Two Friends On A Perfect Day (Lams)

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~John's POV~ (Modern-ish time, the first part based on "For Forever" from "Dear Evan Hansen")
I sat in the open field, looking up at the sky. Alexander was with me, just talking his mouth off, while I simply smiled and agreed. This was nice. "And that's why I don't like Thomas. He's just been a jerk." Alex said muttering the last bit.

"And then there was one time when I dropped papers at his door, and when I was leaving, I slipped on the papers." (Check my other chapter to get that reference)

I laughed, "really?" He nodded. After that, we quoted songs by our favorite bands for awhile. "This is a great day, John." Alexander said while looking at the sky. "Yeah, I guess it is Alex." We sat there for awhile in silence before he started to talk again,

"Let's climb a tree!" He suggested. "Uh, I'm not completely sure about that, babe. It sounds dangerous." I stated. "Nah, we'll be fine! Don't be such a wuss!" Alex shouted. "Fine.. Only for you, love."

We both pick a tree and climb it, we climb higher and higher. Until the entire sun shines on my face. And I suddenly felt the branch give away. I hear Alexander say something and see him run towards me. "John! Are you alright?!"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. My arm just hurts."

"No. You're not fine. I'm taking you to Eliza."

"Lexi, I'm fine!" I insisted.

"Nope!" Alexander walked me back home, before getting Eliza. I sighed, 'he's just looking out for me..'

"Alright, I'm back!" He had a look of concern on his face. "John, Alexander came rushing to me, saying you were hurt?" Eliza asked softly.

"I'm not hurt, my arm's just sore. You don't have to protect me, I'm not afraid, Alex."

"Laurens, please don't shut me out again!" Alexander had fear written in his eyes. I could tell.

"I'm fine, Hamilton. I'm not hurt." And just like that, he stops talking. "If you insist.." He and Eliza walked away.

References: 5. Yes, I put some Frozen references in there.
Hope you enjoyed! Remember children: never procrastinate. That is a no-no.

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