Benevolent Hearts (2)

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"Are you out of your mind, Daiyan?"

Safiya couldn't help her loud voice seeing Daiyan in the kitchen with their daughter Rida. Didn't know why he didn't understand the word, rest?!

Yes, her husband was ill with fever and cold just like their daughter. Safiya wouldn't leave both of them alone but today was the critics tasting. And her husband was too adamant to go. Just for his sake, she went to the restaurant and upon coming what she was seeing. Her husband with Rida that too so near the oven.

The loud wail of Rida broke her glare at Daiyan as he began to pat her daughter's back to console her, without looking at Safiya.

"Rida was hungry that's why I had to come here."

Daiyan gave an explanation over the beeping sound of the oven and Rida's cry. Safiya quickly pushed the buttons to turn it off, "Whatever it was, it's not the reason to bring Rida so close to the oven." said Safiya while removing the bowl of porridge.

"Fine. I would like to see when she would cry her heart out in your arms."

Safiya bit her lower lip and turned away from Daiyan because he was testing her patience. She heard some shuffling behind her and Daiyan moved out of the kitchen with Rida and that warm porridge.


Nope. He would not be the one to start a talk.

If his wife was acting all stubborn, he could also get full points. Because he was the champion. In being stubborn.

The doorbell broke his train of thoughts as Daiyan looked at his sleeping daughter and heard Safiya's excited voice. He knew who it be. Nanna, Batool aunt, and Mum. Safiya didn't know about it but they all were planning her birthday. But his wife had a knack of ruining his mood.

"Daiyan, see who's here!"

Taking a long sigh, Daiyan exited his room to see Safiya with a fake smile and the three ladies with various shoppers in their hands. They all had come for preparations.

"What are you doing at this hour? That too with each other?"

Safiya asked, glancing at the wall clock and then at the ladies. While the ladies were looking at him for help.

"Ummm... We went for shopping. So Batool said we should meet Rida."

It was Nanna who came with the cover-up. Safiya looked at all of them and then gave her a toothed smile, "Okay! Have a seat. She is sleeping right now, you know the flu. And you are having dinner with us tonight."

The three ladies nodded with a smile, "I'm putting it all in the study, Safi!" Batool aunt told while Mum and Nanna went to the washroom, talking to Safiya. He pursed his lips. That was a close call.

"Study would be a good place to decorate for the celebration."

He nodded at Batool aunt while going through the bags. His wife was havoc and to keep a secret from her was like hiding the sun in the sky. They really had to push everything for their planned surprise.


Something was really fishy. They all were smiling too much. On top of that, agreeing with her. Dado too. Else she was the most stubborn lady but now she accepted her offer of dinner with them. Was she missing something?

Their anniversary?


What was the date? Her mind was so tired. She couldn't even remember the month. April!

It was her birthday.

Crap. That's why they were so secretive and so loving. Except for Daiyan, of course.

Safiya looked at the dress in her hand. Dado had sent her for the trial. So now she had to pretend she didn't know anything. She smiled remembering their failed attempt.

Leaving the washroom, Safiya spotted her husband on the bed. Her daughter had woken up and Daiyan was talking to her. In his baby voice. The time he looked the cutest. But this was not the time to show him, love. She was still angry.

"Mum is in the study. She's calling you."

As if I don't know.

Ignoring him Safiya came to the study door to find it locked. Knocking at the door, she felt a presence behind her. It was Daiyan with Rida in his arms. She smiled at her daughter as she played with Safiya's opened hair.

Without bothering about Daiyan's constant gaze, Safiya took Rida in her arms. Now she had to act surprised!

There was a loud bursting of the balloon as the door opened. The falling confetti and balloons welcomed her. She surely was surprised. They did so much in so less time.

"Happy Birthday!" The three ladies of her life yelled in unison, coming towards her with a big smile and a wrapped gift each.

"Allah, what a great surprise!"

The three ladies looked at each other with a proud smile on her surprised state.

"Daiyan planned it all," Nanna told while ushering them towards the big cake. Rida giggled looking at the cake forcing everyone to laugh as she quickly moved in Dado's arms. Her kid loved Dado and Mehnaz aunt. Rida wouldn't notice Safiya's absence if she would be with Dado and Mehnaz aunt.

She looked at Daiyan who was not even looking at her. He was busy in straightening that invisible crease on the table cover. That hurt. Like you could ignore anyone to your heart's content but the same thing with yourself feels... Arghhh!


The splash of water made his senses calm. Daiyan looked in the mirror. Safiya was regretting her mistake. He could see in her every action. He should now let go.


