Fresh Off The Boat [Straight]

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Fresh Off The Boat

Another sharp, brisk breeze sweeps through the fairground causing Daisy to shiver and hug her Coco closer to her body for some kind of warmth. Who'd have thought Australia would be this cold? Dammit, she should be fine with the cold-she does come from freakin' England, where there's like two days of summer and the rest is some kind of hellish turmoil. And yeah, maybe she came expecting the billboard advert of the 'land down under', with sparkling sunny beaches and smiley surfer people. And a little bit of sunshine after the hurricane that's swept throughout her life is something she could really use.

Between her parents' divorce, her flop at a relationship and the company she works (correction worked at) being taken over, this get away is supposed to be her R&R. Not her mope-around-and-build-a-better-Sims-life-than-your-own holiday. Of course, she has tried to get out of her funk. Thus her cheerful attendance at this festival thing that's going on.

Daisy wasn't too sold on it but she has to admit now that she's here, it kind of is nice. It's all Samoan themed with all these incredible food and drinks...and eye-candy. She's sure it's not just because she's some séxually deprived spinster that's turning her into a starving dog at a buffet because dear God! Any red-blooded, straight woman would be drooling and tripping over herself at the men lumbering around here. Many are built like Amazonian trees with rock hard bodies and towering height. Any woman compared to them, would feel like a petite delicate flower.

No, no, no.

Daisy shakes her head slightly trying to rid herself of those thoughts. No more, wallflower Daisy. Nope, she's going to be stronger now. She's finally going to grow that backbone her best friend Shay has been screaming at her to and stop letting people walk all over her. And if she's going to do that, then she can't be chasing after the first alpha male type guy she lands on.

Another few beautifully choreographed performances later and Daisy is getting tired. She promises herself one more dance and then she's allowed to go back to her rented apartment and wallow in her failure as a functional human being in society.

Oh screw it-more wallow time it is.

She spins around, making her way back to call a taxi as she sips on her Coco and prays that frostbite does not take her toes. Feet are pretty gross in itself but that doesn't mean she wants to loose any of her precious toes. But this feeling definitely reminds her of back home. Back when she was in high school, waiting for the school bus, freezing her arse of in her school uniform.


Daisy barely registers the large body slamming into the back of her before she's sent flying to the ground. Unlike in the movies, where some handsome stranger would be there to gracefully catch her; she actually does tumble to the ground in a sprawling heap with her drink flying everywhere.
There's laughter from behind her, presumably by the ape that's just body-checked her, before he mutters some sort of apology and leaves.
Great, just great.
She wants to just burst into tears but in a public place like this, that would be the fúcking cherry on top. God, could this day get any worse? With a frustrated sigh, Daisy picks up her now, empty cup and presses her palms into the sodden Earth as she slowly starts to rise.

Suddenly there's a large, calloused palm stuck straight in front of her. She glances at it for a moment before lifting herself up. Being 5 foot 5 inches, it's not a hard task since she doesn't exactly have a long way to go to straighten up, but it still requires some effort.

Even with her straightening, she only comes to the man's mid-torso and despite that, Daisy admits it's a mighty fine torso. Her eyes travel from the bottom of his thick thighs as strong as tree trunks, all the way up his wide, solid shoulder to his chiselled strong face. Yep. Definitely one of the locals. Or rather, more local than her.

Daisy holds her hands up to his showing him her dirty palms as she mutters a sorry and thank-you.
"Are you okay? Those guys were ássholes," he states.
His Australian accent is certainly at odds with his not so typical Australian looks, but Daisy's not been around long enough to be able to place his ancestry.
"Yeah-yeah, I'm fine...Thank you," she murmurs still slightly awe-struck by him.
Jesus, she wonders how tiny she must look to him? He must feel like a giant. Suddenly there's an image of him stomping about a model city just like Godzilla and that of course, makes her want to giggle. Quickly suppressing it, she focuses her mind to the present again to just catch him asking her if she'll let him buy her another drink.
"Oh..Um...Sure. Yeah, okay, thank you," grins Daisy as a bright blush takes over her pale cheeks. A blush caused by the cold of course, nothing else.

