Alice In Winter [Straight]

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Alice in Winter

Cold. Cold, cold, cold.

Alice Varghese jumped out of the freezing shower and grabbed the fluffy towel nearby. Jesus. Jesus. She'd literally been in the shower for 3 minutes. She frowned for a second, irrational as it may be, she has a flash of thought that maybe she'd been wrong.
Alice tests the water again.
Definitely freezing cold. Her hand reaches out for the radiator to find it also stone cold, which is odd because at this time the heating should be on. Slipping on her pair of carpet slippers, she thunders down the stairs to where the boiler is in the kitchen. The whole thing is off.
Alice is no engineer. She can quote Shakesphere and discuss the themes of To Kill a Mockingbird, but fixing a boiler? Nope. No way. It was only when she went to Uni she learnt to change a lightbulb. Pitiful, true but her Dad's always been a handyman and having an older brother has meant she could well and truly indulge being a girly-girl. Still, she can read and bang a few knobes and nodes. None of it helps. Not at all. But at least she tried.

With a sigh, Alice pushes back her soaking wet, henna reddish-brown hair. It's the 26th December. No one is coming out to fix the boiler on the 26th. Especially not in England and not in the thick snow that's surrounding the rural area she lives in.

Great. Just great.

Picking up her phone she goes to call her go-to-guy. Her dad. But then glancing at the phone she puts it back. She can't call him; he'd probably still be on the flight to the Bahama's. Her parents flew out early in the morning in an impromptu romantic getaway, which, after 24 years is about time. Not that they haven't gone on holidays. They have. It's just they've all been family ones. Now, with her brother working in London and her in final year of her course, they'd finally given in to pressure from their kids and booked the trip.

A part of Alice certainly regrets that now. Just like she also regrets John, her brother, dropping them off at the airport and going back to his apartment in the big city. But that does mean she could call him. It's 6 and he might be at the gym but it's worth a try.

"Ally? What's up?" he surprisingly answers.
Alice jumps on her toes, trying to keep warm and failing.
"The boiler's broken."
He sighs, "are you sure it's not just off?"
Trying to hold it together she grits out, "yes, John it's on. I was in the shower when it was on."
"Alright, what does it say? Does it say anything?"
Alice tries flicking it off and back on again and there's a moment of hope when the small rectangle monitor flickers alight. That hope is quickly crushed though when the whole things shudders to a halt, releasing a few groans along the way.

"Nothing. It's just...halted."

"I don't know what to say to that Al. There's not much I can do."
Alice sighs, "I was afraid you'd say that."
"Sorry Ally. Listen do you really need me to come out?"
"No. No, it's fine. I'll...I'll figure something out. Do we still have those electric heaters in the loft?"
" They started given off that weird smell remember? So Dad threw them out."
Alice groans in despair. Okay, so she could just live inside a mound of duvets but that doesn't solve her shower problem. She cannot even fathom spending the next few days taking cold showers, just like she can't fathom not taking showers. Particularly if she's going to be living in her duvet fort.
"Oh but I heard Derrick's home. You could bum some stuff off him."
"Yeah, yeah, I guess I'll just have to do that. Alright, bye J."
"Later Ally."

Derrick Cross. Neighbour, divorcee and major DILF. He moved in 4 years ago when Alice started her A-levels and for the subsequent 2 years did some babysitting jigs for his adorable then 3-year-old son. Sure she finds him attractive, even more attractive that he has a child but she would never admit that to him or act at all upon it. She is not the type to do anything about her crushes. In high-school she actually actively avoided her crushes. All her 'boyfriends' were guys who approached her, asked her out and ones she hadn't ever been initially attracted to.
Argh. But why is she thinking about all that?
Right now, she needs to make sure she doesn't get phenomena at worst or a cold at best. Also, completing her shower would be great.

After handing over his son yesterday, Derrick was expecting a quiet Boxing Day. He certainly wasn't expecting an almost náked, Indian girl standing outside his doorstep, holding an assortment of shower products and shaking from the cold. He ushers her inside first and foremost.
"Hi, Mr. Cross. Er...Sorry to be barging in on you like this," she chatters out.
"Alice, please call me Derrick. It's fine. Something happen to your shower?"
She nods vigorously, "yep. And just when I'd hoped in."
Derrick swings himself aside, pointing to the stairs.
"Straight down the hall."
"Oh my God, thank you! Thank you," she sighs with relief heading straight for the stairs.
Derrick simply shakes his head and shuts the door as he tries to force the image of the lithe young woman barely clothed out of his mind.