She always did this. Ignoring him also not trusting him. Even after five years of their marriage. He trusted her with his life and here she yelled at him for coming too close to the oven.


Exiting the washroom, he saw Safiya standing near the dresser mirror, removing her earrings. Without any trace of Rida.

"Dado told me... Rida will sleep with her."

After the celebration and dinner, Daiyan made Mum, Batool aunt, and Nanna stay with them for the night. He nodded at Safiya while fixing the pillow.

"Daiyan, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Are you even listening to me?"

Daiyan hummed lying down on the bed and closed his eyes. One look at Safiya and he would forget every ill-feeling he had.

Just don't open your eyes.

His nose burnt with a mild pain as a pillow hit his face.

"Safiya!" Daiyan said in a warning tone removing the pillow from his face. Safiya was now looking at him with anger. She was looking damn cute. But this was not the time to show her love. He was angry.

"Here I'm talking to you and you're just ignoring me."

Safiya threw one more pillow at him while her hand went for another one. Didn't know who stuffed so many pillows in their bedroom.

"Just like you."

Daiyan said getting up from the bed, his hands in defense to save himself from the pillow shower. The majestic boss of Salt and Sugar, who can control the whole staff with one glare was now in this position. Saving himself from his wife.


He lunged forward and held Safiya's hands, stopping her every movement. She tried a lot to wiggle out her hands from his hold but Daiyan just made her near. So near that he could feel her breath near his heart. Her eyes were now teary. This was the last strike to his so-called ego.

"You're very bad Daiyan Mustufa. Like I did wrong but I am saying sorry. I am accepting my mistake and you aren't even looking at me."

"When you will learn to trust me, little girl? Will I do something bad to our Rida?"

Safiya shook her head, coming closer to him and hugging him tightly, washing off every atom of anger from him.

Daiyan kissed her forehead, wiping her tears, "You're very bad in acting surprised, little girl."

"Just like you all in keeping a surprise," Safiya said with a giggle, rubbing her nose to make it redder. "I can easily trust Mehnaz aunt's and Nanna's affection but my Dado was too loving today."

Daiyan chuckled. That was their attempt to make it all look normal. But maybe they all knew each other very well. "By the way, I must say you're looking beautiful in this." She was. Didn't know what color it was but that ankle-length frock was looking amazing on her!

"Isn't it? It's burgundy color." Safiya took a step back and moved in a circular motion, "Look, how beautiful it looks."

Daiyan nodded at her innocence with a smile. There was a time when they weren't sure of the next day with each other. But Allah gave him these years together and he still prayed for the coming years. Years where he wanted to get old with his little girl. Because nothing made sense without her. No matter how much they fight over petty things, their paths came back to each other.


Safiya's circular movements halted as Daiyan grabbed her waist, pulling her closer. Her mind felt a little odd due to her movements but her husband's protective hold was enough to make her sane in no time.

"Happy Birthday, little girl."

Safiya smiled hearing his whisper as Daiyan touched his nose with hers.

"Where's my gift?"

"This dress is from me."

"But dado gave this to me. I want something from you."

Daiyan shook his head in amusement, "What?"

Safiya came near him and whispered in his ear. Laughing as Daiyan turned beetroot. She would always enjoy making him blush.

"You are sly, little girl."

Daiyan said pursing his lips. He moved away from her and went towards their bedside table, shoving out a blue velvet box.

"So I knew you wouldn't be satisfied with one gift." He chuckled with an oomph as Safiya hit his gut, "Also I wanted this to be specially for us."

Daiyan opened the box to reveal a delicate golden chain and a pair of golden studs. They looked beautiful. He made her turn and closed the chain around her neck, not before placing a kiss near her ear.

"Thank you!" Safiya turned to face him and cupped his face, "That's beautiful."

Didn't know how she got him? But she was grateful for every second that she did. Else didn't how Safiya would have survived in this world. He kept her sane. The head chef of Salt and Sugar was the head of her life. He gave her enough space to be herself also kept her in his protective cocoon whenever she needed him.

"Now the gift you asked for."

Daiyan's backfire forced Safiya to split in a nervous giggle. She closed her eyes when her husband's lips came closer to hers. His lips were soft just like his every action with her. Daiyan held her head in his gentle hold, while she tightened her grip on his shirt to return the kiss with equal fervor.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me."

His voice was husky as he now kissed her on one cheek and then the other.

"You're the only best thing of my life," Safiya replied in between her ragged breath.

"Nobody can win with you in words."

"You don't want to win with me."

"You never know."

Safiya would have said something more but Daiyan didn't let her. His touch and his act of adoration were the only thing that made her speechless. But was she complaining?


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