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Title: Formalities
Character: Author and MinTo_Be
Point of View: Third Point of View
Plot Summary: Continuation of At First Sight.

It has been half a year since Dawn became part of the family. Everything did change and unfortunately, even Carlos had warmed up a little to her but in a secretive way. And Kaden and Marianne had been frequently at home now which annoys Aria to the brink because she couldn't believe what she was witnessing.

Were they seriously setting her up to open? Not a chance.

But they only ever stayed more than once ever since Dawn came. It was unfair and a bit envying.

They care about her more than me.

And as that thought remained in her head, a pain shot through her and a flash of anger coursed through her face.

Aria had been eating her favorite PB&J jam sandwich on their bar counter, sitting on a high stool beside Charmaine and moving on to her 3rd sandwich.

She was still in her jade shorts and plain white v-neck shirt, having just awaken at 6:30 in the morning since it was another school day.

Silently, she observed her parents with a pissed look, Charmaine just showed her an amused expression.

"Look at them, they look stupid!" Aria whisper-yelled at Charmaine, her arms flailing in the air in protest.

Her eyes pointed at her parents in an unbelievable look. Kaden having sat at their unused white leather armchair with a newspaper on hand and a mug of coffee at their glass coffee table.

Marianne wore a mother's dress, on her tiptoes over the upper shelf with a duster in hand, brushing non-existent dust on certain areas.

"Last six months they couldn't even stand being around the house in the morning for more than two seconds!" She continued, Charmaine just listened to her quietly but agreeing somehow.

"And then there they are, in pajamas and acting as if they weren't late for work for almost, I don't know, half an hour ago!" She groaned, exasperated.
"I mean, they only ever stayed if I was grounded for more than two weeks!"

"Until she came," Aria pointed in the direction of the stairs, exactly where Dawn had just gone down to and stifled a yawn. "They started staying for more than my average grounded days!"

"... Mor... ning" Dawn waved lazily, unaware of Aria's angered moment. She wore a red pajama with white slippers.

"Oh, good morning Dawn." Charmaine smiled, standing from her stool and handing her a bowl of cereal. "Here, have your breakfast."

Eyes still droopy, Dawn gave a slight nod with a tired smile. "Thanks Charm." Then taking a spoonful into her mouth as she stare at Marianne and Kaden. "Same routine, huh? Hey Aria, are you free on Saturday?"

Ignoring Dawn's question, Aria muttered at her reaction from her parents actions in annoyance. "See? Of course she's not bothered with Mom and Dad's weirdness." She grunts.

"Give her a chance, Aria." Charmaine sighed.

Swallowing the last bite of her sandwich quickly, she immediately stood up and rushed upstairs after saying a quick order. "Charm, can you heat the bathtub for me?"

"Sure darling."

Leaving Dawn to herself on the bar counter, she head to her room and straight to her large wall closet, opening the mirrored door and taking out her uniform to set it down on her queen sized bed.

When Charmaine told her the bath was ready, she took her towel and went for the bathroom outside her room, in the living room on the 2nd floor.

Once she was finished and she had her bag and uniform on, she went outside her bedroom and only to be seen with Dawn still in her pajamas.

Raising a brow at her current state, Dawn stared back and then followed her gaze, down to where she saw herself still wearing sleeping clothes and not in her uniform like Aria had.

Looking at the golden clock on the wall, it read 7:30, 30 minutes left until school starts.

Instead of being shocked at the time, Aria moved past Dawn without saying anything, climbing downstairs and plopping on the couch after putting on her shoes.

It's not like she cared if she missed first period or school at all. Besides, she already knew that Dawn would still be in her pajamas when she's already done with preparing.

She did have half a year to know what Dawn was like.

A lazy kid, alright.

Ever since Kaden and Marianne stayed more frequently at home, they both had their shifts moved 2 hours later than Aria's school starting time.

And because of that, Kaden had started dropping off the two before heading over to work ever since.

