It's Whisper!

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"Hyung?" Jungkook waited for others to reply.


"Hyung, are.. you sure the address is correct? This.. this place looks unholy!" Jungkook said as he again glanced on the building.

"What chu thought? Are we gonna play Ouija board in a five star restaurant?" Namjoon joked and all the other six laughed.

"But.. What if that myths and all are real?"

BTS had come to a Old shattered ghost villa, what the people around used to call it. Jungkook being just 18 was a little scared of the aftermath. Though possibilities were less, but the blasphemous piece of cardboard could certainly hurt them. 

Are people much stupid to fear a board, grounds being nowhere?

"If the myths are true, then the ghost will be scared of my jokes!" Jin quipped again and laughed on himself. A dad joke indeed!

"Kookie, if you want we'll leave right now!" Jimin gave the scared kid a side hug. Taehyung too came as assurance.

"I don't feel like trying all this, Hyung please! Let's go back please!" Jungkook literally entreated to go back. 

Weird! The boy was never scared of such things but now he was shivering. A fear was bugging him perpetually. He was confused and afraid at the same time. Others got a little perturbed looking at the salty drops in his eyes. 

"Jungkook! It's- it's okay, we'll go back! Calm down!" Taehyung wiped tears from Jungkook's eyes. "Hyung-" Taehyung turned to others and got a nod in reply. 

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook made themselves scarce. Jungkook was behaving weird today. He silently got into the back seat of the car, of which Jimin took the driving seat. Tae accompanied Jungkook behind.

The journey was unusually silent. The mellifluous song felt too dry to affect the scared soul. Jimin and Taehyung used to glance at Jungkook in regular intervals though didn't dare to interfere the war between him and whom, they might never know. 

"Jungkook, are you okay?" Taehyung can't control his inner turmoil. He asked while keeping a caring hand, supporting his shoulder.

"I.. don't.. know!" Jungkook could only whisper, fighting his heavy throat apart. 

"But- But what's troubling you exactly?" Jimin turned his neck back to get a glimpse of Kookie. 

"I.. don't know Hyung... Something's not good. I.. I can feel it! I can hear it's whisper." Jungkook pulled his neck up to look at Jimin and Taehyung, who were looking bewildered!

"W.. whisper? W.. Whom?" Jimin sprang on his seat as he turned back and threw the instant query.

"I.. don't..." Jungkook's expressions changed suddenly. "Jimin!!!!"


"Ugh! This board is useless. No ghost is here, nor did we find anything weird!" Hoseok rose his voice being disappointed with the Ouija Board mystery.

The four of them, Namjoon, Seok jin, Hoseok and Yoongi were sitting around a round table, which was very skillfully made, with their fingers touching the leaf shaped wooden planchette. They tried to call ghosts by following the required steps and spelling whatever the board requires. 

"Yes, we tried a couple of times already!" Yoongi got stultified by simply running planchette over the board, uselessly.

"Okay! Let's try one more time. If we found nothing, we'll leave!" Namjoon said while shrugging his shoulder. The trio nodded in assurance and turned attentive, with their fingers lightly kept on the planchette. 

"Is here someone, we don't know?" Namjoon and others waited eagerly for atleast someone to reply. 

"NO" The planchette started moving tracing the word NO, written on the top.

"Shit! This is real!" Seok Jin blurted a little excitedly. 

The four glanced at each other as they found the reply was weird enough to hit their curiosity.

"Can we ask you about your death?" It was Hoseok this time. The dim lights of the villa flickered a couple of times and died with the entrance of huge, cold blow of wind.

"YES!" This was enough to scare them. All the four started sweating in the cold night. Yoongi tried to get back his fingers but unfortunately, the end of the game wasn't in their hands. Was it?

"Al.. alright! What was the reason.. f.. for your death?" Seok Jin stammered as he gulped his dry throat to not let his paranoid overwhelm.

"C--R--A--S--H" The planchette moved slowly and Yoongi spelled the whole word 'Murder' in the end. 

"Fuck!" Namjoon instantly turned back, watching a big photo frame crashing the ground. Another blow of wind hit the curtains and the windows' glass shattered into pieces.

"This is.. creepy!" Hoseok glanced around in search to find something but the window panels, shutting and opening, curtains fluttering was enough to scare him.

"Let's finish this game and leave please!" Seok Jin cried as he saw the wall lamp flicker and crack into pieces.

"Y---O---U-- --C---A----N---T" The planchette traced the words and the table started shaking vigorously. 

"No.. Don't harm us. We haven't done any bad to you! We don't even know you.. Let us go please!!" Yoongi cried and all of them started to get their fingers off the wooden shit but weren't allowed to. 

"I-- --W--I--L--L-- --T--A--K--E-- --U-- --T--O-- --T--H--E--M--"

"Who? Whom are you taking about? And who the hell are you??" Namjoon cried but his fingers followed the planchette again, reluctantly. 


"Cut!!! Amazing shot!! Pack up!" The director and camera man exclaimed together. It was indeed a good shot! 

"It all looked soo real! Doesn't it?" J-hope said, mesmerized by the set arrangements. 

"Yah, I was scared in rea-" Jin said when they all heard-

"Sirr!!! I'm sorry sir.. it's my fault!!!" A crew member came running and almost fell in director's feet. 

"What fault are you talking about?" Director got confused with his sudden apology.

"Sir.. I am responsible for spoiling this shot sir." 


"Yes sir, that remote controlled board got mistakenly replaced by ordinary Ouija board-"

The camera rolled to the board when the planchette moved again-



A/N:- Bad I guess. Just wanted to right something on Ouija board. 


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