Watch Out

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"Rosalyn! Benjamin! Hurry up! Your father has already started the car. We don't want to be almost late for the third year in a row." Mrs. Daniels yelled to her two children.

Mrs. Daniels was the one in charge around the house. She made sure that her home was always in order. She could not stand for tardiness or disorder. If something were to happen and disrupt her perfectness, she would not be a person to be around.

She smiled slightly as her older son and younger daughter came quickly down the elegant staircase to the entrance. Their crisp, clean, Christmas outfits were as spectacular as she had envisioned them. My family will look the best at dinner tonight. Take that Sarah!

Once everyone was out of the house, Mrs. Daniels locked the magnificent ebony door. With a firm click, Mrs. Daniels smiled victorious. This year was going to be her family's year. She had a good feeling about it.

Quickly, Mrs. Daniel approached the waiting AMG S65 Sedan. She fastened her seatbelt then turned to her husband to start driving. Mr. Daniels nodded as he pulled out of the drive way.

Rosalyn, sixteen years old, begins to fiddle with the wool turtleneck her mother had picked out for her. She couldn't help but scratch at the neckline. Her brother Benjamin, eighteen years old, could not help but do the same thing with his tie. They made eye contact to speak silently.

"Mom buy your outfit?" Benjamin mouthed.

Rosalyn nodded as she gestured to her brother's outfit. He too nodded as he slowly was tortured by the tie. Surprising Rosalyn, Benjamin spoke up to their parents first.

"Mother, are these outfits really necessary? Aunt Sarah, Uncle Simon, and their family always have casual outfits. Even Grandmother and Grandfather do not over do their attire." Benjamin began to grab at his tie again when his mother spun around.

"Don't you dare touch your tie Benjamin. Next, yes this IS necessary. Finally, I don't care what my sister's family does. We are not them so never compare us to them." Mrs. Daniel smiled coldly.

"Mother, what Ben means is, did we have to wear almost all matching outfits that causes us discomfort?" Rosalyn tries to chime in and soften the blow for Benjamin.

Mrs. Daniels's Medusa like stare, turned from her son to her daughter. Both of her children were turning against her before the evening's events had started. She could not believe this. Taking a deep breath, Mrs. Daniels attempted to calm herself but ultimately failed.

"I don't want to hear another complaint from either one of you. I am the parent. You two are the children. You will do as I say and that is final. And for God sakes Rosalyn, stop slouching! It's not lady like." As if knowing she had won a small victory, Mrs. Daniel faced forward again.

Both Benjamin and Rosalyn were hurt. No matter what they did, it would never be good enough for their mother's expectations. Slowly, Rosalyn sat a little taller and Benjamin ignored the serpent like tie strangling his neck. Mr. Daniels this whole time, was giving his wife warning looks. He knew she was reaching her stress limits due to the holidays, but there was no need to take all her anger out on their children.

Soon the car was filled with silence. Suddenly, Mr. Daniels became uneasy with no bickering, laughter, small talk, or and kind of noise. He reached over to turn the radio on, to only have his hand slapped. "Richard! What do you think you're doing. Both hands on the wheel!"

Mr. Daniels not wanting to further enrage his wife, placed his hand back on the wheel. "Yes dear."

The thirty minute drive dragged on for what felt like hours. Both Rosalyn and Benjamin suffered in their outfits, while Mr. Daniels nervously drove. Mrs. Daniels seemed to be the only one from the Daniels' family to be enjoying herself. As the large mansion, home to Mrs. Daniels's parents, she whipped around to address her children again.

"I don't want to hear anyone complain once we enter those doors. You are to set an example for all the cousins. We are to be the prime example of this family. Do I make myself clear?"

Rosalyn and Benjamin nodded their heads in understanding. However once Mrs. Daniels was facing forward again, both Rosalyn and Benjamin rolled their eyes in unison. They both felt like five year olds again when their mother spoke to them in such a way.

Finally, Mr. Daniels pulled up to the front curb where a valet was waiting. He threw the keys to the young man jogging to the driver's side. "Thank you Marco. I'll make sure to give you a special Christmas gift before we leave." Mr. Daniels said.

Rosalyn leapt up the five small steps to the front door where her grandmother was waiting for her. "Grandmama! I've missed you so much." Rosalyn hugged the elder woman.

"I've missed you too my darling." She looked up to see Benjamin approach. "Benjamin, you've grown taller. Come here my sweet."