"Already done?" Kaden appeared at the door frame of the living room, wearing a grey suit and a briefcase in his right hand.

"Yeah." Aria nodded, her head resting on the couch as she stared at the white ceiling.

"How about Dawn?"

"The usual."

Sitting down beside her, he let out a small chuckle and sighed. "Ah, that kid sure is taking her time always."

Aria stayed silent and soon enough, Dawn came tumbling down the stairs and still stifled a yawn. "Okay, I'm ready."

With that they head out to their huge garage after waving goodbye to Charmaine and their mother, opening the car door and the two of them sitting on both ends. Pulling the car in ignition, Kaden pulled out of their garage and out through the gates.

The ride went quiet until a few minutes have passed and Kaden broke the silence. "So how's school so far?"

"So-so." Dawn muttered. "Nothing different."

"How about friends?" Once those words left his mouth, Aria tensed and clenched her jaw.

Not bothering to answer, Dawn replied again instead. "Well, surprisingly, I met an old friend of mine."

"That's good then, at least your adjusting well." Kaden smiled through the rear view mirror.

Tuning out their conversation, Aria went into her own little world. Wandering her lost mind and letting her thoughts consume her.

But one word kept bugging her.


"We're here." Kaden smiled through the rear-view.

With Dawn waving goodbye, Kaden was cut off when she saw Aria frowning.

Not wasting any time, Aria hopped out of the car without glancing at her father or Dawn. Running through the front doors and pushing past students, she sighed, thinking.

Why change?


Both arms behind her head as she followed the path where Aria headed, Dawn was more or less fully awake to reconsider what had transpired until now.

She was not making any progress.

And that was something she had expected nevertheless. In fact, she was indeed a tough cookie to break. It was another challenge given to her that made it all exciting yet sentimental at the same time. 

Exciting, because she prefer to find excitement on things that makes them interesting whether they were simple or grand. As for sentimental, well, she didn't need to explain that, right? After all, it had been already half a year and both of them are quite stubborn on the opposite reason.

She wanted to get closer to her. Aria doesn't. How many times has it been since her offers to hang out, or better yet, talk, were rejected?

There was a time Marianne gave her money to buy ice cream for the both of them and yet despite the small effort, all she got was the cold shoulder. No puns intended.

Yawning once more, Dawn said to herself. "Thinking this deeper is just making me sleepy. Maybe I should head --"

As if her misfortune continues to follow, the bell finally rang for homeroom to start.

"Never mind." Grumbling to herself as she head straight to her class.

Time skip, class ended for lunch break. Honestly speaking, whether lectures or teachers may be interesting or boring, Dawn has yet to think of it as exciting. She swore this was going to be one of her difficult battles throughout her life.

As the students clash straight to the cafeteria, Dawn had a preferred place to stay. Her secret spot that would push away the noise that would hinder her silence for naps.

Cliche as it was, her secret spot was a sturdy branch from a tree hidden within at the forest behind the school yard.

To think there was one hiding like this inside the school, Dawn was impressed. Either way, she climb to the top of her favorite place, a hammock laid down for her to swing by. No, it was not another pun.

Taking a deep breath from exhaustion, she was about to close her eyes when someone had call her from below.

Just who in the world has the time to call out to her!? Or rather, how did they found this?

"Dawn? Dawn! You in here?" Ah, the familiar voice shout.

Realizing, it was her best and only childhood friend. It could be none other but...

"Annabeth! I'm at the top." Dawn reply back.

"Where!?" Annabeth, the same short black hair and brown eyes, ask.

Why is she here in her school?

A bit of playing around and risk, she lowers herself and jump down to some branches below, even to the point she had a few times almost unbalancing her footing while leaves rustle below to give Annabeth the signal.

"Sup." Dawn wave down, her body upside down while her legs were holding to the branch tightly.

Somewhat, a punch on the shoulder to Dawn was played by the surprised Annabeth. "Eeek!"

