New Love

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"Jackie, I can't do this anymore. You're too emotional, too needy, and honestly your twin sister is hotter than you. Good bye." Austin walked away from a confused Jackie.

Did that just really just happen? All I asked was if he'd be by my side at midnight. Is that too needy? And what does he mean Jerri is hotter than me? We're identical twins.

The door slammed shut as Austin disappeared from the party. Suddenly Jackie felt an emptiness build up inside of her. Everything seemed numb. No sound. No movement. No Austin.

Jackie stood in the middle of the hall way. Tears slowly trickling down her cheeks. Her perfect year changed within seconds. Jackie didn't know how long she stood in the hall until she heard the final moments of the count down.

"Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!" All the party guests yelled while they made loud noises.

Jackie could not face the party goers in her current state. She made a break for the stairs that lead to her room. Jackie was only two feet away when she ran into something hard. Opening her eyes, Jackie found Oliver, her next door neighbor and long time friend, laying flat on the ground just like herself.

Oliver came around first, "Are you ok Jackie? I didn't see you there. Sorry about that."

Whipping her face to hide the evidence, Jackie jumped off the floor, "It's fine. No harm, no foul."

"Jackie, have you been crying?" Oliver observed her face.

"No! Just that fall hurt was all," she answered too quickly, "Look, it's getting late and I'm tired. Glad you could make it to the party. Could you let Jerri know I'm going to bed? Thanks!"

Jackie raced up the stairs without even hearing what Oliver had to say.



Jackie walked from class to class with no feeling. She did her work, kept herself healthy, and seemed neutral. It pained her to see Austin flirt with her twin, but she never showed any other emotions. It had only been four days since the breakup, but there was still an emotional war raging within Jackie.

At lunch, Maddi, Jackie's best friend, saw through the act. "Jack, you've got to stop tormenting yourself. He was a jerk and you could do better."

Jackie was caught off guard. She had tried all day to hide her true feelings and emotions. Somehow Maddi was able to see the truth. "Mad, it's not that simple. I loved him. He loved me. We made a promise to each other. We were going to be high school sweethearts. I should have known it was too good to be true." Jackie broke down for the first time since New Year's Eve.

Maddi grabbed Jackie's hand. Maddi could feel all the betrayal and hatred as well as the love and care Jackie was fighting. It took almost the entire lunch for Jackie to calm down.

With shaky breaths, "Mad I need to find a distraction. Anything that'll help me get over this."

"What about a New Years resolution?"

"What do you mean?"

"Simple Jack, make a New Years resolution that will be your distraction. It helped me last year when Ben broke my heart. I went from wanting to tear his eyes out to forgetting every feeling I had for that low life."

Jackie thought about it for a moment. It could work. I might not feel this emptiness anymore. "Mad you're right."

"I know I am. I always am."

Jackie smiled and laughed for the first time in the new year. "Thank you Maddi."

"You're welcome Jackie."


Jackie crunched up the paper and made the basket for the twelfth time. It had only been an hour after school and already she was trying to figure out her resolution. Each time she attempted, they would be some dark wish that would only feed her feelings she was trying to avoid.

Finally, after another hour had passed, Jackie fell onto her bed as she gave in to defeat. "What am I going to do?"

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Jackie shot up in confusion. She looked around her room and found nothing moving or causing any noise. She opened the door to look around the hallway. Every door was closed with no one in sight.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Jackie turned around to look in her room one last time. On the second scan, she saw Oliver sitting on the tree branch outside her window. He hadn't done that in years.

She hurried to the window. Jackie unlocked it to let Oliver in. "What are you doing?"

"It's ok Jacks. We used to do that all the time. Remember?" Oliver smiled casually.

His smile was contagious, for Jackie started to smile. "I remember. I also remember how you almost broke your arm and how we almost were caught sneaking out during the summers."

Oliver tried to hide his laughter, "We could have gotten away with it, if someone," he poked Jackie until she started to laugh, "could control their laughter."

"How could I? You're the one that kept making funny faces at me for not coming down."

"Because I wanted to see you smile."

A silence grew between the two. They sat on the bed just looking at one another. Jackie broke contact first.

"So what are you doing here Ollie? I would have thought you'd be at practice or something."

"Even after all these years, you still can't remember when soccer season is, can you?"

"No. All I know is when it starts, I don't get to see my best friend often." Jackie looked down to the ground. She started to fiddle with her hands.

Oliver grabbed her hands and kissed the back of them. "I hate not seeing you happy. I hate not seeing you at all Jacks."

A fiery blush spread across Jackie's face. She wanted to say something, but hear the front door open suddenly. "Hi everyone! I'm home!"

