What Now?

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"Carl, are you even listening?"

"Yes, Jillian. I'm listening, but that doesn't mean anything. That's not going to help her much."

Ashlynn laid in a hospital bed for the second time this year. She tried to sleep but for some reason was unable. Instead she decided to eavesdrop on her parents. Soon she would know what was really going on.

"Carl, she's almost eighteen. Soon she'll be off to college but I want to make sure she gets there. I bet one of the main reasons she's here is because of the way you run things at your house." Ashlynn's mother hissed.

"The way I run things is perfectly fine!"

"Not according to our daughter Carl."

There was silence as those words sunk into Carl's mind. He never thought about things this way. Being a single father and raising a daughter half time was difficult. Not once, did he stop to think about his actions or the repercussions of those actions impacting Ashlynn's life. He only wanted the best for his little princess.

A nurse walked in suddenly to take Ashlynn's vitals. Slowly, Ashlynn had to wake up for the nurse. Ashlynn was handed some medicine and as quickly as the nurse had come, she was gone again.

"Hey scooter bug! How you feeling?" Carl spoke first.


"Go back to sleep sweetheart. Hopefully you'll feel better soon." Jillian squeezed her daughter's hand. "I'm going to go out to dinner with Harris in a few minutes. I'll be back soon. I love you."

"Love you too Mommy."

Jillian left the small hospital room, leaving Ashlynn alone with her father. It didn't take long for Ashlynn's medicine to kick in and send her off into a deep sleep again.


Ashlynn was released a few days later after her secret spying. Thankful to be home again, she enjoyed spending much time with her mother and stepfather. Eventually she would be sent back to her father's home

The night before the switch, Jillian thought it would be a good opportunity to try something. "I've been meaning to do this for years, but I'm finally doing it. How would you feel if I gave you some food for the weekend?"

Slightly confused, "What do you mean mommy?"

"I mean I'm going to give you food to take to your father's house. I don't want you starving or in the same situation again." Jillian's anger started to rise. She cared too deeply for her daughter to not take care of her.

"Ok," Ashlynn tried to joke, "It'll be nice to eat when I want for once."

Hey mother did not appreciate the joke, but let it slide. Together, they packed enough food to last for a weekend maybe a day or two more. It would be nice for Ashlynn to actually enjoy eating and not wonder when her next meal would be.

"Now Ashlynn, your name is on everything. If anyone tries to take your food you'll know," Jillian tried not to cry as she pulled her daughter into a hug, "Oh baby, I love you so much."

"I love you too mommy."

They stayed like that together for a few minutes. Finally, Jillian pulled away first to send Ashlynn off to bed.


Ash, when are you coming over? I don't even know how to do all the decorating.

Ashlynn smiled at her phone. It was New Year's Eve day. Tonight was supposed to be a big party, but with her recent stay in the hospital her parents had set some restrictions on tonight's events.

I don't know Jess. Dad won't let me out anytime soon. I'll be lucky if I can even make it before the party starts at 7.

He better not keep you locked up all day. I thought your mom said you could come over soon?

She never gave me any specific times. Well, except that I need to be home not long after the party is over.

See, this is why I like your mom better. I guess I can just go out and run some errands without you. I'll text you when I'm done and see if I can pick you up then.

Ok. I'm really sorry Jess. I never thought this would be such a pain in the ass.

It's fine. Just rest up. I'll talk to you soon.

Ok. Talk to you later.

Ashlyn placed her phone done and glanced out the window. Look outside, she felt a strange sense of peace pass over her. Since her father was at work, she was the only one home. Even if she tried to leave the house, he would now instantly. He must be tracking my phone or use that stupid house app. She thought.

Suddenly, Ashlynn felt a rumble in her stomach. "It feels so good to be hungry again."

Ashlynn walked downstairs to the kitchen. She went straight for her bag of food. There wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. She made herself a bowl of soup with a small side salad. Taking the food over to the table, Ashlynn started to think about what today really meant.

On the surface, she knew that it was just a way to get back on her feet. Deep down though, Ashlynn realized this was her moment for a new start. The following year was going to be big for her. She would turn eighteen, graduate, and hopefully start college. Somehow, she felt empty about it all.

Is this really what I want? Am I ready for the world outside of my parents shelters?

Questions continued to swim around in Ashlynn's thoughts. She tried everything to distract herself. Somethings, Ashlynn could not hide from.

After cleaning her dishes from lunch, Ashlynn dragged herself upstairs once again to take a nap. At first, she was restless and distracted. However, sleep finally took control of her mind and body. Before she knew it, Ashlynn was out like a light.


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Ashlynn rolled over sluggishly. She realized her phone's alarm was going off. Reluctantly, she turned it off and also found four missed texts from Jess.

Hey Ash.

Ash did you talk to your dad?

I'm almost done with my errands.

Ash are you even getting my messages?!

Ashlynn felt so bad. Quickly, she checked the times stamps to see the messages were only about twenty minutes old. Feeling guilty, Ashlynn sent out a quick text.

I'm so sorry Jess. I fell asleep and forgot to text you and my dad. Give me five minutes and I'll be able to answer everything.

You're alive! That's fine. Just hurry up. I'm going to be heading home soon. You do know the time right? We only have two hours and it's going to take me at least a half hour to come get you.

Crap! Ok I'm on it.

Ashlynn dialed her father's number hoping he would respond. The phone rang three times. Finally, she was relieved to hear her father's voice. "Hey kiddo. Is anything wrong? I'm almost home. You need something."

"Hi daddy. No everything is fine. I just wanted to ask if Jess could pick me up. She's out running errands and our house is in her route to get home so she won't be going out of her way. Please?" Ashlynn tried to hide the pleading in her voice. Luckily, Carl didn't notice.