Dawn, having to almost feel that in full force, still ended up stumbling from the impact, falling down head first. "Ow...!"

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" Annabeth quickly went her side to check. Though teasefully, she ends up poking the shoulder where she punch. "Mhm, yeah, pretty okay to me."

"Is that how much you love me!?" Quickly recovering, Dawn sit back and act to show she was hurt. "After all what I did for you!? Cruel my misfortune!"

Rolling her eyes, Annabeth giggle. "Alright, stop acting. We're both even."

Grinning ear to ear, Dawn was now fully awake. Considering the fall she had taken? Nope. Annabeth was at her side.

Though the question still lingers...

"What are you doing here?" Dawn promptly ask. "How'd you find me?"

"For your first question, my school is busy with events."

"And that's why your here to waste time." Dawn added.

Annabeth tease. "Don't you miss me?"

"Now. That is just unfair." Dawn growl a bit.

Rolling her eyes once more, Annabeth continue. "Second, you gave me a hint of a place remember?"

"The Treasure Hunt Riddle?" Dawn check.

"No. The Hide and Seek one." Annabeth correct.

"Damn, your good." Dawn grin.

"I lied." Annabeth stop, seeing Dawn's reaction falter to question. "It was intuition."


"Now my turn." Annabeth cross her arms as she raise an eyebrow with a small smirk plastered on her face. "Rejected?"

Understanding what it meant, Dawn groan as she let herself fall down to the ground, leaves cushioning her fall with a thud.

Sighing, Annabeth sat beside her. "You know, maybe you should try a different strategy."

"Been there. Done that." Dawn grumble. "She's near yet far. Plus whatever I do or say doesn't even reach her. I wonder what I did wrong...?"

"Well, the most obvious issue would be your parents. You explained to me how it went. Maybe, you could try having them a heart to heart talk?" Annabeth suggest.

"Family is a hard topic for Aria to handle." Dawn admit. "So I don't want to force her that."

"That may be true but I still wish you good luck on at least trying." Annabeth smile.

"I don't need good luck cause it doesn't work." Dawn chime in. "But thanks."

Nodding in agreement, the two simply enjoy each other's company throughout the whole lunch break.


Lunch break has finally come for Aria and to her surprise, no one has bothered her yet despite strolling around her school grounds endlessly.

Has she even mentioned Carlos not calling her names and insulting her anymore?

Damn, even Carlos changed.

With an emotionless expression, she tucked her hands in her coat's pockets and turned to the right.

As soon as she did, a boy's hand pulled her roughly, a silent gasp escaping Aria's mouth. Being dragged to a dark corner of their school by an unknown figure, Aria clenched her teeth and pulled out of his grip.

"What the he-" Before she could finish, Aria was pushed back harshly by a pair of strong arms causing her to stumble and hit her head loudly on the hard concrete.

A laugh erupted around her, but the voice was doubled and boyish.

There's more of them.

Blood dripped from her head as she struggled to go back on her feet. Wiping it with the back of her hand, she growled at the boys.

"How does it feel, Ice Queen?" A familiar voice asked in between laughter.

She froze.

Carlos's friends.

Opening her eyes despite the pain and dizziness of her head, to her surprise she didn't see the brown haired boy she was expecting to find.

But where is he?

"What is your problem!?" Aria shouted at the group of boys that were laughing.

Their laugh immediately died, icy glares sent her way as she waited for their answer.

"Wanna find out?" The same boy with black hair that spoke earlier said, venom dripping in his tone. "You'll have to get pass through us first."

Anger surged through Aria, disbelief in her voice as she stood her ground and glared back at them. "I'm not playing with you."

"This ain't a game Aria, you just have to learn what betrayal feels like." Another boy with blonde hair smiled evilly, stepping up to her.

She scoffed at him, shaking her head regardless of the ache behind it. "Funny, thought I was already betrayed from the very beginning."