Panic flooded Jackie's thoughts. No one knew that Oliver was over. Even if they did, he wouldn't be allowed in her room. "Ollie, you have to go!" She hissed, "I'm sorry."

Oliver knew immediately what was going on and his own mistake. He crawled out the window and began his descend  to the ground. Jackie waved good bye quickly, then shut the window, just in time to jump onto the bed. Her mother walked in a few seconds after.

"Hi sweetie. I don't know if you heard me but I'm home." Jackie's mother laughed softly at her bad joke. "How was school?"

"Great mom, but I have tons of homework still to do so I'll have to talk with you later. Ok bye!" Jackie shut her door quickly. She slowly slid down the door and let out a breath she had been holding in.


Confused and intrigued, Jackie went over to her grab her cellphone. She found one lone text. Her heart did a summersault.

Hey Jacks! Sorry to scare you like that. Sorry for also making you push me out the window. I totally forgot about the rule. It was good to see you smile again. If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, let me know. I'm always here for you.

Your Oliver 

Jackie smiled to herself.


A few days passed after the secret meeting and Jackie could not help but think about it. Constantly, she would look at her hand and feel a tingling sensation.

Every time she saw Oliver, Jackie couldn't help but to smile. He seemed to have brighten her days with every little smile he gave her. Jackie soon realized that Austin could never make her feel so happy.

He never tried to make her smile. He never tired to make her laugh. He never tried to cheer her up. All Austin did, was make Jackie feel like nothing. As if her whole relationship was just there. Sure in pictures and at events they were a couple, but in reality, they were nothing. Just two people who never did anything together.

Austin never took me out or surprises me like Oliver. Oliver is so cute when he smiles. His hair is always so perfect. Has he always been that muscular? Wait what am I thinking?

Jackie realized something important in that moment. She never really wanted a relationship with Austin or any other guy at school, because she always compared them to Oliver unknowingly.

"I like Oliver."

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

Jackie turned to Maddi as they continued walking to lunch. "I like Oliver. That's why nothing else seemed right with anyone. He's always been the one. How could I be so blind!"

Maddi giggled. "Because, he's your best friend. You, missy, never wanted to admit your feelings. I've got to say it's taken you a lot longer than I thought it would for you to figure this out."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me Jack. Every boy you've had a crush on or dated was like Oliver. Stop going for a fake and start trying for the real deal." Maddi smiled.

"Thanks Mad!" Jackie started running toward her locker.

"Where are you going?" Maddi yelled at her fleeing friend.

"I have to go do something!"

Maddi watched as Jackie disappeared down the halls. "Go get him tiger." Maddi whispered to her friend.

Jackie sprinted down the halls looking everywhere for Oliver. Having no luck, she turned around and headed to her locker. She walked slower with less purpose. I guess I could always just find him after school. Or on the way home. Or text him. Or....

Jackie stopped when she saw him leaning on her locker. He looked so handsome and mischievous just standing there alone. Her heart skipped a beat.

Oliver looked up as he heard her approaching. He smiled at Jackie.

"I have something I need to tell you!" They both said at the same time.

"No you go." Both together again.

Jackie opened her mouth but closed it just as Oliver spoke. "Go ahead Jacks. I'm all ears."

She blushed slightly and began to stutter slightly. "Well, um, you see. I,"

"Say no more Jacks. I feel the same way."

"You do?"

Oliver smiled at her. "I always have. I just was waiting for you. The moment I saw you hurt on New Years because of the jerk Austin, I knew I had to at least try this time."

"This time? Ollie what do you mean?"

He took a deep breath and and started to scratch his head. "You see Jacks, I've always liked you. Ever since you moved next door. Grant you, I couldn't tell you and Jerri apart at first, but slowly I figured it out.

"Your laugh was always louder. Your hair always messier. You attitude always more outgoing. I was going to ask you out the moment you turned sixteen, but then I chickened out.

"Each time I grew the courage, a guy would suddenly step in and swoop you for themselves. After Austin though, I couldn't just stand by anymore. Jacks I love you."

Jackie heard bells going off. They weren't school bells, or alarms, or a cellphone. They were almost like wedding bells. Those were the words she had wanted to hear from him for so long. The next thing she knew, Jackie was kissing Oliver.

Oliver, surprised at first, slowly kissed Jackie back. It was a sweet and gentle kiss. Both were not in a hurry. Reluctantly, Jackie pulled away first from a lack of oxygen.

"I love you too Ollie." She whispered.

They looked deeply into each other's eyes. There was so much love and passion, that someone on the outside, would have believed them to be a long time couple, not two high schoolers.

Their love continued to grow as the year went on. Come graduation, both Jackie and Oliver were ready to start their college years together. They would forever love and support one another until they were unable to anymore.

The End

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