"Well, I guess that's fine." He gave into defeat. "Just be home as soon as the party is over. Home by 12:30. Got it?"

"Dad, the party goes until 1. I told you this."

"No you didn't, but whatever that's fine. I want you home by 1:15 then. If you're late I won't be happy. You're still recovering."

"I know daddy. I won't be. I promise. Got to go. If I don't see you before you get home, happy New Year."

Ashlynn hung up the phone before her father changed his mind. Glad that everything was taken care of, she sent a quick message to Jess.

Hey Jess. Ok you're clear to pick me up. I'm ready whenever.

Awesome! I'm almost to your place. Give me about ten minutes.


Exactly ten minutes later, Jess pulled up to the house. Ashlynn couldn't contain her excitement. She leapt out the door and sprinted for the car.

"You have no idea how happy I am to be out of the house." Ashlynn said as she closed the car door behind her.

"I could imagine. It's good to see you again. You know, like good as in healthy." Jess smiled. "You ready?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm more than ready. I've been ready since my mom dropped me of at my dad's house this morning."

"Thank God she did. I have no idea how I would have hosted without you." Jess pulled out of the drive way and headed to her own house. "Does anyone know about what happened?"

"No and I'd like to keep it that way. I purposely wore make up to cover all the bruises caused by the IV's. I hope no one will notice." Ashlynn worried.

"Ash, I didn't even notice when you got in. Everything will be fine. I'm positive about it."

The girls continued to chat about the party and who they hoped they would see. When they entered Jess's house, the atmosphere changed to crunch time mode.

They only had one hour to set up and decorate. It wasn't much time, but Ashlynn had dealt with shorter deadlines. She worked well under the pressure. When seven o'clock came around the corner, both Jess and Ashlynn were ready. Not long after all the guest began to arrive and the party began.

At first, everyone played catch up. Talking about school, jobs, and everything else going on in there lives. Eventually they made it to eating. When everyone was full and content, Jess pulled out all the games.

Everyone voted for video games immediately. There was a friendly competition amongst everyone in their small group. Ashlynn could not help but smile at all her friends enthusiasm. Somehow, they were able to drag her off her butt to play Just Dance. After a few songs, Jess had the amazing idea to make Ashlynn wear high heals to dance in.

"Jess, I don't have any here. They're all at home." Ashlynn tried to dismiss the idea.

"No I still have one of your pairs from when we went shopping a few weeks back." Jess smirked.

"Fine, I'll do it if you do it." Ashlynn challenge Jess.

"You're on." Jess replied.

Both girls grabbed there heals and continued to dance with their friends. Soon the time came closer to midnight. Everyone around Ashlynn was having a ball. No one seemed to be upset. In fact they were the exact opposite. Happiness was surrounding Ashlynn like a warm blanket. She couldn't help but to be happy with everyone else.

When it came time for the ball to drop at midnight, Ashlynn was ready. What more could she ask for? She was surrounded by friends that cared for her and she had an amazing best friend that stood by her.

"Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!" Everyone danced and celebrated around the small living room and kitchen combination. They toasted twice for the fun of it all. Everyone gathered around the television again and settled down from their craziness a moment before.

Ashlynn stood in the kitchen to just watch all the happy people. Jess walked up next to her. "Want to go outside for a minute?"

"Sure. I'd like that."

Ashlynn and Jess snuck out before anyone noticed. Once outside, both girls sat down on the porch.

"We made it to the new year. Are you ready for it?" Jess spoke first.

Ashlynn thought about it for a moment. It was as if Jess knew she had thought this threw earlier. "I'm terrified. It's a big year for me. For the both of us."

"Why do you say that?"

"Jess, I turn eighteen this year. I'm graduating. We're going to college. I'm terrified of what's to come."

Jess grabbed Ashlynn's hand and squeezed it for comfort. "Don't be. I'll be by your side the whole time. Even if I'm not physically there, I'll always be there."

Ashlynn smiled. "Thanks Jess. I hope this year works out for you too."

"I have a feeling it will." Jess smiled to herself. "Come on, we should get back inside. We've been gone long enough."

The girls returned to the festivities. Slowly, everyone left one by one until finally it was time for Ashlynn to go home. She wasn't ready for it, but she had to.

"Bye everyone," Ashlynn said to Jess's family, "See you guys again soon."

"I'll be back in about ten minutes." Jess closed the door behind her and headed to the car.

The drive was quick. Too quick. What now? Ashlynn thought.

Ashlynn was about to get out of the car when Jess stopped her. "I know it's going to be tough, but you've got me and I've got you. Let's make this year count for the both of us."

Ashlynn gave a small smile. "Thanks Jess for everything."

"Anytime. Happy New Year Ash."

"Happy New Year Jess." Ashlynn walked up to the house feeling relieved that she was the only one awake. She climbed the stairs like a mouse.

For the first time in a long time, Ashlynn paused for a moment to look for her journal. Relief flooded her mind when she found her book. Making sure no one was up again, Ashlynn found a pen and began to write.

Dear Grandma,

I miss you more and more each day. I've been to the hospital again but it wasn't as scary this time.

I was lucky enough that I was discharged in time for my party. I have a feeling you were watching out for me that night. Thank you.

Grandma, I'm terrified for this coming year. I don't know what will happen come June. Will I go away? Will I stay?

I wish I could be asking you these things in person. You always knew what to do. Please be with me and guide me as this year goes on.

Love you and miss you,

Ashlynn closed the book, hid it, and jumped into bed. She laid in bed pondering over what the future held in store for her. Slowly, Ashlynn drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Ashlynn woke up feeling new and refreshed. She looked around her room and smiled to herself. "Let the new year begin."

The End

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