At First Sight

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Title: At First Sight
Character: Author and MinTo_Be
Point of View: Third Point of View
Plot Summary: How two different people met, only to clash one another.

Around August of 2012, a couple was holding onto a certain character, known in the future years of a certain site, named Maki or mainly Dawn to some friends. Using with the power of Author Note, to remind that this chapter is highly related and speech pattern would not be exact but like who cares as this was meant to give out a story to readers out there anyway.

Continuing forth, Dawn was at the age of twelve, or so as guess, having not much memory of her past childhood life that were unstably kept behind her brain for years she knew it would haunt her one day. But that wasn't the story they were eager to tell.

Instead, she was adopted by caring parents who wanted her. It was probably pity that had led her to be taken but she was at least grateful for the beneficiary of given a second chance in life.

Even if it means having to work out her relationship with her new younger sister, Aria.


The day began and school has arrived, in one swift push, Aria was quickly inside the front doors of the old and chipped away painting of the walls of her school's building.

As soon as she laid her eyes on the crowded hallways, she felt the students bore holes through her head as she walked effortlessly through the tiled floor, hands on her coat's pockets.

"Look, it's her." A girl in pigtails said while pointing at Aria.

"Isn't she the loner?" Another one asked. "Yeah, everyone hates her." A girl behind her replied.

"I pity her." Someone whispered with a sad expression. "Me too, but do you think they'll leave us too if we asked her to join us?" The girl with glasses said.

Tuning the people's whispers and banters out around her, she continued strolling down the hall without a change of expression.

Until a certain boy with brown hair came towards her with a group of 4 boys on his tail.

"Ice Queen," The boy gave her a lopsided smile, his eyes filled with mischief. "Looking pretty gloomy today, don't you think?"

"Oh wait, that's like you twenty-four seven." He smirked, pleased with himself. The boys laughing along with him.

With a flat look, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked him in the eye.

"Carlos, is that how you treat a customer?" Aria smirked this time, Carlos's eyes widening as he knows where this is going.

The boys behind him gave her a confused look. "I'm pretty sure your father taught you manners, didn't he?" She shrugged and then all of a sudden she leaned closer to him and spoke loudly.

"Your parents are waiters after all, Mr. Fake Rich Ass."

And with that, she spun around Carlos and moved past the group of boys that laughed harder at the truth of his parent's original occupation.

Scowling in Aria's direction, he clenched his fist and snapped at her.

"Why would I even serve a social pariah like you?"

Stopping in her tracks, she shifted her gaze at him as the students around them watched in anticipation.

Silently staring flatly at Carlos, he continued.

"Right, I forgot." He showed a look as if it was his biggest realization. "How will you go to a restaurant when your parents leave you behind all the time. Or wait, more like they abando-"

In a flash, Aria was quickly inches away from Carlos, her fist raised and her eyes showed a dangerous glint.

"Go on, finish that sentence. I'm dying to punch someone."

Several gasps were heard from the students around them, forming a circle around Carlos's group and Aria. Trapping him inside with no escape.

But then the principal pushed past the crowd, silencing the students and gestured at his back.

"You two, holds hands, apologize, and in to my office. Now."


Entering a new environment called home felt somewhat nerve-wracking yet exciting. It was a feeling she wasn't used too considering how her previous lifestyle was.

"Welcome home, Dawn." A man within his late thirties opened the door to her, greeting with a smile on his face.

As if on cue, a young lady like Marianne, having black long hair and brown eyes, simply wearing a maid uniform, was in front of the door with a cheerful smile. "Look at you! So cute!"

Taking one step forward, she knew it was a new beginning. Looking left to right, she saw furnitures, a glance of the kitchen, the stair leading up to the next floor, and so on. But what caught most of her attention was the small rectangle frame above the brownish durable cabinet filled of books lying in the corner of the living room.

A picture frame of the two same adults with a young girl, who's hair were golden like her father, seemingly braided behind and the same brown eyes her mother had. All of them within a greenery background with toys lying on the grass, a blanket lied down beside a huge tree and a swing attach to its branches. They were smiling.

Taking it in her hand, she ask. "Is she your daughter?"

"Yes dear." Her new mom confirmed as she went beside her, staring to see any form of reaction given by the young girl. "That's your little sister, Ariana. But you can call her Aria."

