Up In The Stars

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"Congratulations class of 2319! You are now ready to go out into the new world." The Director of Space and New World Settlements, S.N.W.S for short, excused the new recruits for the last time.

Ever student, men and women ranging from ages sixteen to twenty four, celebrated the biggest accomplishment of their lives. They had survived the five intense years of training to become new settlers. This was a privilege granted to only a select few. Graduating classes were only about two hundred people max. The smallest class was about twenty five.

These elite humans are humanity's heroes. They are the people who spread Earth's culture and way of life. They analyze all of the three hundred plus galaxies discovered so far and continue to increase this number. If it were not for these brave men and women, the human race would have gone extinct by the year 2075. Some of the best, have even discovered cures to many different diseases; the biggest being cancer.

"Now recruits, some of you shall receive new assignments with in the next few weeks while others of you shall become instructors or the scientists that creat all the technology needed to sustain these travels. Good luck to you all, and may you always be up in the stars!" The Director walked away from the podium as the crowd let out a joyful screech.

However, one girl in the front stay seated in her seat not thinking about all the possible adventures that were in store for her. No, she sat there, thinking of her long lost family. Did this really just happen? Can I actually go find him now?

"Beka! Come on! Everyone want to go out to celebrate tonight!" Beka, pulled away from her thoughts, looked up into the eyes of her sister Beth. Seeing the mixed reactions in Beka's eyes, Beth sat down with Beka. "I know you're thinking about Jasson. But I'm sure our brother is fine. Besides he's a Geyser, and we always find each other. Don't worry so much Beka."

"That's easy for you to say Beth. You were only ten when he disappeared. I was fifteen." Beka looked down to the ground trying to hold her tears back. "The following year you said you wanted to join the S.N.W.S, I felt as if there was hope for all of us to be reunited again. Now that we've finished our training, I feel as if he should have been here with us to celebrate. Stars, I miss him so much." Beth hugged her sister tightly. They stayed like this for a few moments until Rex came running up to the sisters.

Rex, the youngest Captain in all of S.N.W.S history coming in at age twenty two, looked down upon the sisters. He knew about their pass and Jasson, yet he was still drawn to them. They were somehow mysterious but he didn't care. There was something about their story and Beka that made him want to help.

"Hey girls, are you ready to go?"

Beka looked up into the a pair of golden brown orbs slightly covered by raven colored hair. "Oh, hi Rex."

Beth rolled her eyes at her sisters short greeting. She decided to take things into her own hands. "You know, we've been training hard for the past five years, so I think I'm gonna go catch up on some sleep. You two go have fun. Ok bye!" Beth ran off toward the S.N.W.S dorms.

Both Beka and Rex watch Beth in bewilderment. They glanced at each other still confused.

"Do you-"

"Understand what's going on in my sister's mind? No, no I don't." Beka sighed.

"Well, anyways, um," Rex struggled to find the words. He scratched the back of his head as he looked into Beka's deep blue eyes. Rex's nerves increased. "Would you like to go to dinner then? I mean in a way to celebrate. Not anything else."

Beka giggled at his informal invitation. "Sure, I'd love to. Food does sound amazing right about now."

Rex smiled at a slightly happier Beka. "It's nice to see you smile." Rex started to lead the way to the recruits favorite hang out.

"So I've been told." Beka stuck her tongue out at Rex.

"What was that for missy?"

"Oh nothing." Beka walked faster to hide her smile.

The two walked into Café de Stars. A small, loud, coffee bar was not only the best place for recruits to relax or to cram for late night studies. This café was also home to the galaxies best grilled cheeses anyone could ask for. These grilled cheeses also happened to be Beka's favorite comfort food.

Beka walked straight over to her favorite table in the back corner. She sat down and watched Rex order their meal at the front counter. Soon, Beka became lost in her thoughts. I'm one step closer to finding you Jasson. I know you're still out there. I'm not giving up on you yet.

"Am I really that boring?" Beka looked up and found Rex sitting across from her. When did he sit down?! 