Alice stood motionless under the liquid warmth of the shower for a full 2 minutes before she felt warm enough to actually move and get on with her routine. She runs through the possibilities of what she could do about the boiler. In the winter time mechanics usually cost more and well, her dad wouldn't be too pleased about that. He also wouldn't be pleased to have a mechanic do a job he would figure he could do. In the meantime, though, she could live in her blanket fort but no boiler would mean no hot water, not just for showering but also for washing up. Her mind races with solutions. She could always do down to London and bunk with Joe but that would be such a pain or she guesses, the alternative is to go back to Uni early. Ugh...
Or well...she could always ask Derrick for favours.

Alice's hands still for a moment and a scandalous shiver races down her spine.

Oh man, she knows exactly the kind of favours she'd love Derrick Cross to do for her. She's never met a person who could actually pull of the handlebar kind of moustache but Derrick just does. It's as rich and thick as the hair on his head. And she doesn't know why but the wrinkles around his eyes and corners of his mouth are just plain séxy. Maybe it's because it's paired with the physique of someone that's much younger than middle age. Rather than bulky the man has lean muscle, not that she could attest to that fact, of course. However, it's plain to see even in his work or plaid shirts.

She can fantasise and her imagination is certainly limitless as to coming up with all the crazy scenarios that would lead to them ending up doing some náked wrestling; but that's all they'll be-fantasies.

Derrick hears the shower shutting off just as he sets up all the ingredients for turkey sandwiches. Sad but that's his dinner. He knows cooking is simply reading and following instructions, which in theory sounds simple enough but in practice...well, he's useless at that bit. There are a few dishes he can actually master and thankfully Charlie, like his old man, isn't a fussy eater.

It's not long before he hears the footsteps down the stairs. Alice creeps up into the kitchen, placing her stuff on the empty counter beside the door before coming up beside him.

"Thanks so much Derrick," she smiles.
Derrick can't help but smile after scanning her head to toe. She has on a long sleeved pyjama shirt, shorts and a pair of fuzzy socks. The socks are what set him off. That is before his brain decides to make a note of how incredibly beautiful she is with that slim but curvy body.
"No problem," he states, shaking those thoughts again from his mind, "you want to stay for dinner?"
Those big brown eyes blink at him for a moment before they flicker down to counter where he's set everything up.
"Sure, if it's not too much trouble," she grins.
"Not a problem at all," shrugs Derrick, "I've got turkey for days."
She giggles.
Derrick glances across. A giggle. Jesus.

He swiftly moves the conversation onto safe grounds, asking her about how Uni is going and her plans for after graduation as she props herself up on the counter beside him. Sure, having her up there with her slim, náked thighs in his direct periphery vision is difficult however by some miracle he manages to finish up the sandwiches without losing a single finger.

They're playing Die Hard again on TV as Derrick and Alice munch away at their sandwiches on the sofa.
"So did you and Charlie have a good Christmas?" asks Alice as the adverts play.
"We certainly did. It was just us this time. My brother and his family went off to Morocco this year and so yeah, just Charlie and I this time."
"That's sweet though! You guys got some quality time together. How is he doing?"
"Good, good. How about you? I'm guessing Daniel and Mary after you guys celebrated right?"
Alice nods, "yep. We do the shabang. Church in the morning, then we did late Christmas lunch actually with some family friends. They left early this morning, just my luck."
Derrick laughs and glances across to her, "well, don't worry. You're always welcome here. In fact, if you want, the spare bedroom upstairs is all yours."

Her eyes go wide as those dusky pink lips part ever so slightly, "really?"
He can't help grinning at her innocence, "yes, really."
"In that case, I would love to sleep in a warm bed tonight and I'll figure something out for tomorrow."
Derrick contemplates contradicting her instantly, reassuring her that she's most welcome in his home, but that may not read well. She's not a child anymore but still....he could read as pushy.
"Sure thing."
"Great. I'll just go grab a few things I need and you wash up?"
He wants to tell her she doesn't need to do that but well, he supposes she'll figure that out when she comes back and it's all done. It's not like there's a load to do anyway. So instead the man nods wordlessly.

Alice takes back all her toiletries, bringing back only her toothbrush and moisturiser. She toes off her boots, which she remembers this time and frowns seeing Derrick placing the last dish on the dryer.
"You finished it all. I said I'd help," she pouts.
"You can still help," grins Derrick, "I'm making hot chocolate, you can help by drinking a cup."
Alice beams at him, "that is my favourite kind of help."

They don't bother with the TV this time, instead only the crackling of the electric fire is their background music. Alice curls up, feet folded on the couch as she sips at dregs of the hot chocolate. Beside her Derrick is equally relaxed with his body slightly angled to her as he too allows the soft silence to envelope them in a comforting blanket.