A drink turns into a walk and a visit around the food stalls. She was right when she guessed him not to be exactly Australian. He's actually Samoan, or his parents are but he himself was born and brought up in Australia. Daisy admits lapping the place a second time with a person who actually knows about the food and culture is a lot more fun. Correction-Sila is a lot of fun. He wouldn't give her a last name and she didn't offer hers either. He has her laughing and smiling so much that she can't even remember why she was ever upset. And being easy on the eyes also helps. Although, she admits he may not be movie-star handsome, he definitely does have that rugged sort of quality about him with a nose that's crooked and teeth that aren't perfectly straight. Then again, she's no great beauty-pretty average with an average type figure and average brown hair and average brown eyes.

"Wow, this actually has turned out to be more fun than I was expecting so thank-you, Sila," she sighs as they finish the last morsel of their food.

He gazes down at her, the last remnants of laughter fading out as he replies, "you're welcome. Here let me walk you back to your car."
Okay, that's a bit strange. Either he's just being a nice guy or...or he thinks he's still got a chance at getting some. Daisy isn't so sure about the last one, since well...looking at him, he certainly has a lot of choice available to him, so he can afford to be picky.
"I was actually just going to call a taxi," she replies deciding that either way it doesn't matter since she doesn't own a car in this country.

It's not a deterrent though for him, since he simply states, "then let me give you a lift back to yours."

Daisy's eyes go wide with caution. Handsome strangers can still be creepy murderous psychopaths too, right? And Daisy can't die yet. Not only does she have her undergraduate English Lit student loan to pay off but she also needs to rub it in her ex's face of her rebirth as a strong, successful, independent woman and make him seethe with jealousy. Which she'll then toss aside of course, strutting away as she exclaims that 'she don't need no man'.
"Huh?" she snaps out of her daydreaming-another bad habit, before responding, ""
She follows him towards the car, his hulk like frame hard to miss through the crowds. And while she follows, she tries to desperately think of what she can do to make sure he doesn't actually take her to the middle of nowhere and harvest her organs. What would Shay do? Well...for one, Shay probably would be chasing after some hot girl not this beast of a man and for another, knowing her wild friend; she'd be encouraging Daisy to bang the stranger. Not that Daisy's against one-night stands because hey! Everyone's got urges and itches to scratch. But she's just not done it in a while. Although...perhaps it's like a plaster and you just have to rip it right off. Or a wax. Ohh...waxing is horrible. That first one is just-

"This is me."

Daisy is horrified at the humongous black pick-up truck. Oh God! It's big enough to toss in a bag of her chopped up body parts. Quick! She needs a way to ensure her safety. She could tell him she's a black belt in karate, although...she could never follow through with that. She took karate class once back when she was in Year 3 and quickly quit soon after she was wrestled to the mat and hurt her wrist. She could....ahh!

"Uh Daisy?" he asks holding open the passenger door.

Oh fúck it! At least she'll save on taxi fare. And with her employment hanging on a thread, every penny counts.

Sila is quite chatty as they drive but Daisy's still on the edge of her seat. She's quick to take in every detail making sure not to get caught up in his seemingly friendly banter that may distract her from the road as he takes her to secret cabin to cut her up.
"I have shít organs!" she blurts out, mortified as soon as it's out there.
"Er...Okay? What-er-what's wrong with them, if you don't mind me asking?" he responds, trying to keep a straight face as he contemplates whether she's serious or not.
"Oh...drugs, you know. And junk food! Yeah, lots of drugs and junk food."
Daisy thanks her luck that at least her verbal diarrhoea sounds at least semi-plausible.

The rest of the ride is in slightly uncomfortable silence and when he pulls up outside Daisy's apartment building, she must say she regrets her words. And her thoughts about him.

"Well, it was nice to meet ya Daisy. Thanks for the company, it was nice to show-off. Good luck on, organs."

Wait, that's it? Daisy was sure he'd try his luck and try making it on upstairs into her apartment. Maybe he's not into her? Nah...she actually made an effort today with some lipstick, blush and mascara.
"That's it?" she responds dumbfounded.
"Ah...sorry. Is there some kind of charity, for it? I could keep an eye out. I'm not normally-"
Daisy shakes her head, "no, no. I-I have perfectly fine organs...I think. I don't do drugs well only medicinal ones. But I do like my junk food-anyway! That's not what I meant. I just mean aren't you going to you know....ask to come upstairs. For coffee or something?"
He raises one dark eyebrow, laughter clearly evident in his expression as he asks, "would you like me to?"
Her answer is a wide spread blush as she bites her lip and nods.