"No!" Beka yelped, "I mean, no you're not. I was just lost in my thoughts is all. Sorry I didn't mean to space out."

Rex's gaze soften. "I understand. Everyone gets lost in time. Although, Beka, I have an important question to ask you."

Me?! Did I just hear him right? No one ever asks me anything. What does he want with me? "What is it Rex?"

"Well you see, as one of the newest captains of S.N.W.S, I have the power to creat my own crew for whatever mission I'd like, and I was wondering if you'd maybe join my crew." Rex prepared to be reject by the only person who meant the galaxy to him. 

Is this for real? This is my chance! I don't have to wait for my assignment anymore. I won't have to be disappointed in what I have to do for humanity. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I'd love to. You have no idea what this means to me." Beka was so happy she could have kissed Rex.

"I'm glad. You were one of the only people I thought would be worthy enough for this mission."

"Wait, what is the mission?"

Rex always feel happy vibe was cloaked by a more serious and almost sorrow like feeling. Beka felt uneasy about what Rex was about to say. "As you may know, a settlers' ship went missing around the Frost Galaxy six years ago. On board, was the galaxy's finest crew in S.N.W.S. history. Amongst that crew, was my sister and I believe you're brother." Beka's eyes widen as the words started to process. "Since no one has gone in search for this missing crew, I have made it my own mission to find and rescue them."

"Are you serious Rex? We're actually going to look for them?" Beka tried to not get her hopes up too much.

"Yes. We leave first thing tomorrow."

Beka got out of her chair and hugged Rex tightly. "Thank you so much." She whispered into his ear.

Rex returned the hug and smiled softly to himself. "It's the least I can do."


"T-minus 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... Blast off!"

Beka was pushed strongly into her chair due to all the g-force. She looked over at Rex and smiled softly. They were the only crew for this mission. It could take months or years to find the missing crew. The two decided it would be best if no one else went missing. If all else fails, there would only be an added two missing instead of another full crew of twenty to thirty people.

Once breaking through Earth's atmosphere, Beka became breathless. The ship was surrounded by stars. "Beautiful isn't it?" Rex unbuckled and floated towards Beka.

"It is. I understand now why people wish to become settlers."

The two remain silent for a few moments as they watch all the stars they pass. Soon, the two began to point out every moon and planet they had come to know in their studies. Every moment in space was mesmerizing to them. Around every corner was something new and exciting.

Time moved quickly. The days turned weeks, weeks to months, months to years. As they mission progressed, Beka discovered her feelings for Rex. Not long after, they began to plan their future amongst the stars. They soon came to realize that if this mission failed, they would still have each other. Their bond was strong enough to keep them going.

In the year 2323, Beka and Rex stumbled upon a great discovery. "Beka! I think I have something on the tracker!" Rex almost shouted with excitement into the intercom.

Beka came rushing into the control room. "What is it?! Is it them?!"

"I'm not sure yet. We are still too far out, but I think this might be it!" Rex picked Beka up and spun her around out of excitement. "After all these years, we've finally done it."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Beka and Rex turned to the communicator buzzing to life. Only when other ships or S.N.W.S try to contact one another, did the machine come to like like this. Both became frighten.

"We should answer that, right?" Beka asked nervously.

"Probably." Rex slowly approached the communicator and pressed the button. There was only silence and a blank screen. "I guess it was a false alarm."

Rex was about to turn the channel of when a man in his late twenties possibly in his early thirties with a scruffy beard came into view. "Hello? Is someone there? This is Jasson Geyser from Space and New World Settlements. My crew and I request immediate assistance. We've been knocked off course and floating through the Frost Galaxy for the pass decade or so."

"Jasson Geyser, this is Captain Rex Walt from Space and New World Settlements. My mission was to come find you and your crew. Is everyone alright?"

Beka stood by as she watched her captain and brother talk with one another. He's alive! I knew it! Beka couldn't stand to the side any longer. She came running into view. "Jasson! It really is you!"

"Beka?! You're here too?" Jasson tried to hide his surprise.

"Yes I'm hear! I've been searching for you for the pass three years. We'll get you aboard soon."