Right when she finished her sentence, a leg shot at her side, sending her to the ground painfully. "You ass-"

Not letting her continue, another boy pulled at her hair, her blonde curls tangled in between the boy's hand.

"Now how does being disrespected by your people feel like, your highness?"

"You've got the guts to have a group of your own Charles, why hide behind Carlos?" Aria spat, her hair still being held by the boy beside her.

Charles, the one who spoke first and with black hair had his expression turn into disgust. "That's none of your business."

"Enough." The same blonde haired boy ordered at Charles, pushing him to the side and going over to Aria.

But this time she was ready, strength might not be her perk but speed is.

Before the blonde boy could walk any further, Aria strikes her fist at his nose, causing it to bleed.

With the speed of her movement, her hair was set free and her leg swinged at the boy who previously pulled her by the hair. "Touch me again and your face gets broken next."

Once she leaped back and prepared herself for the next attack, she saw Charles nodding his head to his friends and they mimic him.

All of them coming at once, Aria gripped the wrist of the boy on her left quickly and pulled him to the right harshly, making the boy collide with the closest boy and leaving Charles and the blonde boy left.

"Carlos. Where is he?" She hissed.

Their faces turned into a scowl and clenched their teeth, Aria raised her eyebrow at this and tightened her fists. "Well?"

"Thought you'd know by now." The blonde boy grumbled. "But acting stupid won't get you anywhere."

Squinting her eyes at him, she said. "I'm not playing dumb, Danes."

Scoffing at her, Charles laughed bitterly and replied. "Quit lying to us princess, or things will get worse." He threatened.

Disbelief rose to her eyes, gritting her teeth. "I don't know what you're talking about!!"

For the first time, this much emotion surprised them all, after all Aria had always been calm when dealing with them.

"Carlos ditched us," Danes muttered angrily, not looking at Aria anymore. "He got mad at us and thinks that he can just get rid of us."

"We thought that maybe you talked sense to him and forced him to leave our group." Charles finished for Danes.

Aria stayed silent, her mind wandering about Carlos's behavior. But before anyone else could realize what was happening, an arm shot out to her and her head landed straight on the rough concrete.

Black spots forming in her view, the two boys running towards her.


But she couldn't respond anymore, not when she couldn't hear anything else but the ringing pain in her head.


Annabeth had to leave soon since she had to attend to some place else. Waving goodbye, Dawn was once more alone.

And by that... She meant alone with some "friends."

"There you are. We've been looking for ya." 3 boys and 2 girls in different grade, all of them being higher.

Sighing in defeat, Dawn place her arms once more behind her head. A signature habit of hers that was mocking joined in with her lazy grin-shitting smile.

"Aww, one by one, everyone surely loves me." Dawn tease. "Came to get some sugar?"

"You really know how to piss someone off Crow." A darker blonde girl, in terms of identity for readers, given the alias as, Girl A or Blondie, cross her arms. "Why not just shut up like a good chicken?"

"You can't even talk shit." Said Girl B.

"Bird puns intended, I'm Tweety Bird who likes to follow Granny's rules." Dawn continue. "And prefer getting a good nice sleep than being chase by a certain cat."

Angered, Blondie signal the three guys to handle the situation with violence. So calling them Guy A, B and C.

"Guess there's no backing down." Dawn muttered to herself as she lower her arms. "Though being rusty aside, there's always another plan to this case."

Pushing her right foot back slowly, she waited for the guys to get close. Well, considering she still have ten minutes to spare by playing around even if it means getting pummeled hard, why wouldn't she? After all, insane and trouble was her middle name. Not to forget, her misfortune calls for some action.

"And that is..." Dawn muse with a glint of a sparkle for trouble. "Run!"

Turning back, she run ahead, getting a head start.

Surprised laced joined in with a fit of anger, Blondie launch her arm forward as she shout. "Well, what are you waiting for!? Get her you slowpokes!"