It's not much of a place. Tiny to say the least but definitely bigger than the London apartment she was paying a fortune for. Daisy leaps forwards doing a quick lap of her room to clear away the clothes she has strewn around the bedroom and stuffs them in the wardrobe for now. Later she'll sort it out. Probably do some laundry too. She's running out of clean sweatpants that don't have food stains on them.

"Okay, now you can come in," she exhales opening the door wide.
He has to lean down to stop himself hitting his head against the doorframe before grinning around the place.
"Well for some reason now, I'm getting flashbacks of high-school and sneaking into a girlfriend's house when her parents are away."
Daisy shuts the door causing him to spin around and face her.
"My parents are definitely not going to be interrupting us," she responds in a more even tone than anticipated.
Inside her systems, the butterflies are running havoc. Her heart is pounding loud and she feels so jittery she could take flight herself any minute.
He gives her the most tempting tilt of his thin lips, which paired with those onyx eyes make her legs feel like they're about to give way any second.
"That's good because I like to take my time," he growls out inching closer towards her.
Of course one of his steps are like 3 of hers and with just a few he has her pinned against the door, ready in anticipation. She's not the shortest woman in the world but she certainly strains to look at him. The heat from his thick, hard body radiates onto hers, making the hairs along her skin stand to attention, one of many of the body parts of hers she's sure he'll have standing to attention.

His scent intoxicates her as he leans down. He's wary to give her plenty of room to pull away but Daisy's too curious. For years she's avoided men like him. Too intimidated but now she's actually going to make love to one. No, not make love. Fú...Argh she can't say that word. Coitus. She's going to have coitus with one.
All her thoughts are cut off by the surprising landing of his lips onto hers.

He's gentler than she'd thought. Gentle but she still passionate if that's possible? It starts of slow with him leading her into it. But the more his scent envelopes her and the more she feels the delicious pressing of his mouth to hers, the more she wants it. Her hands curl around those silky black strands, tugging gently as he takes it as his cue to press himself closer against her. Her feet almost rise off the floor with his tall physique but the easiest solution to that is obviously wrapping her legs around his waist.

His hands wrapped around her thighs, flex slightly as he pulls back and stares at her with those dark lustful eyes.
"You okay?" he confirms his breathing much more even than hers.
Daisy can only nods and murmur something along the lines of 'yes' as she gazes at him wide-eyed.
It's a look Sila isn't used to too much with his women in the bedroom. Usually, they know what they want and that suits him just fine. It's always been a flurry of passion and a tangle of limbs before the inevitable sigh of release. But with Daisy he finds himself focusing on every little gesture she makes, conscious and subconscious. Like for instance how her legs clench and unclench around his hips and the way her slim shoulders gently rise and fall with her steadying pants.

"Just kick me out whenever, El, yeah?" he jokes although he does in all seriousness mean it.
Daisy looks like the innocent vírgin type and while he doubts she is a vírgin, with his size and build she needs to know he's not that intimidating or scary. If she wants him to stop at any point then he will, no quarrel.
"Yep. But I guess that all depends on how long you last," she retorts without meaning to.
Shít! Insulting a man is definitely not the way to get one to have séx with you.
She immediately goes to take it back and do some of her usual blundering damage control but his boisterous laughter beats her to it.

He slides her onto the bed, grinning at her as he strips off his jacket and thermals underneath his sweater.
"I'm all for the challenge, babe. Are you?"
She dumbstruck once again by him but this time it's not his kisses. It's his perfectly chiselled, harder than granite body. Holy moly! It's's like he's just jumped straight out of one of those trashy romance novels with the cheesy guy on the front with the billowy top and wig of long hair. And his arms! Oh God! The entire circumference of one his bicep's has to be as much if not slightly more than the widest portion of her thigh!
Ohhh but she shouldn't stare at him like this. Not just because he's probably used it and feeding someone's ego with a body like that would be dangerous to his health but also because he's not a piece of meat. Well...okay, technically he is however she's not a starving lioness.

"Daisy? Need some help with those layers?" he asks with that predatory gleam in his eyes that sends good shivers down her spine.
She snaps out of her delirium, grabbing the bottom of her layers and tossing them all above her head.

It's a slight struggle and the end result in a whirlwind of messy brown strands around her face. As she huffs it back with annoyance, rich, deep chuckles resound throughout the room.
"Stop laughing at me," she pouts with a small frown which Sila finds all the more adorable on her.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're just too adorable, El," he grins kneeling on the bed to approach her.

