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"Kara! Hurry up! I don't want to be late to school again!" Lana yelled upstairs to her younger sister.

Kara, startled, woke up. She glanced at her clock to see that it was time for school already. "Flying Pegasus! I forgot to set my alarm!"

Monday's were always the hardest for Kara. It could be because it's the first day of the school week. It could be because there would be homework that night. It could be because that means there was no more free time until Friday. Whatever the reason, Kara would never understand why, but she would know that sleeping in was never an option.

"Kara I'm leaving with or without you in two minutes!" Lana snapped.

"Give me a minute!" Kara mimicked her sister. Kara took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Quick like a bunny but not as furry, I need to be in a hurry."

Kara ran around her room in a way not humanly possible. She was dressed, backpack packed, and ready for the day. She made it just in time to hear Lana screech, "I'm getting in the car. You have thirty seconds to get your butt in gear!"

Kara dashed down the stairs. Her spell wore off just in time, for she almost ran into her mother. Kara regained her composure before her mother.

"Love you mom! See you later!" Kara said over her shoulder as she made it to Lana's car just in time.

Lana pulled out of the drive way as Kara buckled up. She glanced at her before finally saying, "You are so lucky Kara. Let me guess I woke you up again, didn't I?"

Kara tried to keep a neutral face but her long pause gave her away. "Yes, but I managed to catch you this time at least."

"You only did that by magic, didn't you?"

Kara tried to play it cool, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"One, Kara you're a bad liar. Two, you little witch! I can't believe you would risk exposing us!" Lana could not hold in her fury. "Should I remind you about last time?"

Kara thought back to a year ago. She had just been cleared to practice magic on her own. Of course being only fifteen at the time, Kara believed she was capable of tackling a challenging spell. Little did she know, that replacing one word would cause a blizzard in the house. Kara was lucky that Lana was already two years more experienced and knew how to cancel the spell before their parents came home. Lana would never let Kara forget her mistake.

"No Lana. It's alright." Kara tried to change the subject, "I hear there's a new student transferring to school today. I hope they're in my grade."

Lana glanced back at the road. "Yes there is. I'm not sure what grade they'll be. But, I do know, curtesy of Samantha in the office, it's a boy."

Kara rolled her eyes as Lana began to get excited over the boy. She continued to talk about how she wished it would be a French guy with bright blue eyes. They'll meet and have a spark. It'll be love at first sight. Yuck! Can she be any more disgusting?

Kara was about ready to cast a silencing spell on Lana when they finally pulled up to the school. She was so relieved, Kara began to smile. Kara was ready to just jump out and run to class, but Lana stopped her.

"I know you hate it when I do this, but I have to. Don't go blowing our cover. Don't use magic. Don't mention anything that's not human related. Got it?"

"Lana, you've been saying that to me since I first got my powers. I won't do anything. Now can I go?" Kara said impatiently.

Lana sighed in defeat. "Go. I'll see you after school. Please don't take forever. I-"

Kara was out of the car before Lana could even finish. She heard the same speech everyday. It didn't matter who, what, when, where, or why. Everyone told her the same thing, don't expose the only family of witches in the city of Whitewash.

What do they think? I'm totally going to be the one to mess everything up?! I don't think so! I am the most responsible with their magic. Ok scratch that, maybe not. But still, I deserve more credit than given!

Kara continued to mentally rant. She was to distracted to realize where she was going. Kara was steps away from the front entrance when she found herself sprawled on the ground. Pain shot up from her rear end and head. Kara started to rub her head.

"Ouch! How the heck did that happen?"

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you coming." Kara looked toward the voice she heard. There was an attractive boy about her age in the same position as her. "I was lost and I don't want to be late. It's my first day and all that. I'm totally just babbling now. Wait did I just say totally? Damn it I did it again!"

Kara started to giggle. She usually could not be impressed by any guy on campus but this one seemed different. He seemed frazzled for just bumping into one girl. It was cute and adorable. What is this feeling? I feel so warm.

Kara realized that the warmth was from her blushing. She tried to hide her face and was lucky enough the blush went away quickly. This isn't supposed to be happening.

The boy got up. "I'm really sorry. Here, let me help you up." He gave Kara his hand. When their hands touched, sparks flew from Kara's finger tips.

"Ouch!" They both said together.

"I didn't realize there was static in the air." The mystery boy said. For some reason though, he couldn't stop looking at Kara.

"I didn't either." Kara tried to sound surprised too but she knew what those sparks meant. They were not any normal static shocks. They were the Sparks witches felt when they found their other half. That's impossible! I'm only sixteen!

"I'm Ben." He said as if he was breathless.