Thrown back to reality, the three of them run towards Dawn. Having to take remark of who's fast to slow, Guy A was big yet stout, so that make him the slowest of the three. Guy B was thinner and athletic, being the fastest while Guy C was more of an average build, he too, was fast but not as Guy B.

Dawn phase through the school yard, few students and teachers lingered to get ready for the next class.

"Ah, shoot. Don't want them getting caught in the crossfire." Dawn complain as she look around to hide.

Apparently, there was the fire stairs just close by, the ladder still underlying for her to reach. Taking that choice, she quickly climbed up.

"There's that prick!" Guy A shout as he point to the direction where Dawn is.

Having the audacy to put out her tongue, Dawn shout. "Over here, idiots!"

Pissed off, the three of them followed suit, Dawn, sighing for the fun to end, reach up to the top and ran.

As soon they joined in, the door to the inside was left open. Dawn must have headed back to class.

"C'mon, we still got time." Guy C grit his teeth. "She couldn't have run off that far."

Agreeing, the three of them left.

Slowly, closing the door from outside using her foot, Dawn chuckle a bit, sitting on the ledge just at the top of the doorway.

"Man, they were so much fun to play around." Dawn plop to the ground and look up to the clouds. "I should probably teach those five a lesson before anyone could get hurt though."

Satisfied, rather than heading back to class, Dawn snooze off.


It was a miracle Aria still had her vision regaining, after the loud and painfully tearing drop of her head on the concrete, all she saw was Charles and Danes running towards her with muted voices.

Until they were stopped by a dark silhouette and beaten to a pulp.

She thought about how she was still conscious, and when her hearing had returned, she heard the bell rang. Signalling that it was finish lunchtime. All of the boys had ran and the dark silhouette was nowhere to be found.

Instantly pulling herself together, she felt her world spin and her body like a heavy weight, losing her balance after attempting to stand up.

But before she could hit the ground once more, a pair of arms held her in place, the arms wrapped around her waist and the other on the back of her neck.

Wincing in response, Aria quickly pulled out of their grip and tried to get a good look from the person's eyes.

But instead, she saw Carlos.

Opening her mouth to question, Carlos shook his head at her and pulled her up slowly.

Shutting her mouth and frowning at him, not once had he looked in her eyes when he helped her.

"Why...are you here?" Aria tried to hide her pain when Carlos set his hand on her head down, but when he let go, she quickly gripped on his wrist tightly and made him face her.

"Carlos." She plead.

"Not now. We need to get you help."

Staring at him with a blank look, she replied stubbornly. "I'm fine. Just answer my question."

"Why are you doing this?" She pressed.

Carlos looked back at her stubbornly and they both stared each other down, but he was the one who broke the contact and held her shoulders as a support.

When he took in the view of dried blood on her body, he tensed and held her tighter. Suddenly blood dripped on his hand and he finally spoke up.

"I already called the teacher." He informed, scanning the area before pulling her to the empty hallway. "They're rushing to come find you, you'll be okay soon."

"You're hurt too, idiot." And if she ever noticed him flinching at the name, she didn't say it.

He didn't answer her and continued down the hall, turning at every necessary corner if needed and soon reaching the nurse's office.

"Oh my goodness!" The nurse gasped when she saw the state they were both in. "Quick, sit here." She gestured to two pale blue beds and rushed to check on Aria first.

Obeying, Carlos brought Aria to the bed and let her settle comfortably before leaving to sit on a cold waiting bench.

On the corner of her eyes, she saw Carlos leaning his head back on the bench and his arms on his lap. Closing his eyes and silently waiting for her to finish.

Sighing, she turned to the nurse and the nurse panicked. "Let me see your head." Clicking her tongue at the sight, she cleansed her wound and applied pressure to stop it from bleeding.

Once finished, she wrapped enough bandage around her head and Aria nodded at every word and warning the nurse has told her, not really listening to whatever she was saying.

