Not Suitable For Work [DommexSub-Straight]

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Not Suitable For Work

No one likes emails. Especially when you're employed. This one is definitely not good though. There's not much written and that's the problem. When his boss says she wants to see him, it's never good. Anya isn't a particularly hard-áss bítch but she's dead serious about work. She's one of those people that can certainly separate work from home life and while he's not one to do that, he respects it. His reviews have always been good, assessments fair with minor points of improvement on speaking up but he's not a bad employee. So that can only mean one thing-cut backs. Except...they were all promised no lay-offs. Oh god! What if policy's changed? What if he's the first one?

"Mr. Pearce? Ah so your computer does work, meaning your emails must be going through just fine too. I want to see you today in my office before you leave Mr. Pearce. No excuses this time."

Miles can only nod at the demanding tone of the woman, leaving no room for argument. She gives him a final levelled glance before spinning away and returning. At her departure Miles exhales slowly trying to recall just what exactly he'd done wrong. When he can think of nothing else, he dejectedly turns back to his computer, this time drawing up his resume to start updating it.

It's nearing 6 when the cleaners force him away. Swallowing his nerves, he packs up his things gazing around the room one last time. Come tomorrow, he may not even be back. Just another thing to add to his year of shítiness. First it was his girlfriend breaking up, then his roommate kicking him out, and now he's going to lose his job. Perfect. That's just peachy. No, no. He can't have a pity session now. Not in front of Anya. He can't be one of those guys.

"Miss Denning?-"
"Yes, come on in Mr.Pearce."

He enters to the sight of her sat straight in that soft black chair with the impressive desk in front of her, immaculate as always. Arousal stirs in Miles but he quickly quashes it down. He shouldn't be having those kind of thoughts. Not now, not ever. He's-
"I don't plan on having a conversation with you across the room Miles. Come here," she sharply interrupts.

Anya's sharp oak brown eyes note with pleasure as the handsome man snaps to her command with not so much as a squeak. He waits in front of her, gaze averted onto the floor for his next instruction. She's not sure whether his actions are subconscious as she hopes or if they are simply due to anxiety from this sudden meeting. Either way, for now it doesn't matter.

"This won't take long but take a seat Miles," she permits.
His eyes dart to hers momentarily as he thanks her.
"I...I won't beg for my job but I would be very grateful if you would please review my file again. I know I'm not the best but I will try harder. I'll give it 110%."
Anya raises one of her thick eyebrows, suppressing her smile as she allows him to continue. He's not the best employee but he certainly gives his all and that's all she can ask of him. Letting him go for one minor indiscretion would be ludicrous but due to the nature of this indiscretion she does need to have some words with him.

"That's pleasing to here but this is simply a reminder-a warning, if you will. Do you remember attending the Seattle meeting, Miles? You were issued a company laptop for it."
Of course he does the sleek MacBook was surprisingly lightweight.
"Yes Ma'am."
"When the tech's were updating it, they came across some downloaded videos which were certainly not work related. The last person who had it was you, Mr.Pearce."
Miles's green-speckled hazel eyes flash wide with horror. That's what she wanted to talk about? Shít. Shít. Shít. Of course. Of course, he hadn't erased them. Stupid, stupid, stupid. It was the month before Sarah broke up with him and that weekend away had been a godsend. He'd been craving the release so much and with his girlfriend monitoring his pórn history he couldn't very well just use his own laptop. So he'd stupidly transferred some of the downloaded files onto the company one for him to enjoy when he was away. Only obviously, he'd forgotten to delete them and now it's come back to bite him in the áss. Looks like even karma's calling him a fúcking pervert. Just as Sarah had.

"Oh God," he groans with despair.
"This is strike one Miles. One more indiscretion like this and I won't be able to overlook it. For now, this ends here. I want you to know that your job is still safe and your reputation remains in tact...barely. And the only reason I'm doing this-sticking my neck out for you Miles-is because I know you're a good worker."

As the words soak in Miles deflates instantly. All that pent up tension throughout the whole day and the panic of his job security wipes through him and dissipates into the air. Holy crap. Holy fúcking crap. Thank fúck he still has a job. Thank fúck his luck is not that bad. But most of all, thank fúck for God's own Angel-Anya fúcking Denning.