Benjamin leaned over to hug his grandmother. "Grandmama, I'm not that much taller, only an inch or so."

"How would I know? I haven't seen you since your graduation six months ago."

"Fair enough Grandmama." Benjamin smiled.

"Hello mother." Mrs. Daniels said.

"Still formal I see Rebeca."

"There's nothing wrong-" Mrs. Daniels was cut off.

"Richard! So good to see you honey. I see Rebeca is keeping you on your toes still."

Mr. Daniels approached the small group  slowly as he balanced the stack of gifts in his arms. "Molly, it's always lovely to see you. Where shall I place these gifts?"

"Leave them by the door. I'll have Lilian gather and place them by the tree. Now come in. Sarah and her family have been here for a few hours. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you all." Molly smiled. Mrs. Daniels happy smile became a strained smile. Of course! Sarah was here first.

As the were ushered in, an older gentlemen came strolling down the spiral staircase as if he was royalty. Benjamin was the first to recognize him. "Grandpapa!"

Rosalyn smiled as she followed Benjamin. "Grandpapa! We've missed you so much."

As the man reached the floor, his oldest grandchildren surrounded him in a warm embrace. "Hello my grandchildren. I've missed you both as well. Come let us go meet with the rest of the family together." The older man lead Rosalyn and Benjamin into the family room where the rest of the family was waiting.

Mrs. Daniels watched as they disappeared through the large doors. Once they were gone,  she turned to her mother. "Did you change the times again on me?!"

Surprised, "No. I would never do such a thing to my oldest daughter. You know Sarah has always enjoyed being early. I can't help it that she's a few hours early."

"That doesn't mean anything mother! You should have informed me that you were all waiting on us!" Mrs. Daniels pent down anger was emerging again. As if on cue, Mr. Daniels placed a hand on his wife's shoulder as an effort to calm her.

"We are just glad we made it before dinner. Thank you for hosting again this year Molly." Mr. Daniels spoke in a soothing voice to calm his wife and to break the growing tension.

"It was my pleasure Richard. Now, we should not keep our guest waiting anymore. Come along. Dinner is going to be served soon." Molly turned and walked through the doors her husband had disappeared through moments earlier with the Daniels's children.

Mrs. Daniel started to walk, but was halted suddenly. She was turned to face her husband. "Rebeca, you need to calm down. It's just a small family gathering. Don't make this into something it's not."

She looked into her husband eyes and sighed, "I'll try Richard."

"That's better. Now let's head in before the send out a search squad." Mr. Daniels held out his arm for his wife. They linked arms as they walked into the family room. Mrs. Daniels peace seemed to evaporate when she heard her sister's voice.

"Rebeca! How are you?" Sarah seemed to dance across the floor to where Mrs. Daniels stood.

"Sarah, it's good to see you. I'm doing well." Mrs. Daniels answered.

"We have so much to catch up on. It's been a year now hasn't it? I'm truly sorry about that. I've been traveling the world with Victor and the children. We almost were unable to make it home for Christmas. Our flight from Paris was delayed and then there was a blizzard in New York. Just terrible, but here we are." Sarah smiled as if nothing had happened.

The whole time Mrs. Daniels swallowed the venomous comments she would gladly have said if her husband were not standing next to her. "What a shame, at least you made it Sarah."

"Yes-" Sarah was interrupted by a petite young woman dressed in the head maid uniform.

"Dinner is ready in the the dinning room."

Thank God!

Sarah turned back to her sister, "Oh, I guess I'll have to tell you more over dinner."

"So it would seem." Mrs. Daniels faked a smile.

Sarah walked away. All Mrs. Daniels could do was send her daggers. Mr. Daniels leaned over and whispered into her ear, "Rebeca, you need to stop now before you do something we all regret."

Mumbling, "Fine."

Together, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels walked into the dinning room to find nothing but complete joy and happiness. Conversations ranging from business to the latest trends were scattered. Everything seemed perfect for once. The Daniels's took their seats to the right of Molly at the head of the table. Once everyone was seated, Molly's husband stood up to say a toast.

"To my wonderful family. May your year be wonderful and filled with joy. To my lovely wife who blessed me with out two wonderful daughters. Finally, to my daughters. Keep the meaning of family close to your hearts." He held his cup up.

One by one, the rest of the family raised their glasses. A small smile came to Mrs. Daniels's face. Her father's words touched her heart. Everyone placed their cups down together indicating to the staff it was time to serve dinner.