Jasson smiled at his younger sister. He was amazed at how much she had mature. Her determination and commitment astonished him. "Permission to bring my crew aboard?"

Rex nodded his head, "Permission granted."

Jasson looked at his sister one last time before ending the channel, "I'll see you soon Beka."

The screen went blank. Beka stood, staring at the screen. She began to feel overwhelmed by everything suddenly. Her body felt weak, and Beka almost hit the floor. However, Rex was there beside her before anything could happen.

"Don't worry Love, it's almost over." Rex kissed Beka's forehead and held her close to him. "Soon we can go home."

"Home," Beka whispered, "This ship has been our home for so long, it's hard to think about going back to Earth."

"I know Love. I know." Rex held Beka close to himself until a notification about the teleport rang out through out the control room. "I think it's time we go reunite with our loved ones."

The two rushed down to the teleport room. Within seconds, a group of ten or so people appeared. In the front stood Jasson and girl next to him that looked to be an exact replica for Rex almost. The girl turned towards Rex and ran for him immediately.

"Rex!" She shouted as she engulfed him into a hug as tears ran down her face. "I thought I would never see my baby brother again."

"It's alright Layal. I'm here." Rex comforted his sister.

Beka stood off to the side feeling happy for Rex. She didn't even notice Jasson walking up to her. He too embraced Beka in a warm, well over do, hug.

"Beka I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too Jasson. I've missed you too." Beka tried to contain her happiness.

That night the two crews had a celebration. During the feast, Beka learned that Jasson and Layal had been married. Layal was also about a month pregnant. Both Beka and Rex shared that they too were a couple but we're waiting until they returned to Earth to tie the knot. The reunited families celebrate well into the night.

The two crews returned home to Earth just in time for Layal to give birth. She gave birth to a set of identical twin boys, named Jack and Zack. Not long after the birth, Beka and Rex were awarded the highest award from S.N.W.S for their bravery and heroism in returning the missing crew.

A few weeks after returning, Rex asked for Beka's hand in marriage. Of course, Beka said yes and they begin planning their wedding.


"Beka, are you look beautiful." Layal, now pregnant again, was astonished by her sister-in-law's beauty. "Rex is one lucky man. When should I expect to be an aunt?" Beka blushed at Layal's comment. "It's alright Beka, I'm only teasing you."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Both girls turned their head to the door. Jasson peaked his head around and gazed upon his wife and sister. "You look amazing Beka. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you Jasson."

Layal cleared her throat and smiled. "I think I'm going to go find my seat." She left the siblings alone.

"Are you nervous?"

"About my own wedding? No, of course not. It's not like this is the biggest day of my life." Beka laughed nervously.

"It's alright Beka. Everything will be fine. Just keep your eyes on Rex. Ok?"


"Now, come on. You have a ceremony to get to."

Jasson led his sister to S.N.W.S's special event center. A tall almost glass like building sparkled in the early evening's setting sun. The light reflected onto Beka's wedding dress making her shine like a star. The wedding march sounded and Jasson began to walk with Beka at his side.

When reaching the end of the aisle, Beka looked strait into Rex's eyes. Her nerves evaporated in seconds. His golden brown eyes were the only thing Beka could see.

"Now for the vows and exchanging of the rings." The Direct of S.N.W.S announced.

"I Rex, take you Beka, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you forevermore amongst the stars." Rex placed a simple princess cut ring with a star shape diamond on Beka's ring finger.

"I Beka, take you Rex, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you forevermore amongst the stars." Beka placed a simple silver band with a star engraved into it.

"By the power granted to me, I know pronounce you as Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Rex pulled Beka close and placed his lips upon Beka's. The crowd cheered for the happy couple. Everyone celebrated well into the night underneath a blanket of stars.

Rex and Beka spent the rest of their years teaching at S.N.W.S. They eventually had two children of their own. Their son, Michael, was born about a year after their wedding. They also had a daughter, Mika, four years later. To this day, the Walt's and Geyser's story is still told even up in the stars.

The End

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