed a chip, placed it in the burnt soda can and waited for the box of matches. When holding the match, Kay could feel her nerves growing. They were almost ready to explode. Then his soothing words brought her back to reality.

"Kay, you'll be fine. You're always amazing in this class."

Kay smiled at Nate. His reassuring words gave her the confidence to start her fire. The little inferno last for only ten seconds or so, but the show was spectacular. The color of the flames changed from red to blue then finally to orange. It was hypnotic.

Quickly, Kay finished her worksheet not wanting to be distracted all over again by Nate. However, she was not fast enough. Nate was right on her tail. They finished with a few minutes left in class.

"Your flame was amazing Kay. I loved your colors. Mine were so dull."

"Thanks Nate. I guess I just got lucky." Kay tried to hide her blush. She could feel the heat spreading through her cheeks.

"Hey Kay, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. You know you can talk to me about anything."

Nate smiled nervously. "I was wondering, if maybe, um, you know, if maybe you wanted to go in a date."

A date?! Seriously?! What do I do?! I mean I like him and all but am I ready for a date?!

"When? I'll have to see which parent I'm with."

"I was thinking maybe this Saturday?"

"That's actually perfect. I'd love to."

"Great, I'll text you later about it." Nate relaxed.

"Ok." Kay could not hide her smile or blush any further.


"I'll see you later Kay." Nate grabbed his belongings and headed out to break. Kay was planted to her chair. Her mind could not stop racing.

I'm going on a date!


"Papa! I'm home!" Kay yelled to the elderly man in family room.

"Hi sweetheart. How was you day?"

"Good. I'm gonna go work on my homework upstairs if you need me." Kay ran up the stairs two at a time. The events from her day replayed over and over and over again.

She didn't care about the mess of her room or the heat from the terrible ventilation. All Kay could think about was her upcoming date. Her mind was racing with different ideas.

What should I wear? I wonder what we're going to do. Should I call Jenny and ask for her advice? Wait! What if he kisses me? Should I kiss him back?

By the time her father came home, Kay was practically floating. Her excitement was hard to miss.

"Someone had a good day. What happened?"

"I got asked out on a date!" Kay blurted out. Shit! That's not how I wanted to tell dad.

Mr. Rouge stared at his daughter. His late reaction made Kay anxious.

Is he mad? Will he even let me go? I mean he just said a few days ago I could date if I wanted. Will he approve of Nate?

Finally, Mr. Rouge cleared his throat and regain his focus. "That's, um, great. Do I know the guy?"

"It's my chemistry partner Nate. You met him once when we were working on the final project last semester."

"Oh that guy? Isn't he a bit," he paused trying not to sound offensive, "childish for you?"

Childish?! "No, I think he's a great guy."

"Whatever you say sweetie." Mr. Rouge tried to move on in the topic. "So when is this all happening? Do you have any details yet?"

Kay laughed nervously, "There's really not much yet. All I know is that it's on Saturday."

"Kids these days. Ok we'll find out to let me know."


Mr. Rouge left his daughter alone to finish her homework. Not five minutes later did she get a text from Nate.

Hey Kay. Do you like mini golfing?

I do actually. Don't mean to brag but, I've got a killer putt. ;)

Awesome! I was hoping that maybe we could do that then. You cool with that?

Totally! What time?

1:30 sound ok to you?

Sure. Should I meet you there?

That's probably best.

Ok. I can't wait. I'm so excited.

Me too. Well I'll let you go now. You probably still have homework. Night.

Night Nate.

Kay placed her phone down and yelled, "Dad! I've got more information for you now!"


Saturday came too fast. Kay wanted to cancel so many times out of nerves but then talked herself out of it. Everything had to be perfect. After all, this was Kay's very first date.

"Kay! Hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Her father yelled upstairs to her.

Glancing in the mirror with the fifth outfit on, Kay just had to settle. It's not the worst outfit at least. Besides, its just mini golf. Why should I care about my wardrobe?

Racing downstairs, Kay said goodbye to her grandfather, and met her father in the car. The ride was not that long, but it was completely awkward. Kay tried to make conversation with her father but each time he would brush her off. Finally, she turned and watched the scenery rush pass.

Early to the Putt Putt course, Mr. Rouge turned to his daughter. "I'll be waiting out here for you when your date is over. Understand?"

