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Flame sat in bed staring at the wall as he'd been doing for the past month or two. Black, his wife, went missing and he hasn't been the same since. "Flame...come on man, she wouldn't want you to sit here and feel miserable," Spider sighed, walking into the bedroom. "She's not gone..." Flame murmured. "She'll come back..." He held Black's favorite top close to him. It was simple, a solid black hoodie. "She...she's been gone for months now," Spider said carefully. "She was all of our friend and we all miss her but...there's little chance she'll come back." Flame glared at his friend. "You don't know what your talking about!" He shouted and Soot came and stood beside her husband. "Flame, we have to let her go. Yarrow needs you. She can't just stay with us for her whole life wondering about her dad's mental health." Flame sighed and straightened the hoodie on the bed. "She'll come back..." he murmured again. "She's not gone..." "I really think he needs help," Spider whispered to Soot. She gave him a hard look. "He just needs more time," she whispered back. "He's had two months," Spider countered and turned to Flame. "Flame, Black was our friend too-" the red head cut his friend off. "She is my best friend! I love her!" "You loved her Flame. She's gone. You have to accept that," Soot said gently. "SHES NOT GONE!" Flame started sobbing. "SHE'LL COME BACK!" He hugged the hoodie as he cried. Spider sighed and backed out of the room. Flame's and Black's bedroom was now littered with things that had belonged to her and old pictures of her. Yarrow snapped her head from her father's bedroom and ran back to her own room with her younger cousins, Ash and Cloud. "What happened?" Ash asked. "Dad is freaking out again and Uncle Spidey and Aunt Cindy are trying to pull him out of it. They obviously didn't succeed," Yarrow reported. She was often told she had her mother's observance. "Where is Aunt Ebony?" Cloud asked. Yarrow huffed. "No one knows you mousebrain!" She growled. "She's missing!" Yarrow quickly shut her mouth when she heard her God parents coming down the hall. "Ash, Cloud, it's time to go," Spider said stiffly. "We'll see you next week Yarrow," Soot hugged Yarrow and kissed the ten year old girl. Yarrow waved to her younger cousins both at seven years old. She crept down the hall to her dad's room. "Daddy?" She asked softly. Her father was mumbling incoherent words again as she cried into her mother's hoodie. "D-Dad?" She asked again and her father sat bolt upright. "Yarrow. What are you doing here?" He asked stiffly. "I-I came to...to check on you," Yarrow fidgeted. "I'm fine Yarrow," Flame said. "Is...is Mommy coming back?" She whispered. Flame, for the first time since Black went missing, pulled his daughter up on the bed, and hugged her. "I don't know Yarrow...I really don't..." he sighed. "What if...what if she doesn't?" "We'll just have to play it by ear hun," he whispered to the dark orange haired girl. "I love you Dad," Yarrow said. "I love you too little one," Flame said. "You're so much like your mother." Yarrow took that as a complement. "I think she'll come home. She just needs us to be ready for her," she smiled. "That we will Yarrow. That we will," Flame smiled down at the girl. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. Your mother going missing has hit me hard. I'm sorry I haven't been here for you like I should have," he kissed her on the forehead. "Your mother was a wonderful woman. She was strong and where ever she is she'll make it home to us. You're strong like your mother. But lucky you, you get your looks from your father," the ginger haired man ruffled his daughter's hair. 'He's back,' Yarrow thought, satisfied. She smiled. "I thought you were my dad," Yarrow giggled and poked her dad's belly. He faked a hurt expression which made her laugh even more. "Mom would be proud of you," Yarrow smiled and hugged her dad. "I'm proud of you Yarrow," Flame smiled.

TA DA!!! Boom. Ship Master out.

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