"I'm Kara, with a K not a C." Stupid! Why would you say that?!

Ben smiled. "It's nice to meet you Kara with a K not a C."


Kara glanced at the school. "I should get to class. I can try to help you find yours if you want."

"I'd love that. I mean I'd like that. Not love. Love is such a powerful word." Ben stammered as he turned bright red. Without saying another word, Ben showed Kara his class list.

"Well looks like you're in luck Ben. You have all the same classes as me." Kara tried to hide her surprise.

"Cool. I'll know someone at least." Ben smiled.

Kara held his gaze for a few moments until she remembered about class. "We should get going."


A few days passed since her encounter with Ben. Kara couldn't think strait. Her world was turned upside down. She knew the dangers of falling for someone who was human but she couldn't care less. Lana even noticed something was up with Kara.

"Kara are you ok? You're not even paying attention to Dad's lesson. What gives?"

"Hm? I'm sorry." Kara was too dazed to even listen to the latest lesson on werewolves and vampires.

"You're hopeless!" Lana whispered.

"Girls are you even listening! Kara you don't even look engaged. You usually love monster lessons." Their father stated. He was irritated but not angry at least.

"Sorry Daddy. I'll try harder." Kara tried to apologize.

"It's fine, just listen please. These things can be what save your life one day." Their father turned to the board again and pointed to a diagram. "Now all vampires and werewolves have a human form. Vampires are always cold and clothed from head to toe in dark clothing. They don't want to be touched by sunlight. Hence why they are children of the night.

"Now werewolves are a little different. They are human like most of the time, but the moment the light of a full moon shines on them, they are untamable monsters that will eat anything in sight. Now they tend to have more noticeable traits like their body temperature is very high, their strength and speed is quite extraordinary, but the most likely trait to give them away is their food choice. They prefer meat as raw as possible.

"To stop a vampire it's simple. Feed them garlic or holy water and steak their heart. To stop a werewolf, you must feed them some chocolate and shoot a silver bullet through them."

Kara soaked in everything suddenly. She jotted every note down. By the time the lesson was over, Kara was an expert in werewolves and vampires. Lana was slightly jealous of her sisters quick jump back, but said nothing. She didn't want to turn green from envy.

Lana left the room quickly, with Kara not far behind. They didn't need to be stopped by their father for any other lessons. He tended to do so every day.

Kara was just about to enter her room when there was a knock on the front door. Who could that be? No one went to the door, so Kara was forced to go check. She opened the door and was surprised.

"Hey Kara with a K."

"Ben? How? Um, why?" Kara tried to make sense of Ben standing on her front porch.

"How did I know where you lived? I didn't. More like my mom sent me over to introduce myself to the neighbors. I guess I got lucky." He smiled.

"Oh? I never realized there was a house for sale near by, but then again I don't pay attention to my neighborhood often like I should."

They stood in an awkward silence for a few moments until Kara's father came downstairs. "Kara, who was at the door?"

Kara panicked and slammed the door. "No one! I think I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll be back in a little bit!" Kara grabbed some keys and a jacket by the door and ran out right into Ben. Luckily her father didn't follow or see any of this happen.

"Oof!" Kara said.

"Wow! Slow down! You in a race?" Ben laughed as he ended up hugging Kara due to her running.

"I, um, just had-"

"To get out of the house? To not set any alarms off with your parents? It's cool I get it." Ben held out his hand, "Want to go for a walk?"

Kara not trusting her voice nodded and grabbed his hand. The sparks flew again, but neither noticed.


Both Ben and Kara could hardly breath from laughing so hard. They had been talking for hours as they walked around. By the time they were close to Kara's house, it was almost dark.

Ben noticed the different in lighting and rushed Kara home. He didn't want Kara to be scared off after all their bonding. He was really starting to like Kara. Something seemed different about her, but he seemed to love that about her. Kara was like a puzzle to him and Ben would figure out her final picture.

They walked up to Kara's door. "This was fun. I really enjoyed myself. You're one amazing gal Kara."

Kara smiled,"You're not so bad yourself Ben."

"I'll let you to then. Have a good night Kara with a K." Ben leaned in and kissed Kara on the cheek then ran down the steps to his home.

Kara stood speechless as she traced the spot where Ben had kissed her cheek. Kara was too stunned to even notice Lana.

"He seems nice."

"He is." Kara said in a dreamy voice.

"I think saw sparks."

"I felt them."

Lana turned her sister to face her. "Wait seriously Kara?!"

Kara nodded her head. She turned her head to glance down the street where Ben had disappeared. "I think I'm in love."

"Kara! That's incredible! How does it feel? I'm jealous you found your spark."