Her frown deepens. She doesn't want to be adorable. She wants to be séxy dammit! Adorable is what you call your baby niece or children under the age of 10. She is not adorable. She is a fully-grown, séxy woman, dammit!

He slides forwards towards her as she simply sits there in her bra and jeans. Even her shoes remain on. With a smile he eases them off, but she remains a million miles away in her head.
"Hey...hey, I'm sorry. You're not adorable, I take it back," he jokes, his body hovering over hers as her eyes suddenly snap to him.
"I'm not?" she asks the pout reducing.
He grows serious as his eyes bore into hers, "no. You're beautiful, Daisy."
Daisy feels her heart flutter at those words, a blush steeling across her pale cheeks as she tries to form the words to respond to that.
"Oh...I...Um...Thank-you," she finally chokes out as he leans down for a kiss.


This part is continued on my profile on Inkitt (under the same name). For more details look at the 'Foreword' at the start.


"You know...I never got my coffee," he jokes, head lolling to the side to face her.
Her lazy eyes slowly open as she sticks her tongue out at him.
"I said 'coffee or something'. You definitely got the 'something'," she retorts the streak of sassiness causing Sila to softly chortle.
He rakes his eyes over her slim body; examining her for any bruises he may have accidently left. A red handprint is imprinted at her hips, which he glides his fingers over. She groans in response, capturing his fingers in hers.

"I'm so sorry, Daisy-"

"It's not painful. Don't worry. Trust me, if anyone should be sorry it's me. I really dug into you," she winces looking at the half-moon indents in his shoulders.

"Barely felt a thing."
She smiles back at him, stretching her weary muscles before sighing. So how does this work now? Does he get his stuff and leave or...
Coffee. That'll make him stay a little longer right? Well...she should at least offer...again.

"You know, what? I actually could do with a cup of coffee, do you want one?" she offers, hoping silently he'll take it up.
"Yes please. Milk and one sugar, thank you."
She nods eagerly, sitting up and gazing around for some sort of item of clothing. After stuffing all her clothes in the wardrobe, she spots his t-shirt. As she pulls it on, he doesn't say anything and she takes that as a sign that he's fine with her wearing it for now, even if it feels too...relationship-y.
"Here," she states tossing him the TV remote, "I'll be right back."

When she returns with the cups, he's watching the Rugby. Typical. In England it was football but of course, here it's more rugby. With a roll of her eyes she makes her presence known by handing him his cup of brew.

"Oh hey!" he calls in shock, quickly fiddling with the remote to change the channel.
"It's fine. You can leave it on the rugby," she responds, taking the object off him and returning it back onto the channel he was enjoying.
"No, no! Really, it's okay. I was just...just having a quick look. Let's just-"

"Oh my God," she exhales.

Sila glances up at the screen and gulps in horror. Shít, shít, shít.
He tenses awaiting the outburst of either joy or anger but Daisy simply keeps flickering from him on the screen to him sitting there on her bed drinking coffee.
"Daisy, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you before..."
"Huh? It's fine. I mean...for all you know I could be some really famous reality star in England."
She doesn't blame him for not telling her because that's a little strange to drop into conversation. In fact, she admires he didn't drop it in. She never would have guessed he's a national rugby playing superstar although...his excellent physique should have been a little bit of a giveaway.

"Are you?"


He laughs in return, pulling her in, "I don't get followed too much by the paparazzi so you don't have to worry about...well, anything scandalous being written."
It's when he mentions the word scandalous she has a sinking feeling in her stomach. Call it prejudice against sportsmen or call it justified but she can't help the thoughts that spring forth.
"Speaking of don't have a girlfriend or wife do you?"
His face crumples in hurt at the question, "no. God no, I would not do that to my...Daisy, I haven't lied to you at all today, I swear."
"Okay, okay, I believe you. I just had to ask because you know footballers in England. They're not known for being the most faithful people and well, I suppose it's fine if they're both in agreement to some sort of open relationship arrangement but sometimes-"
"Daisy, Daisy...breathe. I'm not offended, babe," he laughs, "you are too adorable."
"I am not adorable!" she cries with narrowed eyes and a pout at him.
He really needs to stop calling her adorable or she'll just....she'll just have to start calling him a giant! Yeah, the BFG in fact.
"You are most definitely adorable. But you know what?"
Her chin jerks up as her expression softens into one of curiosity.

"What?" she asks with the last traces of hostility in her voice.

"I like your adorableness."

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