Every few seconds of alcohol being swabbed at her cuts and bruises, she tries not to escape her grasp and choke the nurse to death.

Not knowing the boy on the bench was watching her all along, Carlos smirked at the image of her showing more emotions than she'd let on for him to see.

Finally, after a few minutes have passed, the nurse was done with Aria and onto Carlos. Which was just applying betadine and bandaids all over him.

Laying down on the bed, Aria stared tiredly at the ceiling and felt her self drifting to sleep but then a shadow overtook her view and she glanced at the person.

"Thought the nurse told you not to sleep. You have a concussion." Carlos said, bringing over a stool and sitting beside her bed.

Looking down at Carlos's right hand, surprise hit her when she saw his wrist wrapped with bandage.

Not showing her surprise though, she looked away from him and changed the subject. "Why leave your friends?"

Whatever happy mood he had, had vanished as anger took over. "I hardly call them friends."

Raising her eyebrow at him, she quickly glanced at the nurse and saw her calling the office for their parents number to inform them what happened.

"Then stop being nice to me," Aria closed her eyes. "I might think that you've hit your head harder than mine."

A flash of hurt passed through Carlos's eyes and he quickly masked it with a playful smirk.

"That's something you wouldn't want to hear."

"Well then, guess we'll have to stick with a damaged head." Aria deadpanned.

He didn't speak after that, just silently tracing the outlines of Aria's face. When her eyes shot open, he quickly averted his gaze and hid his face with the sleeves of his jacket.

"Didn't think you'd be that mad." She said, smiling after seeing his crimson face.

Slowly taking his arm away from his face, he sighed. And for the first time, she saw Carlos show a sincere and genuine smile.

Saying, "No, I guess I'm just happy." He looked her in the eye and she stared back in disbelief. "That's all."

For a moment, they held each other's gazes, Aria observed him and Carlos gave nothing away.

"Glad to know having a damaged brain amuses you." Aria grinned.

But before Carlos could say anything else, the nurse called to them. "C'mon, your parents are here."

"Let's go?" Carlos waited for Aria.

"Ladies first." He scowled at her response but helped her up anyways.

"Thanks." He muttered dryly.

"Anytime." And this time she smiled truthfully, forgetting the pain aching in her body.

With that he looked away and held her shoulder tighter, face flushing with red.

"Yeah sure."


Her phone rang in disturbance, waking Dawn from her slumber.

Groaning as she flip her phone open, she answered. "Who's speaking?"

"Dawn? Don't you have classes right now?" Kaden's voice ask from the other side.

Jolting back, Dawn reply frantically as she check her schedule. "Vacant classes. We don't have any more."

Thankful as she was to have no more lessons to listen, she didn't even realized time had already passed for an hour and a half.

"Great. Can you meet at the nurse office?" Kaden reply.

"Why?" Dawn raise her eyebrow in confusion as she jump down from the small building.

"Aria." Kaden said simply.

Hearing that, Dawn's face turned blue. Turning off the phone, she quickly head to the nurse office, without caring who she may have bumped into.

Opening the doorway, she saw six faces; four being familiar while the other two weren't. The three coming from her family.

Marianne was checking on Aria, giving out worried questions and comforts while Kaden puts back his phone in his pockets.

"You came here quick." Kaden pointed out.

The other being an acquaintance she had met some time and deducing that the two adults beside him may be were his parents.

Ignoring his compliment, Dawn slowly walk to Aria's companion. She didn't gave off the same presence that one time back when Kaden almost push her buttons but rather, she sigh softly and greeted slowly. "Carlos. Glad to see you alive and kicking."

"Couch-lady, what do you want?" Carlos frowned at the sight of her.

"Now now dear, don't call her names." His mother gently scold.

Not minding it, Dawn gave a knowing look and a smile for a greeting to both adults.

"Hey, cool down a bit Charmander, I came for my little sister." Dawn reply. "Though what happened to you? Did Charlie and the Chocolate Factory gang hurt you again?"