"Wait, what?! You're practically going with me on my date?!" Kay became uneasy from her father's news.

"Not exactly. I'll just be sitting here. Or maybe on the course next to yours to watch your date."


Mr. Rouge began to laugh at his daughter's reaction. "Calm down pumpkin. I'm not gonna do that. I'll be here and I'll be good."

Relief flooded over Kay like a wave. She relaxed immediately. As she became comfortable in her seat again, Kay saw Nate standing by the entrance.

"He's here dad. I'll see you later. Love you. Bye!" Kay rushed out of the car before her father tried to do anything else.

Nate spotted Kay just as she was getting out of the car. He waved at her with a smile plastered to his own face. He could feel all his nerves building up inside. Once Kay stood next to him, everything seemed different between the two teenagers. Neither one knew what to do.

Kay spoke up after a few seconds of pure silence. "Hey Nate. Are you ready to golf? I know I am."

"Totally!" Nate rushed for the door to hold it open.

"Why thank you Nate. You're such a gentleman." Kay gave a small smile of gratitude.

"I try." Nate scratched the back of his head to show it was not big deal.

Awkward silence fell over the young couple. Kay was unsure of what to do. In class they always acted like great friends or as everyone else said "an old married couple". Here, in this setting, Kay was unsure if she should joke or be serious. Nate was a great guy but there was still much Kay wanted to learn about him.

When reaching the equipment window, Kay tried to pay but Nate stopped her. He payed for the rental equipment and started walking towards a course leaving a stunned Kay behind.

What is he doing? I could have paid for myself. That's not fair to make him pay.

Kay walked up to Nate slowly. Without meaning to, Kay blurted, "Why did you pay for me?"

Nate turned around surprised at the question. He looked at Kay as if she had a third arm growing out of her forehead. "You've never been on a date, have you?"

"No." Kay looked at the ground embarrassed.

"Rule number one, the guy pays for everything." Nate said it as if this was obvious.

"Oh, I didn't know that. I feel bad though. I don't want to make you pay for everything."

"Don't be so stubborn. It's a date. Let me do this." Nate's casual tone turned slightly annoyed but changed immediately back. "Besides, this is going to be fun so I don't mind. You coming?"

Just realizing that she was standing in the middle of the walkway, Kay ran to Nate's side. They walked side by side in silence again. It was difficult to avoid for some reason.

Approaching the first hole, Nate cleared his throat and held out two golf balls in his hand, one blue and one pink. "You can pick."

Kay went directly for the blue ball. Nate was so confused by her choice. "So you're not a pink girl. Got it."

Kay set up her ball. "I use to be when I was younger, but then I got into soccer and more physical activities, that pink became to feminine for me. Besides, blue always brings out my natural blonde hair and blue eyes."

Nate studied Kay for a moment. This made Lay feel uneasy. Never has a boy looked at her in such a way. A moment later, Nate agreed. "You're right. I can't imagine you in pink now that you mention it."

Kay smiled at the compliment but still she was not completely comfortable with Nate again. Placing her back to Nate, Kay took her shot to begin their game of mini golf.

Not many words were shared between the two teens after that. A few jokes where shared between the two, but everything turned sour. Halfway through the game, Kay watched as Nate chased after his ball for the tenth time.

Dad was right. Nate is too childish for me. He has his sweet moments, but I don't know if I could see us ever being together. I feel so awkward and not myself anymore.

"Hey Kay, you want to just call it quits and play in the arcade? You're already winning anyway." Nate appeared from behind a bush.

Slightly startled, "Uh, yeah! That sounds great."

"Cool." Nate grabbed Kay's club and began to walk back to the equipment window. "You know, this might sound funny and cliché, but I almost did that cheesy 'help you putt' move."

Kay tensed, "Really? Why?"

"I thought it would have been cute but I chose not to."

"Me too," Kay whispered under her breath.

"What did you say?"


Nate brushed it off and walked with Kay back to the building. When inside, again, Nate payed for coins to play games. Kay bit her tongue and let the stubborn boy do what he wanted. They played many games but were stuck on the claw machine for almost thirty minutes. Finally, Nate won a small green pig and handed it over to Kay.