The girls talked the rest of the night about love and what they hoped for in the future. They ended up staying up until the early hours of the morning. By the time Kara's alarm went off, she wasn't annoyed but excited. She would be able to see Ben and everything would be amazing.

However, at school, Ben was nowhere to be found. He had not shown up to any of the classes that day. Kara tried not to act disappointed, but it was difficult. Lana noticed at lunch and tried to cheer her up. Kara's day brightened though when she got home.

There was a note on the door addressed to her.

To Kara with a K:
I wish I could have been at school today, but I couldn't stop thinking about you last night that I stayed up all night. By the time I fell asleep, my alarm was going off. I'll be by later to come see you.

Kara was so happy she felt like she was floating. No, she literally was floating. Lana almost had a heart attack when she saw Kara levitating. Kara didn't care though, she was on cloud nine and never coming down anytime soon.

Not long after getting home, Ben came by to see Kara. He held a picnic basket in one arm and flowers in the other. Kara fought the urge to float again when she saw Ben.

"I was hoping you'd join me for a picnic?"

"I'd love that. Lana I'm going out. Let mom and dad know." Kara intertwined her fingers with Ben's. It felt so right, they didn't even notice the Sparks this time.

The couple walked in silence. Neither speaking but just enjoying one another's company. It was a peaceful sight. Ben stopped as they reached a park close to Kara's house.

They set up the picnic and sat down to enjoy their meal. Once everything was out and ready, Kara noticed the food arrangement. It was an assortment of meats, cheeses, and some fruit. Ben noticed Kara's stares.

"I didn't know what you liked, but I also have some pb&j's if you'd prefer those." Ben glanced nervously around the blanket.

"Ben it's ok. It's nice. Don't worry I'll eat almost everything." Kara smiled up at Ben.

Relief spread throughout his body. Kara grabbed Ben's hand to squeeze it reassuringly. Wow! His hand is so warm.

Ben took his hand back to serve up the dishes. The meal was delicious. The meat seemed to just melt in Kara's mouth. It was a little less cooked than she'd prefer but it was not too bad that it was inedible. When they were done eating, the sun was beginning to set.

"The sky is so beautiful. I love sunset." Kara was amazed at the beauty of the reds, blues, oranges, and yellows that danced over the sky.

"You're beautiful. I think I love you." Ben said as he watched Kara's surprised face.

Unable to control himself, Ben leaned down and kissed Kara gently. It was sweet and passionate. It became so much, that Kara started to hover. Ben pulled away suddenly.

Slightly confused, "Ben are you alright? Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing Kara." Ben turned away from Kara so she couldn't look into his eyes. He was having troubles controlling himself.

"Ben, please talk to me."

"Kara, I'm fine just something in my eye." Ben started to panic as he noticed the hair sprouting up from his arms. He glanced up to the sky and saw the first sight of the full moon. No! Not now!

Kara couldn't take the rejection well. She felt hurt and repulsed that her spark would treat her so rudely. Kara walked over to the front of Ben but was stopped in her tracks. Her sweet and gentle Ben was now a monster.

"You're a...a..." Kara tried to make a coherent sentence but nothing could. Her fear overwhelmed her.

Ben ashamed turned his head from Kara. "I'm a werewolf. I didn't want you to see this side of me, ever." Ben howled in distress.

Finally regaining her wits, Kara remembered everything from her lessons. She didn't want to hurt him, but she didn't want to be Ben's next snack either. Kara tried to think of any spell that would keep her safe but it was no use, Ben could sense what she was trying to do.

"Kara please don't spell me. I'm not going to hurt you. You're my mate." Panic flashed through his eyes.

"How could you know that? I mean you know I'm a witch? Wait what do you mean mate?" It was Kara's turn to panic.

"I knew from the first time we touched. The Sparks of a witch claiming her true love. That was the same day I marked you as my future mate. I left my sent on you that can never be removed." Ben tried to hide his face from embarrassment. "So no other man would try to take you from me."

Kara felt all her fear, anger, and panic disappear. She wouldn't have to hide her true self from Ben. He may have been something that she was taught to fear and kill, but when tamed, they were gentle creatures.

Kara pulled Ben's face to face her, "There's no need to worry about that. I only have eyes for one person, you. We can trust each other if we can come clean about our biggest secrets."

Ben nuzzled his head against Kara's hand. He tried to kiss it, but ended up licking it instead. Kara laughed and simply petted Ben's head.

"Kara, I love you."

"I love you too Ben."

After that night, Ben became Kara's protector and love. They have been together since that fateful day in the park. No matter what they went through, Ben and Kara loved each other like no one else in the world.

The End

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