"Miss Denning-Anya, I...Jesus, thank you. Thank you so much. I swear, I promise, nothing like this will ever happen again. I'm so sorry again, I won't...Thank you. Thank-"
"Miles if you're having trouble in your personal life...I can refer you to our welfare team," she cautiously points out.

She's not blind enough to see that no man should have to hide his pórn. Especially not the kind of things he watches. It might be a little 'out there' for those limited to only vanilla but it's all safe, sane and consensual. So why the hell would he bother trying to hide it on the company laptop when he could use his own, like she knows he has with him. The only explanation leads her to believe his girlfriend back then was clearly not too happy with it. Being a submissive can be a difficult thing to accept for both the submissive and sometimes their partner especially is that partner is not a dominant. It can be more so difficult, Anya believes, if that submissive is a straight male. And when it's a man like Miles who's handsome and acts in a fairly gender neutral manner, it can be hard to spot. So either this woman or he has not come to terms with his nature and while Anya knows better than to wade right on into personal matters, she really needs some excitement. Boys at the club were getting too easy. Too boring. Fun but not challenging enough for her. It might be nice to train someone new, to introduce a newbie to her world. Only, is it really a good idea for that person to be a fellow employee? There's no company policy against relations in the workplace but still...

Miles stiffens at her statement. Embarrassment and shame shoots through him along with a tinge of disappointment as he realises that Anya now thinks he's a fúcking pervert too. He's sure she's under no illusion men (and women) generally watch pórn she also knows the kind of things he watches, gets aroused by and her statement just confirms her disgusted thoughts on it. She thinks he's weird for liking it. Like Sarah she doesn't agree with it and even believes a welfare team will help. No thanks.

"No thank you," he bristly rebuffs causing her eyes to narrow in a moment of assessment.

She sighs softly to herself before asking him, "Miles are you seeing anyone right now?"
It's not a question he's expecting and it takes him a second to answer, "I don't-I don't think that's appropriate for you-"
"Answer the question."
" No, I was but she-we-broke up a while ago."
"And was she aware of your séxual submissiveness?"
His cheeks flame red at that and he wonders just how on earth she manages to keep her face straight asking such an absurd question.
"Ah-Miss Denning, I'm beginning to feel-"
"Answer my question, Miles."
"...No. She and I-we didn't..." he exhales.
Anya contemplates that answer for a moment which is futile because she already knows what she's going to do. Something she probably shouldn't.
"I see. Well," she scribbles something onto one of the pages of a notepad on her desk before tearing off the paper and sliding it to him, "this is my address. I would like to see you there at 8pm sharp tomorrow to talk to you."

"Just to talk?"

"At first yes, I would like to talk to you."
He waits for her to say more, hesitantly studying the piece of paper.
Sighing Anya says, "I'm not trying to blackmail you or keep you my prisoner, Miles. You're free not to come if you wish and it will not affect our work relationship at all. If you do decide to come, you're free to leave at any point. Like I said, I would like to see you but it is entirely up to you."
"What do you want to talk about?" he asks.
"That you will know if you turn up. However," she twists her wrist and glancing at the watch on there, "right now, I want to go home so...Goodnight Mr Pearce."


Miles grips his steering wheel, wondering if he's doing the right thing. It's 5 minutes to 8pm and he's parked across the road from Anya Denning's house. His boss. His boss who wants discuss 'his séxual submissiveness'. To say he's terrified is an understatement. She'd been true to her word about his indiscretion not affecting their work relationship because this morning, she hadn't even mentioned it. Nor had she given any indication or comment about tonight. She'd left it up to him and while a part of Miles is extremely cautious about this whole thing another part is screaming that this is the opportunity he's been waiting for. Almost all the worst case scenarios have run through his brain at this point, the worst being, what if she gives into his séxual perversions, films it and blackmails him with it? Then again, he reasons if she wanted to blackmail him she could have done that earlier. And what could she possibly get out of blackmailing him? He's no senator or billionaire or...anyone remotely worth blackmailing. He's got his family, sure, but they live in blissful suburbia, even his married older sister. None of them are worth blackmailing either, unless you wanted a homemade pie and a ride in a minivan and even those you could just ask for and get.

So really, he has no reason not to go and satisfy his curiosity. After all how dangerous can a woman shorter than him and about half his weight be?