Instead of answering, Carlos's jaw dropped. He looked between Aria and Dawn and then remembered Kaden's little interaction with Dawn earlier, now it made sense.

But being himself, he shook off the thought and remembered how their features did not resemble. "Who, another potato?"

Kaden's worried expression faltered, looking back and forth at the three children but before he could speak, Marianne's face fumed red.

"My daughter is not a potato, for goodness sake!" She screeched at the boy and all of a sudden he jumped from his seat and Aria's cold face morphed into a tight lipped smile.

"Holy cow- What!?" Carlos said in confusion, searching their faces for answers and when he caught Aria's scowl. "How- wait no- when were you born!?"

"Long story short, it's complicated." Dawn mutter as she cross her arms. "So, straight answers." She then look at Aria with a serious look, insisting she comply. "And I mean it." Then turning back to Carlos with a growl. "What the hell happened to the both of you?"

"Dawn, your language." Kaden warned. But even though he wasn't pleased with her words, he also wanted to know what had happened to his child.

Especially since Carlos is with her again, their last meeting did not really set a good impression.

"It's my fault."

Shock was apparent at most of the people's faces. Carlos father look at him with a stern yet soft look. "Carlos. What is the meaning of this?"

Upon hearing it, Marianne's blood boiled again, not able to contain her anger, she spat. "You dare hurt my daughter?!"

Not looking at Aria's parents, Carlos's ducked his head down and pursed his lips in a tight line. Aria watched him silently and turned to her father.

"Hun, you need to calm down." Kaden cooed, holding her down from lashing out on the poor boy. "Let him explain first." He said, eyeing him carefully.

"Dad." To his surprise, he looked at his daughter and replied with a soft 'Yes?'.

"His frie- former friends actually, did this to me." Aria explained. "Carlos had nothing to do with this."

Raising one brow at her, Kaden said incredulously. "So looking beaten up at the same time means not having to do with each other."

"He helped me."

A slight chorus of noise played in after hearing the results.

A sigh of relief escape from Dawn's mouth. So she was right. "Thought so, the first time I met you, you seem troubled dealing with them. Though the next question is, why say it was your fault?" She turned to Carlos then Aria next. "And why are they hurting you? Is it bullying? Or there's something more?"

"It's not bullying. It's the first time they laid a finger on me." Aria answered vaguely. Not continuing just like Carlos staying silent.

Dawn was not satisfied with the answer but she was hesitant enough to push the younger kids further. After all, surely she notice, they had their own mindset. Whether they prefer to tell adults for help or maybe keep it to themselves like an enduring strong individual.

Slightly pissed off, Dawn nod slowly. "Alright, if that's the case then I'll wait in the car."

Before she walks away, she gave one more look to Carlos, hindering her facial from everyone except his, she mouthed with a smile. "Thanks."


Aria's and Carlos's parents had left the nurse's office after Aria had asked for privacy. But being the girl she is, she needed answers and she wanted it now.

"Answer me." Aria immediately said. "I asked for privacy but that doesn't mean we have all the time. So do it quick."

"What?" Was all Carlos could say.

"Tell me why you left your group."

He was hesitant at first, the question lingered in the room. But he wasn't sure why he answered it like this. "That's something between me and my friends. You don't have any business in it."

She stayed silent and watched his moves, ignoring his answer she continued. "Do you ever regret it?"

With a shake of his head, he answered truthfully this time. "No. I hated them."

"My turn, why spend time pushing people away?" He changed the subject.

This surprised Aria, but even though she couldn't deny it, she gave him a shrug. "It wasn't my decision, besides it's not like its your business."

"Well, I deserve that." Carlos sigh. "Actually, I think there's something you need to know."

All of a sudden, a familiar voice called out. "Carlos, hurry up honey!"

He looked down and smiled, an unreadable emotion in his eyes as Aria watched him closely. Though even after letting out an exhale he said.

"But I guess its not time yet."

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