One servant, after another came out of the kitchen carrying large platters filled with different types of dishes. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, yams, and many more family favorites were placed before the family. No one wanted to touch the beautiful food, but Molly's husband was the first by carving the turkey.

Slowly, everyone's dishes became filed with food. When everyone was content with their dinner portions, Molly began to ask everyone questions. She started with the simple generic small talk that eventually evolved into more complex short essay like questions.

The grandchildren had become so good at avoiding the questions with their own questions. It became an amusing game until the questions turned to the parents. First it started with the husbands and slowly made its way to the wives. Mrs. Daniels was very blunt with her answers not caring much for she talks with her mother daily, but when Sarah talked, the whole room seemed to stop and listen to her.

"So Sarah, telling me about your latest trips."

"Well mother, first I traveled on my own to India. While I was there, I was able to assist local clinics and food banks in order for them to have lovely holidays. Then after about a month, I met Victor and the children in London where we travels across Europe." Sarah continued to ramble on about Europe and volunteering everywhere she went. All her charity talk slowly created and envious fire in Mrs. Daniels. Before she knew what was happening, Mrs. Daniels took a spoon full of mashed potatoes and flung them at Sarah's face. They it the target perfectly.

Sarah stopped speaking and everyone turned to Mrs. Daniels. She began to stutter, "I'm so sorry. I-" Yams were sprawled all over Mrs. Daniels.

"Oops. I'm sorry." Sarah said with a smirk.

Something snapped inside Mrs. Daniels, causing her to grab a chunk of food and toss it toward her sister, but instead it hit her brother-in-law. He too started throwing food. With in seconds the entire family was in an all out war. Every person for themselves. The maids quickly left the room to avoid being victims in this family feud.

As quickly as the fight began, it stopped. The food had all but disappeared from the table and was scattered along the walls, floor, and everyone. Slowly, The children peaked their heads up to see if the coast was clear. Once it was safe, they stood up and shook hands with one another. They were being good sports as if this had all been a game. Then quickly they dispersed to the other room before the nuclear reaction of the parents began.

Molly was the first to recover once the children were gone. "My dinning room! Look what you've all done! Rebeca, what got into you?!"

She stood up slowly from her crouching position. "I don't know mother. Something just clicked. I guess my jealousy of Sarah took control."

Sarah rose from the ground, "Why would you be jealous of me? I should be the one jealous of you."

Shocked, "I don't understand why you'd be jealous of me Sarah. I may have been born first, but you always got everything. You were always spoiled by mom and dad while I sat there and watched. Now suddenly you're married and have kids and yet you still are getting everything."

"Do you have any idea how crazy you sound Rebeca? I never asked for that Rebeca. I always wanted us to be equals. I never wanted that to happen. Once I was married, I thought I could escape those days by doing what I do now. " Tears started to stream down Sarah's face.

"I never realized that, Sarah." Mrs. Daniels slowly approached her sister. "To think, I always thought you were just trying to rub things in my face, when really you were just trying to avoid it." She hugged Sarah, "I'm so sorry."

They held each others embrace for a few moments until Molly spoke up. "This is touching and all, but you both practically destroyed my dinning room with food! How do you think you're going to fix this?! You both ruined our Christmas!" Molly's face started to become red with frustration.

Both sisters giggled. They made eye contact and said, "We could just order a pizza now I guess."

"Pizza? Pizza? You two have got to be kidding me. After all this," she gestured to her surroundings, "all you can think about is ordering a pizza?"

There was a small laughter coming from the other end of the table. Molly's husband sat back down on his chair. "I've got to say that pizza doesn't sound too bad. What do you say Molly? Lighten up will yah. It's Christmas. The most important thing is that we have our family here together."

"But, my room-"

"Can be fixed. For now let's celebrate. It's almost as if we've gone back in time."

"Daddy's right mom," Sarah smiled. "We're all here together. We should enjoy this precious time with one another."

Molly finally let go of her frustration for the messy room and caved into her family's wishes. As she did so, the children all returned. They had washed off the food from their faces. All of them were smiling and happy to see that everything seemed all right.

For the rest of the evening, the family began to reconnect with one another. All their pass problems seemed to disappear. No more feuds or jealousy, just one big happy family and a giant pizza to prove it.

At the end of the night, Sarah and Rebeca walked each other out to their cars. They hugged one another as Rebeca said, "Merry Christmas Sarah. I love you so much."

"Merry Christmas Rebeca. I love you too."

The End

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