Waiting for her to reach the front door, Miles is hit with another wave of panic but before it can take hold, she's already at the door. Anya's feminine power-suits have always made her look like a boss but to see her is simple lounge wear is breath-taking. His eyes sweep the length of her, from her undone soft curls of chestnut hair, to the cleavage hinted by the oversized v-neck jumper, to her short but toned legs encompassed in a pair of leggings. And bare feet. Séxy bare feet with toenails painted a fire-engine red, indicating how comfortable she is in her home.

That's good because he's underdressed too. In just a flannel shirt, dark jeans and a jacket, he'd contemplated the suit but decided to ditch it at the last minute. He's glad that was the right call.

"Miles, good to see you. Come on in," she casually greets.

"Er hey...Anya," he murmurs sweeping past her and getting a blast of fresh orange blossom.
Like a good hostess she takes his jacket and leads him into the lounge, taking his drink order along the way.
Grabbing a beer for him, she hands it to him and asks him to sit, just as she does.

"I'm glad you came Miles," she states, grabbing her half-empty glass of red wine.
"Are you?" he questions back quietly.
Her eyes level on his and with the glass almost pressed to her lips, she firmly states, "very."
A shiver runs through Miles's spine at that and he has no idea why.

Ignoring it he takes a glug of his beer.
"So...why exactly am I here?"
"For me to preposition," simply states Anya causing him to nearly choke on his beer.
What?! Is this some joke? Anya's no supermodel or playboy bunny but that doesn't mean she's not beautiful in her own right. She no doubt has her pick of men so why on earth is she turning to him? Why on earth would she be blackmailing him for séx?
"Not blackmail," she states eerily reading his mind, "you don't know this about me but, Miles I'm a séxual dominant. My preference is for males, although I have helped in discipline of a few female submissives, none of my own however."

Anya gives him a few moments to allow the information to sink in. Calmly waiting as he takes his time processing it.
"And....and you want" he tensely whispers, no doubt seeing flashes of hard-core BDSM.
Anya languidly takes another sip of her drink before answering, "séxually? Yes, I want to dominate you. However, that is only if we decide to play."
"Yes, if. I've been a dominatrix for close to 5 years, Miles. So if it eases your mind at all, know that I have experience. I'm not saying I can read your mind when something's wrong, but I do notice a lot of body signals even in the throes of passion. Also, as attracted as I am to you and as much as I do hope you want to explore this, I'm not going to be offended if you walk out now. Like I said before, you are free to leave at any point, no consequences will be made professionally speaking. Personally speaking however, this is me. This is how I like my séx and if you want to play then this is how we play. Rules and boundaries will be there and safety measures for you, but it's my game and I'm the ringleader. You either immerse yourself or you don't, no inbetween. Understand?"

Miles nods, heart rate already kicking up a notch at Anya's words. As always her take-charge attitude and firm tone, shoots his arousal up.
"Words, honey. Confirm with your words."
He swallows, "yes. Yes...Anya?"
She smiles noting his hesitancy in using her name. That's okay, she'll explain it all to him in a while and if it all works out, within a few months, he'll have learnt all her little likes and dislikes.

"Anya's fine to use for now, Miles. We've not agreed anything. In fact, before we get too ahead of ourselves and you worry yourself into a frenzy, let's get our intentions for tonight clear, yeah?"
"Yeah, okay."
"Shall I go first? Seeing as I prepositioned you and all?" she grins again, once again easing him.
"Okay, so tonight, first of all, I intend to have séx with you. And if you're good with that then we can explore anything else inbetween. Right now, I just want to see if we're compatible Miles, see if we work together. And knowing you have no experience as a submissive, know that although I may push you slightly, it will not be anything that will make you vastly uncomfortable. There will be no extreme equipment and no punishment in this session only. If this isn't what you want then tell me now because I can stop talking and you can go home or catch the game with me."
It's too late. She's already put the image of her séxy, náked body riding him into his brain and now it won't shift.
"It's what I want," he hoarsely whispers.

Candyfloss pink lips curve into a sweet smile, another reward for Miles which sends more shivers down his spine.