"Derrick, I still can't thank you enough for all this," comments Alice breaking the silence.
"Hey now, call it payback for all the times you babysat Charlie for me at sudden notice."
Alice can't help but shake her head, "still. You know it's weird that I'm 21 now and an adult but stuff like this happens and I'm left wondering what the hell to do."

God, is she really 21? Derrick finds that hard to believe yet from some corner of himself he sighs in relief with the knowledge that thank god, she's an adult because otherwise those thoughts his inner primate has been thinking would be disgusting.
"Being an adult's not just something you suddenly become and I'll be honest even now there are moments when I wonder as well whether I'm fit to be an adult much less a dad."
She grins impishly, "oh yeah, like what?"
"Like when I forgot to do the laundry and had to send Charlie back to Rachel's commando. Like any man, Charlie sure didn't mind but Rachel...definitely did not find my irresponsibility entertaining."
Alice's already large eyes go wider, "really? Over that? I take it you guys don't exactly get along?"

Alice knows they're getting into dangerous territory now. Relationships. But her curiosity eats at her.

"We're...civil. But yeah, we don't get along too well. She's always been a little uptight. It's got better when her partner Phil entered the picture but I don't think we'll ever exactly be friends."

Derrick jolts in surprise as he realises that Alice's hand is on his forearm.

"That sucks. Especially with Charlie between you guys."
She gives the flesh a squeeze and immediately he's confused. Is the gesture simply one of comfort or is she actually interested in him? No, that can't be right. Look at him. He's an old man, a dad and she's young, beautiful. A part of him wants to believe he could actually pull a woman like her at his age.

For a moment, Alice actually believes he's going to kiss her. What a futile wish that is though. As soon as he turns her gaze away she can feel the connection being broken and with that Alice withdraws her hand.

He clears his throat, ", right, I'll just...I'll just show you to the spare room then."
Alice forces on a smile and jumps to her feet, "sure, lead the way!"

Alice follows him up the stairs, her eyes unintentionally darting to his behind. A very nice behind at that. She quickly slices them back up as he rounds the corner and opens up the door to the guest room. It's a nice room, plain and simple with a double bed, which she was not expecting.
"Er...this is it. It's not much but..."
"It's great, Derrick. Really, I would have been happy with even the sofa," she nods enthusiastically.
Derrick's hand rises to the scratch the back of his head and with that Alice can see his biceps pop.
"Well, you've got a bed. Okay, well then...I guess, just shout if you need anything."
He spins around bumping into her in the doorway in his haste.
They both murmur their apologies and Alice can feel her heart racing in the moment they both freeze.

She hesitates for a moment before she realises that he's not going to do it. He's not going to take the risk but she's willing to. Even if it means going back to the igloo next door. After all, she's young, now's the time for risks and she's not got a huge amount to lose. Just her pride. Screw it.


This part is continued on my profile on Inkitt (under the same name). For more details look at the 'Foreword' at the start.


"You're afraid I'm going to get clingy, demand a relationship from you, not know when over means over."

Derrick holds his tongue still staring at the ceiling. He has nothing to say because those possibilities are already out in the open now. Fears circulate around him of being manipulated, blackmailed, trapped because of choices he should have known better than to make.
"Don't be."

He turns to the side holding her gaze.
"A few cold winter days, Derrick. A few good memories and some more fantastic orgásms. That's all I ask from you Derrick. All I'm ever going to ask from you," Alice poetically puts it.

Derrick inhales as he considers her preposition. It certainly is incredibly tempting.

"And when does it end? Alice, think about the consequences of what that would mean. This..this we can chalk up to a mistake but any more and..."
"I go back to Uni for the new term in a week or so and we leave it at that. An amicable split. Friends?" offers Alice.
Derrick's mustashe twitches as the corner of his lips twitch up into a smile. Yeah, she's alright. And screw it. She can't be a bigger mistake than marrying Rachel. Doesn't he deserve a little bit of harmless fun anyway? Besides, maybe this will be the push he needs to start dating again.
"I can't believe I'm doing this," he murmurs to himself to which Alice's broad smile lights up her features.
Her happy smile certainly makes him feel better about the decision but then again, if he's being truly honest with himself, it's exactly what he wants as well. He's just not as brave, young and reckless like her to make that first move.
With a grin of his own he states, "Alice, I think I'm gone mad."
"The best people usually are," she quotes.

And with that they both fully embrace the madness.

A/n I liked to imagine Derrick as Milo Ventimiglia as Jack in This Is Us.

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