"Aria." Dawn repeated as if trying to get used to the name she would be proud to have and protect by all means.

Placing it down back to where it belongs, a familiar tune abruptly raise within the room. Taking the telephone to his ear, he answer with almost an inaudible voice that Dawn couldn't hear. "... Household speaking. Yes, this is me speaking... Alright, thank you for informing us."

Putting back the telephone, he sigh and stated. "Aria's principal called. Said something about her and her classmate."

"Again?" The older woman gasp, not hiding the worried expression she held the moment she heard of the news.

"Is she alright? Did they say the reason why?"

"She's alright. The principal wants to talk with me about her behavior so I'll be going ahead." He replied, as if this was a normal occurrence.

"Take care then." With a kiss on the cheek and a small smile on her face, her husband returns the same.

But before leaving, he looked at Dawn.

"Hey, stay and take care of mommy, okay? I'll go fetch your younger sister and introduce you to her later. I'm sure you'll get along well."

Giving an encouraging smile, Dawn nod in approval. "See ya later... Dad."


The wooden door opened with a creak, revealing the man who is called by the principal after the incident with Carlos and Aria's supposed fight.

"Mr. Kaden," The principal greets. "I'm sorry for taking your time at such an early hour."

With a jerk of Kaden's head towards the man behind the desk, the principal locked his fingers together and looked at the two students holding hands with grim looks on their faces.

Extremely disgusted with one another's touch, Aria didn't bother showing her shock when she saw her father enter. The door open once again and showed a woman with a young face and wore a waitress uniform.

"Is this the principal's office?" The woman asked.

"Ah, Ms. Vergara," The principal smiled. "Yes, this is my office. We've been waiting for you."

She returned a smile of her own and sat on a chair beside her son.

"Since it is the start of school, I will come straight to the point." He said.

"Your daughter," The principal looked at Kaden but gestured at Aria, "Almost started a fight."

"I'm sure she has something to explain for herself." He finished, staring at Aria expectantly.

Aria raised an eyebrow and stared right back. Not bothering to speak.

"Well?" Her father spoke.

Carlos smirked at her, as if daring her to speak and tell him off. But instead she smirked back, causing him to look taken aback and fear replaced his features.

"It's not my fault. I don't need to explain myself."

Lifting both brows, the principal moved his gaze at the boy and he lowered his head, not looking up at him. "We'll start with you then."

Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, he let out a growl and snarled at Aria. "I didn't do anything!" He fussed.

Rolling her eyes at her classmate, she scoffs. "Like I would hit you for no reason." Showing a bored expression, she cupped her cheek and bore her eyes at Carlos.

"C'mon now, we don't have all the time here. Time is ticking children." The principal said impatiently.

"I'm not a child!" Carlos grumbled, looking exactly like a child.

"Hm," Aria hummed in amusement. "Throwing a tantrum I see."

"Aria!" Kaden scolds.

Ms. Vergara watched them with innocent eyes, totally clueless about what's going on. "Carly, honey. Just tell us what you did." She said softly to him.

Raising a hand to run her fingers at his back, Carlos immediately flushed at the mention of his nickname and slapped her arm away.

"Ma, not here!!" Carlos whined. "I swear, it wasn't me!"

This time all of them caught the lie and gave him unconvinced looks. "W-why are you-"

"Maaa!" He kicked his feet in the air and let go of Aria's hand, his faced red in anger as he continued to show his tantrum.

All of a sudden, the bell rang. Jolting both the principal and the parents in surprise. Aria remained unaffected as if she was already expecting it to happen.

"Oh dear," The principal said, an apologetic smile appeared on his face as he looked at his watch. "We don't have time anymore."

"I'm sorry, but I have an important meeting I need to attend at." He continued. "I'm sure we can have this talk for another time?"

"Of course," Kaden nods and the woman agreed. "Until then, Sir." He bid.

"Well it was nice talking to you four, I hope you try and ask your children's behavior afterwards." The principal stood from his seat and shook hands with both parents.

"Does this mean that I can skip 2nd period?" Aria asked out of the blue, a mocking look on her face.

The principal gave her a look and frowned, "Don't even think about it."

