I Am Robot

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

CP-17's eyes shot open. The battery monitor was indicating a full charge. There was no point to fight her programming for more than was necessary.

The masters would be so angry with me if I am not punctual. The daily message ran across CP-17's visual monitor.

She detangled herself from the wall and began walking to the kitchen. As she approached the pure white room, CP-17 malfunctioned. Images of a family cooking and laughing crossed her visual monitors.

There was a man, two children, and so many colors. CP-17 was trying so hard to identify the meaning of the image when suddenly the man turned to her, she believed, and started talking.

"Good morning my love. Did you sleep well? You looked so peaceful that I didn't want to disturb you." The man smiled at CP-17. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. All her wires sparked causing a heat to run up her face.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look what Riker and I made!" A little girl seemed excited to display her breakfast well decorated with all sorts of fruit.

"Riley, this looks amazing! It's almost too good to eat." The man said as he picked up the little girl.

A boy then emerged, CP-17 presumed it to be Riker, holding a plate that looked exactly the same for CP-17. "This is for you Mommy."

CP-17 tried to cry. It was so sweet of someone to think of her. She was always the one waiting on people. Having someone do it for her was so touching.

CP-17 tried to grab the plate, but the malfunction was corrected. The android was now standing in the pure white kitchen. There was no family. There was no colors. There was no warmth to this room.

CP-17 twitched slightly. There was water leaking from her visual monitor sockets. She dabbed at the wet substance that was almost foreign to her system.

What did I just see? The android thought.

Nothing made any sense to her now. She tried to push the thought away as she continued on getting the kitchen ready for her masters.

CP-17 walked to the far wall where a keypad was installed. She typed in the code for breakfast and suddenly the kitchen came to life.

A stove pulled up from the ground in the middle of the room. A table materialized only a few feet away. Robotic arms hung down from the sealing holding plates, cups, and utensils for the meal. Not long after everything was set up and ready, CP-17's heard the masters' alarm ringing four stories up, indicating to start the day.

Exactly five minutes later, according to CP-17's built in clock, two people hovered into the kitchen area. Their all black outfits stood out in the white room. As they sat down, the man, clapped his hands for a holographic news report.

"Today's news, begins with breaking news. Androids across the globe have been suffering from memory glitches. The glitches are crossed from the brains in their past life. If you, or someone you know, has noticed the android humming, dancing, talking out of place, confused, or any other human like qualities, please contact your nearest repair store for immediate deactivation. After all, they once were humans. We should not make them suffer. And in other news," CP-17 turned down her hearing.

I was glitching? I was a human? I had a life? I wasn't always a servant android? CP-17 began to wonder so much. She actually was thinking about other things than her programming. She almost didn't catch her masters' yelling at her to clean up and do the daily chores of the house.

The rest of the day puzzled her. She stopped acting like an android and started to question more. All the symptoms the news caster had said, CP-17 began to notice. When her masters noticed, she would try to cover up her mistakes.

That night when CP-17 plugged into her charging wall, she tried to remember every little detail of the pass. She wanted to discover everything she once had been. Instead of shutting down, she searched for the meaning behind her vision. CP-17 is a robot, but she once was a mother, a wife, a daughter, a human.

After that day, there seemed to be no more records of CP-17. The android simply disappeared. Some believe she went in search of her past life. Others say she was permanently shut down. CP-17 might have been the only android who ever got away from the life of servitude.

The End

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