Flamerose Playing with Fire

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        Playing with Fire
Black walked up to the little house door and knocked. "Hey Jockstrap!" She said. "I've got your homework!" The door was slightly open. She heard a bang and a crash. "Uh...you okay in there Flame?" She said and pushed open the door. Her eyes went wide when she saw the sene unfold in front of her. Flame was doubled over on the ground spitting blood and his father, almost an exact replica of the guy only bigger, was standing over him shouting and throwing beer bottles at him. Black didn't dare move, she knew better. Flame stood up and glared at his father. His eyes momentarily landed on Black and a look of surprise and fear flashed across his face. His father grinned evilly as he turned around. "What the hell are you doing here small fry?!" He bellowed. "I-I..." Black stammered. She dropped the text books she was holding. "You little emo punk!" He growled and started to walk toward her. "Leave her alone Dad!" Flame growled, spitting out more blood. "She has nothing to do with this!" Flame's dad turned back to his son. "Don't tell me you like this bitch!" He laughed and jabbed his thumb at Black. "She's my friend," Flame growled. "Leave her alone." His dad growled and bashed a full bottle of beer on Flame's head. "Shut it!" Flame crumbled to the ground, heaving. "Hey!" Black shouted. "Back off dude!" Flame's dad laughed at her. "Try and tell me what to do! Good laugh!" He reached behind him for something and pointed a hand gun at her head. "Let's play target practice," he smirked. Black stood stock still and her hazel eyes were wide. "Holy shit..." she whispered. Flame's dad shot at her feet and she leaped aside. "Stop!" Flame shouted but his dad kicked him hard in the gut. "This is too much fun!" His dad laughed. While he was distracted, Black kicked his hand as hard as she could and the gun went flying. "Back off!" She shouted again. The massive ginger haired man glowered. "Wrong move bitch," he growled and smacked at her face. Black, filled with rage, ducked and grabbed a golf club that was protruding from under the couch. She popped back up and swung the club as hard as she could at the man's head. It came in contact with an audible thump. The man hit the ground, out cold. "Flame, call 911," Black said with wide eyes. "now." Flame hauled himself to the phone on the table and called the police. Black dropped the club and fell to the ground. "What happened," she asked and looked at Flame worriedly. Flame bit the inside of his cheek and scratched the back of his neck nervously. "N-nothing. You wouldn't understand," he stared at the ground. "Flame. A guy just shot at me and threatened the both of us and I knocked him out with a golf club and this guy just happens to be your father," she stood and looked up at him. Flame sighed. "He...he...it's a long story." "Lucky me, cops take forever to get to the sene of the crime," Black said sternly. She grabbed Flame's arm and lead him to the couch. They sat down and Flame explained everything. "You can't tell anyone," he said seriously. "Promise." "I promise," Black smiled and set her small hand on his shoulder. "And one thing about me, I never break a promise." Flame laughed weakly. "You're playing with fire Ebony." "I'll take the chance Sparky," Black smiled and started to wipe the blood off Flame and pick the glass from the floor. She didn't even notice how bad she was bleeding.

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