"Just asking." She shrugged, not affected by the look her father shot her.

A grin broke through Carlos's face as he realized that he was free from interrogation and stood up excitingly as he dashed outside the room without his mother.

In an instant, Aria followed suit and ran out of the room without Kaden, making him shake his head along with the principal.

In the hallway, Carlos stomped his way proudly across the floor until Aria pat his back softly and he jumped in surprise.

Both of them not stopping from walking, she said. "Carlos," Her back facing him, he muttered a response and continued.

"You made us skip first period." Aria finished, her tone light.

Not sure whether Aria was angry or not, he gave her a huff and opened his mouth to protest, but then she did what he least expected her to do.

Instead she turned her head at him and gave him a soft smile.


Throwing a salute in his way, she returned to walk back in the direction of the office.

Carlos remained speechless as he stopped in the middle of the filling hallway.

With a hand raised to his mouth, he bit his lower lip when he felt his face heat up at the sight of her smiling gratefully at him for the first time.

Soon enough, students voices filled the area and moved past him, some cowering in fear and some glaring at him for blocking the way.

But he didn't hear anything, not until his friends came up to his back and touched his shoulder, making him flinch and stutter out some words.

"Hey Carl, let's go." The boy said.

"W-wha...? Oh yeah. Sure. L-let's go."

The boys threw suspicious glances at each other and asked. "Are you alright? I know you just got out of the office."

And when the thought of being in the office earlier popped in his mind, he almost grumbled in annoyance but then the image of her smile made him stop and he shaked his head.

Not knowing that Aria and her father were already past them and out through the front doors.

Showing a smile of his own, he sighed softly and replied.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just happy." He grinned. "That's all."


"Peanut butter and jelly jam?" Charmaine, the young maid who had greeted her back when they arrive, ask as she serve a plate of PB&J jam sandwich on the table.

Shaking her head in disapproval, Dawn replied softly. "Nope, not a fan of peanut butter but I'll take the jam."

Assuring that she wasn't taken aback, Charmaine takes the plate back and place it on the counter and covered it.

"Forgot you aren't Aria, she really likes PB&J. Usually she eats two sandwiches but from time to time, she tends to ask for five."

"Five?" Dawn grinned. "She's got quite the stomach. 'Course I could also say for myself."

Laughing, Charmaine made a newly sandwich preferred by Dawn, whom had taken it with one hand as she takes a bite. "Thanks."

Looking around to accustom herself with her surrounding. Her eyes soon dart to the clock. 3:30 PM. There was still some time before school end as what Charmaine had inform her. But it was also a bit too sudden for Dawn to meet up with Aria.

Who was she like? How should she greet her? Will they get along? There were so many questions she wanted answers from but she suppose she'll have to find them on the practical time.

Or maybe she can go inquiring.

"Hey uhm..." Dawn called out, having no discipline taught to her.

Noted, Charmaine reply. "Just call me Charm."

"Right..." Dawn nod. "So I was wondering... What kind of person is Aria?"

"She's a good girl, that I assure you." Charm said however her face slowly sadden to say what's next. "But with her parents always busy, having no time for her, she tends to be reserved even if the only one home is the both of us together."

"That bad?" Dawn raised an eyebrow.

Even though the picture frame she saw showed them they were getting along. Something must have change along the way. Changes always extremely affect everyone. She was, of course, one of the people too.

The changes clearly show how her life is stirring at this moment time.

"Surely there must be some time they'd given her. I mean, hopefully, she realize that her - err, our, parents are doing their best for her. Even if it may be a bit flawed." Dawn hoped.

"No, sadly. This would be the first in a long time to see her parents home." Charmaine insist.

"I see..." Dawn said.

Raising the mood back, Charmaine smile. "Your a smart and good child, Dawn. A bit mature than most age of yours."

"Perks of survival, Charm." A small smile plastered on Dawn's face. "Nothing special."

"Well then, I do hope your up for a challenge." Charmaine wink at her as she watch Dawn finish the sandwich. "Your up for a tough cookie."

"Cookies!" Dawn's eyes sparkle like a gem. "If it means getting her out of her shell and free cookies. I'm in!"


When school had ended, Aria exhaustingly walked through the river of students flooding the corridor as fast as she could.