"This way you can remember the fun we had today. Besides, he's totally like me, cute and cuddly."

Trying to hide her timidness, Kay accepted the gift. It was sweet, but the comment bothered her. It's almost as if Nate is trying too hard.

After about another hour in the arcade, Kay and Nate sat down at a booth and talked about what to do.

"So," Nate looked at Kay directly as she looked at anything but him. "What do you want to do?"

"Well I'm getting hungry. What about you?"

"Same, I know a great ice cream spot about ten minutes from here."

"Ice cream? I guess I'm down for that. I should let my dad know." Kay grabbed her phone and sent a text to her father.

"Didn't you drive here?" Nate almost demanded.

"No. Sadly I don't have a license so my dad drove me. He's sitting in the parking lot." Kay was ashamed to admit this. "But you can drive us there right?"

Nate turned pink and began to fidget. "Um, actually I can't drive. My mom drove me here."

"Oh." Silence fell between the two. There was no point in trying to ignore the new comfort of awkward. "I can ask my dad if he can drive us then."

Can this getting anymore disastrous?

"Sure. That'd be great." Nate was a little too eager in answering.

"Ok." Kay shot a short text to her father.

This is so crossing a line of discomfort. I didn't want my dad to be involved in anyway other than being my ride. Now he's our personal driver. Great!

A couple seconds later, Mr. Rouge had the car running waiting for the teens. Kay was not ready at all for what was to happen but there was no hiding now. She would be vulnerable.

Kay tried to open the car door, but Nate already opened it like a gentleman for her. Kay blushed slightly as she slid into her seat. Mr. Rouge glanced at his daughter to see her reaction.

When Nate was seated, he introduced himself. "Hello Mr. Rouge. I'm Nate Link."

Mr. Rouge was surprised at the well manor young man sitting in his car. "It's nice to meet you Nate. I'll try and not be too intimidating."

Mr. Rouge and Nate laughed at the lame joke. Instantly they hit it off. They talked all about sports and politics. Kay had to tune them out in order to stay awake. I thought this was my date?

The drive came to and end, to Kay's relief, not long after. When she believed to be free of her father, he followed her in along with Nate. The two continued to chat and ignored Kay's presence.

Becoming fed up with the day's events, Kay tried to act sick to end everything. Luckily, Kay's father genuinely became worried and agreed that things had to conclude for the night.

The three walked back to the car. Kay was about to say farewell to Nate when her father cut in, "Nate do you need a ride home?"

"That'd be great sir. I mean only if you want to."

"Of course!"

Kay screamed internally. The twenty minute drive to Nate's house was terrible. Kay was neglected the entire time. It was almost as if she was invisible to the men. This however, made it quiet easy for Kay to maintain her illness act.

Turning into a housing development, Kay became overjoyed. She would soon be done with everything. The sooner the better.

"My house is the grey one on the left." Nate instructed.

Mr. Rouge parked and shocked hands with Nate. "If you ever want to take my daughter out again, I'd gladly be your driver."

"Thank you Mr. Rouge." Nate smile at Kay's father. He looked over at Kay with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry you're not feeling well Kay. This is sorta a crappy way to end the date. I hope you feel better."

Nate waved goodbye then ran inside his house. Once on the road towards home, Kay's father asked about the date.

"It was interesting."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Bad. Look Dad, I don't want to talk anymore about it. Sorry."

"That's all right pumpkin. Just take it easy the rest of the night."

When home, Kay ran to her room. Fell on her bed and let the events of the pass few hours replay over and over again. Not sure what to do, Kay called her best friend Jenny.


"Jenny! You're not going to believe the kind of date I just had."

"Spill girl!"

Kay explained everything. When everything was said and done, Jenny explained for Kay to simply forget everything about the day. There was no need to ever remember a date as terrible as Kay's.

"I'm sorry Kay. At leas on the bright side, you now have a funny story to tell one day."

"Sure, it's hilarious Jenny."

"Don't worry so much. Next time will be better I just know it."

"I can only hope so Jenny."

"Well girly, things can only get better. Although, I've got to get going, it's movie night tonight. I'll talk to you later Kay."

"Alright. See yah later Jenny." After saying good night to Jenny, Kay laid on her bed in defeat.

I'm never going on a date ever again.

The End

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