Red Yarn

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Lol okay, so character cusses a lot. Like, a lot. It's just a part of his character, I can't really change it because then he won't feel the same *shrugs*. Anywho! I love this character so much! He also has an alter-ego that is the cutest thing ever I swear! I'll have to bring him in one day...

To wake up with a red piece of yarn tied to your ring finger is...well...


I stare down at the yarn in confusion. When did this happen? I glance around my room, only to let out a shriek when I see my boyfriend standing there with a large grin on his face.

I frown at Logan, removing the covers from off my body. Sitting up, I scoot to the edge of the bed, glaring at the idiot. "What the hell, Logan, don't do that! You can't just scare a person like that! What are you doing in my room?"

Logan rolls his eyes. I roll my eyes back. Sometimes, I forget that before I fell in love with him and he became a nicer person to me, he's still an asshole deep down.

"Come on, babe! I didn't do anything! Besides, Little Star, I wanted to make sure you got out of bed in time," Logan says with a grin.

"In time for what?" I ask, furrowing my brows together.

"Come on! Let's get going now!" Logan says impatiently, before grabbing my arm, pulling me to the bathroom.

A maid waited there, and if honestly made me jump a bit. I can still never get used to the maids always following you around. It's fucking creepy.

"Please put him in the suit I dropped by earlier. I want him to look his best," Logan tells the maid, before leaning down to give me a peck on the lips. "Though, you look your best without even trying, my Little Star," he whispered.

I scowl at him, a blush covering my cheeks and ears. Gosh, he's so infuriating sometimes.

The maid nods, before Logan leaves and the maid guides me deeper into the large bathroom to get me ready for who-knows-what.

About an hour later, a fucking hour
later, I'm dressed in an expensive-looking suit, my hair styled and gelled. I frown, looking at my reflection. Why the hell is Logan getting me all dressed up?

If I have to tell him one more time I'm not his fucking doll...

"Sir, you should get going, His Highness is waiting," the maid speaks up softly.

I sigh, nodding. "Where is he?"

"Follow the yarn," she said.

I look down at the red yarn still tied to my finger. Sighing, I begin to walk, following it. All the way there, other maids giggle and whisper, sending me wide smiles. I frown in confusion, but continue on my way.

Finally, I arrive at the doors leading to the gardens. Two guards open up the doors, and I can't help but let out a small gasp. A pathway of rose petals lead through a tree pathway, ending where Logan stands, beaming at me. I roll my eyes afterwards; how cliche of him...but cute, I guess.

Shaking my head, I walk down the pathway. I notice that the string continues, until it stops at Logan. I realize that his own ring finger has the end of the yarn, tied in a simple knot like mine.

Stopping in front of Logan, I tilt my head up at him. "What's going on?"

Logan smiles gently, reaching out to hold my face in his large hands. "Kyan, from the moment my eyes landed on you at that party two years ago, I've only ever dreamed of making you mine. You're such a strong person, with such a foul mouth, but all with a sweet and innocent look."

I chuckle at that, and he flashes a grin, before continuing. "I remember when you played around with me, and how much you enjoyed it. You're so intelligent, and I'm glad that big brain isn't against me anymore."

"You're so awkward, Logan," I mumble, rolling my eyes.

Logan chuckles, leaning down to kiss my forehead gently. "I love you so much," he whispers, before his hands disappear, and he's suddenly on one knee in front of me.

My eyes grow wide, as he pulls out a small black box. Logan flips the top up, to reveal a simple golden band. "Logan," I gasp.

"Kyan, I've tried to think of the perfect way to ask you this, and it kind of all ended up with this. In an old myth, a red string of fate connects soulmates, symbolizing that they'll find their way to each other no matter how much the world or they pull away."

Logan grabs my hand with the yarn tied, holding it to his lips to press a kiss. "We're connected, forever and always.

"With that, I have something to ask you."

He takes a breath, before looking up at me with shining eyes. "Will you do me the honor of being my husband, my soulmate, and my future king-consort?"

My mouth pops open, nothing but air coming out, before I whisper a single word.


Logan beams, before sliding the ring onto my finger, untying the red yarn beforehand. He stands up, before bringing me into a soft and passionate kiss.

"I love you so much," Logan whispers to me.

I smile gently, kissing him myself this time.

"I love you too."

*Tears up* oh babies...they're all grown up *starts to sob* I- I'm fine... I'll just go in the corner now.

In all seriousness, hope you liked it! Sorry if there is any inaccurate information or grammar and spelling mistakes! I wrote this all up kinda quickly XD.


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