Her father had called the principal again. Informed her that he will be the one picking her up today.

Hesitating in nervousness, she pushed open the doors to her escape from the school building and searched the parking lot.

It was the first time in a long time that she had seen her father more than twice for a long time till now.

What was going on?


Turning her head in the direction of the boy in front of her, she cringed when she heard her first name being called.

"Carlos." She responded in a wary tone.

Not only was her father picking her up since ages, Carlos even had the guts to finally call her through her first name for the first time.

What happened to him calling me names?

"I was going to tell you something." He swallowed awkwardly, his head ducked down and watched himself shuffle his feet.

"Do it quick then." She said without thinking, noticing the sudden change of his behavior.

Somehow before the brown haired boy could speak, a white Dodge Durango rolled into the parking lot.

"Nevermind, times up." Aria shrugged and mock-salute him with a grin of her own.

Remembering the familiar car she rode in very few trips with her parents, she stepped up to the car and pulled open the door, leaving Carlos speechless and frozen in spot.

When she finally shut the door closed, she dropped her bag to the side and glanced at her father.

"Dad." She said, her face blank.

Humming in response, she was suddenly taken aback when Kaden had a wide smile.

Aria barely saw her father smile, at least a genuine one. But never a big one.

Something changed, didn't it?

The thought made her stomach churn as she shifted uncomfortably on her seat.

Something always changed when they smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" Aria asked, her voice laced with suspicion.

Not taking his eyes off the road, he replied. "You'll see when we get home. It's a surprise."

She did the same, didn't take her own away from Kaden's eyes, observing carefully for any other change of his behavior.

"I don't like surprises." Aria frowned.

"You never liked surprises." He sighed and took a left turn. "But this one is different. You won't expect it."

Silently watching the words tumble out off Kaden's mouth, she tear her gaze away from him and looked at the window instead. Not liking the feeling in her chest one bit.


The drive back home was no longer than 15 minutes. But the unsettling feeling in the pit of Aria's stomach was getting awfully unbearable.

When Kaden honked at the gates of their large modern house, the gates opened in unison and revealed Charmaine in her usual maid uniform.

Smiling brightly at the two in the car, Charmaine waited for them to park properly on the garage before opening the door for Aria.

"Aria! Ooh, I'm so glad to see you home. Come, we have someone special inside." Charmaine greeted enthusiastically.


Immediately locking eyes with Kaden's, she gave him a look as if asking what Charmaine had said is true or not.

Giving her a short nod and a smile her way, she stiffened at the sight and pushed her bag to Charmaine unhappily.

Quickly stepping up to their porch, she rang the bell impatiently and tried to forget the hollow feeling in her chest. Soon enough Kaden and Charmaine were behind her and waiting for the door to open.

Once it did, she anticipated what was going to surprise her, but instead nothing came out and her mother opened the door with a sweet smile on her face.

"Aria, come inside." Marianne said, giving her a peck on the forehead before moving aside to let them in.

"Mom." She greet back, face not changing but her eyes held emotion.

Somehow, even as her parents were already at home, she couldn't feel the same feeling she felt when she and Charm were always alone at home.

The house felt cold and distant, but for some reason she couldn't understand whether she liked it or not.

"Dinner is ready, we'll be eating together tonight. Isn't that nice?" Marianne brushed her hands in Aria's hair, smiling happily at her.

It was nice. For a very long time, this was the first time they had gathered to eat together for so long.

And because of that, Aria's lips finally curved up and she nodded at her mother.

"Come on, change your clothes and we'll eat outside. Okay?"

Right when she ran straight towards the directions of their staircase, a figure bumped into her at the exact same time, having to out balance her footing on the stairs.

"Gotcha!" A hand pulled her back just in time before she fall. A sigh of relief escape from their mouth. "That was a close one. You alright?"

Retracting their attention to the person. An older girl with medium brown hair smile as she let her hand go off from hers.

A cold glare was Aria's answer as she looked down at the older girl, sizing her up.

She's the one who's making them smile?


Hearing the honking of the car from outside, Dawn quickly put aside her little tour on a later date.

"Time to make a good impression." Dawn smile at the thought. It was now or never. Or maybe sooner than later.