"Great. Like I said, I'm not going to ask much of you tonight. So, there'll be no safe-word because you won't need it. If you want me to stop doing something just say it and I'll stop. But I am hoping you will be open and receptive to trying some things that may be out of your comfort zone. Second of all, you can carry on calling me Anya if you wish.-"
"What-what else could I call you?" he braves.
"Well, if you want to really sweet-talk me, I wouldn't be opposed to Ma'am or Miss. But not Mistress. We're not at that level of commitment and for me that is a significant milestone in a relationship."
That's a relief in all honesty. He just cannot call Anya, this Anya before him, Mistress, without it tasting sour in his mouth. Maybe, just maybe, he can push himself to Ma'am or Miss but no way in hell, Mistress.
He nods, "okay, I'm comfortable with that."
She rewards him with another grin before taking as sip of her drink.

Anya finishes her wine before Miles while they watch some TV. Somewhere along that short period of time, Miles finds Anya tucked into his side, his arm slung over her narrow shoulders as her leg is hitched between his. Her hand lies at his chest and nearing the end of the show, he feels her index finger slip between his shirt button holes. Blunt fingernail scrapes along the slither of skin under his light dusting of chest hair. First and only time, he'd tried shaving his chest, he'd ended up with a dozen stinging nips. Safe to say, he did not try that ever again. Although, Miles has never been a man able to grow exuberant amounts of hair but on the bright side he could not shave for weeks and weeks but manage to maintain a smattering of hair. Suddenly that hand is snakes up and curls around the back of his neck. Realising her intent, he gazes down and remains steady as she reaches up and captures his lips. Miles has a split moment of resistance as Anya forces him to part his lips and accept her tongue. As her tongue flickers onto his, he instinctively tries to take control as he's always done before, but her low throaty growl and sharp tug of his hair has him quickly yielding. But God damn him because that flash of pain paired with her dominance turns him on. Not only that but the woman can kiss.
A touch of soft with a spine of steel.

Much to his disappointment it's over all too soon. He tries to tilt his head down, hoping to steal another taste of her sweet mouth but the woman darts back.

"No," she firmly states, "follow me please, Miles."

She rises off the couch, switching the TV off before heading towards the door, not once glancing back to check if her submissive is following her. Miles does follow her too focused on the sight of her tight, bubble butt in that pair of leggings. Her top had been bunched up at her lower back from sitting on the couch, and that gave him an unobstructed view. He wonders what kind of underwear she's even wearing since there doesn't seem to be any visible panty lines.
"Eyes ahead sub," demands the owner of the fantastic áss.
Miles flushes slightly, his eyes going to her back instead.

They stop inside her room and immediately Miles gazes around. It's simple like Anya but while the main furniture is strong and sturdy, the place is decorated in feminine accents. The lampshade, some of the pillows on the bed, the fake flowers are all little hints of softness that truly reflect her as he's starting to see.
She turns around, shoulders rolled back as she waits for him to take in his fill of the room.
"Do you remember everything I told you about safe-words and what I am expecting from you tonight?"
No safe-word, just say stop and she wants him to push his comfort zone, both things he remembers.
"Yes...Ma'am," nods Miles.
"Good," she flashes him a brief smile before shockingly demanding, "now strip to your underwear. Fold your clothes and place them on the dresser top and then return back here."
He hesitates wondering if she's serious. She just expects him to shuck his clothes right here, right now? No foreplay, no touching, no kisses?
The zing of nervous excitement travels down his spine as she slowly starts unbuttoning his shirt.


This part is continued on my profile on Inkitt (under the same name). For more details look at the 'Foreword' at the start.


"Good job, honey. Definitely got those bonus points," she mumbles, hand gliding through his hair in a way that relaxes him even further.

"Yeah? I'll look forward to it," he whispers back.
"Never thought vanilla would be this much fun."
It's just one of those floating thoughts that flutter through her mind and in this post-orgásm bliss happens to become voiced. Although, that doesn't make it any less true. Sure, she thought vanilla séx was good previous to discovering her dominant side and fully coming into it. It was a long journey in itself and one she has never regretted. Since then vanilla hasn't entered her life. This is as close as she's got in 5 years to that.
But damn was it good.

Miles gives her wide eyes and asks incredulous, "this was vanilla?"
It's enough to send Anya in a set of giggles where after she conspires to him, "baby, you have no idea."
He slowly exhales, heart racing at the prospect of being shown her version of kinky. And that means that there'll be more times to come after this. More fun and more laughs.

"So I'm thinking we're definitely compatible. Do you?" he asks.

Little does Miles know that the next two words she says may be the start of this chapter in his life but in a year's time they'll be announced in front of the world and become the start of the next chapter in their lives.

"I do."

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