Deep In The Heart of Texas (Kissia)

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(Cassia's POV)

I was walking around with Ash, somewhere in Texas, doing nothing honestly. "What do you wanna do?" I asked. "I dunno, what do you wanna do?" Ash replied.

"Kiss you, that's what." I muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Oh, look over there!" I pointed to a random place. Which happened to be a Dairy Queen. "Are you saying you want to go there?" Ash asked, tilting their head. "Yeah, sure." I say, just trying to be fine, and cool and chill. We walk inside Dairy Queen.

"Are we even going to get anything?" Ash asked nonchalantly,

I shrugged, "I don't know. Doesn't matter in my opinion."

(Ash's POV)

"Well imma get (a scholarship to King's college) a smoothie." I responded, not thinking. "Wanna share it..?" Cassia asked, her eyes almost lit up. "Sure.. Let's do that." I answered quickly. A bit later, we sat down, drinking some of the smoothie.

Cassia looked unsure about something. "Are you ok, Cass, you look unsure?"

"No, I'm not ok. I'm in love." She said, still looking unsure. "With whom?" I asked.

"With you."

Cassia then kissed me. Not quickly, though. Passionately. "You know, I love you too." I said after kissing back. That was an.. Interesting experience. Also, we never finished drinking our smoothie. It's room temperature now. "Cassia, the smoothie is room temperature, do you still want it..?" "Nah, I'm good."

What a waste of good drink. Oh well. I can't slap this smile off my face, today was a great day.

References: 2(?)
This was suggested by Cassia16, sorry if it's short.

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