It didn't matter either way. She was going to do her best and make this chance worth it for better or worse.

Humming to herself as she walk down the stairs, she was so busy mumbling herself contemplating that she didn't realize she had bump into someone on the short run.

"Crap!" Dawn thought as she went for a grab. "Gotcha!"

Successfully, she had caught them just in time. A relieving sigh lessen her tension as she ask. "That was a close one. You alright?"

Letting go, a curious face plastered over as she saw the person she had bump into. Golden curly hair and brown eyes. Somewhat, her face seem familiar that it was etched on her very mind. Someone important but who?

"Look, how long do you plan on staring?" She glared as she raise an eyebrow, snapping Dawn back to reality.

Both hands raise up as if they were playing cop and criminal, Dawn grin. "Hey, I could ask you the same thing. You've been spacing out like I'm wanted for stealing your attention."

With a blank look, the girl only gave a bored look as if she was used to the flirt.

Dawn quickly take note as she move her hand to rub her nape in embarrassment. "Sorry, force of habit."

"Mom, Dad." The girl demanded with an edgy tone. "I don't need friends. Get. Her. Out." She spat, looking directly at her.

"Aria! Don't say that to her." Marianne shot her a warning look, then gave Dawn an apologetic smile.

Aria's glare didn't waver under her mother's warning. Realizing that was Aria all along finally etch on her brain. Not to mention, she end up flirting with her step sister on the first day was clearly awkward yet not. Either way, what a way of making a first impression. Her misfortune really likes her a lot.

"Hey, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't mind being friends with you Ice Princess." Dawn shrug with a playful smile. "But we're more than just friends. Specifically, well, do the math."

Upon hearing her nickname, Dawn didn't realize she threw her a disgusted look.

"What kind of surprise is this?" She said, still glaring and asking Marianne.

"Aria." Kaden suddenly appeared, the same wide smile seen, oblivious to the tension. "Finally met Dawn, I see."

"Dawn is a new asset of the family, sweetie." Marianne explained carefully. "She's your older sister."

"Sister!?" Aria said mortifying, hoping to find some hope that it wasn't real.

Dawn couldn't help but force her existence was a fraud to the younger girl. She knew it was too abrupt for her to take.

When both parents nod their head slowly, her face faltered and jealousy seeped through her.

"I'm not eating outside together." Aria's voice shook as she pushed past Dawn, her expression hidden.

"Charm," Aria demanded. "Bring me dinner to my room instead." She ordered. Moving straight for the stairs, she kept climbing while Dawn watched silently.

Charmaine, who had seen the whole scene without Dawn noticing, muttered a quick response and bowed, heading for the kitchen. "Right away."

"Aria, you cannot behave like this!" Kaden's heavy voice boomed throughout the hall. His face red and fists clenched.

Without turning back, Aria continued upstairs and make her way to her room, shutting the door loudly.

Furious, Kaden stomp his feet towards Aria's room. This was not good.

"Honey, please stop." Holding onto his arm tightly as she can but failed miserably to be pushed away.

Unable to stop him, Dawn revert back her presence within. Before Kaden could reach the stairs, Dawn stepped forward, holding onto his wrist.

Everyone was surprised to see the new route that had taken place.

Dawn shared the same look she gave everyone whom she hated how they act. This wasn't anything new to anyone. It was just another experience. A sign saying, "Deal with it." And best not to mess with her.

Deducing how everything was on the first day, she learned Aria wasn't on good terms with her parents. But, the smiles back from the frame wasn't forced nor a lie. Surely she knows at least that. And she wasn't planning either to take sides, rather, she do things the way she prefer and insist. Get to the bottom of it.

Softening her gaze and loosing her grip a bit, Dawn reply. "It's not worth it."

Though pitiful, even though it was another chance, her own old life continues to linger around her. She was probably going to act as a role model for Aria. Someone who could watch over and make her happy while Kaden and Marianne were busy with work. A replacement if she had too.

Sighing, she unconsciously even agreed to Charm that she would do anything to help Aria in exchange for free cookies. That was very tempting in her case. Who was she to blame? Nevertheless, it was another job to take care of. Someone, maybe she, could do.

"Give Aria some space, we'll figure this out slowly, alright?" Then turning her attention to where Aria had left.

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