19. Tag! You're it.....(2)

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Band: Stray Kids
Ship: Jisung x Skz

Once again the games had begun and I was back to being a hunter. Throughout the entire lunch break, Jeongin and Felix teamed up and were whispering to each other. I'm guessing about how to take me down. My assumption is that they're going to try and pull what I pulled on Minho while the other one sneaks up behind me and shoots me. Unfortunately for them, I had already thought of every single possibility and outcome as soon as the game started. I knew just how to get them and I know just who to start with.

-Felix P.O.V-

Once again I was back to hiding from Jisung. I was in the room he found Chan and Hyunjin in. My camera-man was sitting down on the floor recording me. It was kinda annoying how I had to have every move of mine watched and judged but I've gotten used to it. "Lixie~" I heard Jisungs voice call out. I looked towards the window and saw his silhouette walking by. Now's my chance! I was gonna walk out through the side door and pull him away from the cameras.

I slowly made my way through the door blocking my camera man from passing and snuck up behind Jisung. I grabbed him and pulled him into another room away from his camera-man. I had already left my mic in the other room and I ditched Jisung's out the window as soon as we entered the room.

-Author P.O.V-

"FELIX WHAT THE FUCK!" he yelled. "Hello to you too princess." If there was one thing that caused the 7 boys to have leverage over Jisung it was the word Princess. God knows how much he loved the nickname, sexual or not, it always managed to drive him crazy.

He stood there frozen and blushing. "Why the sudden silence? I just wanted to see you.." Felix stepped closer, pulling the boy closer by his waist. "W-what are you doing?" Jisung mumbled. The sudden sense of submission sent Felix over the edge. He tilted Jisung's chin up and connected their lips. It was slow at first until he started to go deeper (in that pussy! Sorry😭💀)

He gripped the older's waist causing him to gasp. He slipped his tongue in and explored his mouth. Jisung moaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Felix's neck. Felix started to slowly back him up against the door. "Felix, we can't do this here.." Jisung said in between moans as the younger trailed kisses down his neck, ready to take the older's shirt off. "I know baby, that's why I'm sorry I had to do this." Jisung was confused until it him.

His eyes widened in shock and he looked behind Felix. Jeongin was standing there smirking. "Sorry Princess" he said before shooting Jisung in the chest.

Han eliminated. Green Team Wins!

Jisung still standing there in shock didn't notice when the camera-men and the other boys came in the room celebrating. He glared daggers at Felix.



They all sat in a circle on the floor in the lobby deciding on the punishment. Jisung was still pouting as the others occasionally laughed at him. "Make him clean the whole dorm by himself" Changbin yelled. Jisung's eyes widened in shock he look towards Chan hoping he would talk sense into the shorter but instead he was met with a smirking Chan who stared right back at him. "I agree" he said keeping eye contact with the now angry Jisung. They all picked up on what was happening and giggled. "Why not" Seungmin said inbetween laughs.

Jisung groaned and fell back on the floor whining and complaining. "I HATE YOU ALL!" He yelled out. They just laughed harder.

"Thank you Stay for watching. We hope you enjoyed! Step out! Goodbye this was Stray Kids Code. See you next time!! BYE STAY!!!" They all repeated after Chan, waving bye to the cameras.


The crew yelled. They all cheered and waved the boys goodbye as they left towards the dance studio. Jisung who was still pouting, walked slowly behind the others. Felix smiled and walked back to him. "If you want we can continue what happened in the room when we get back to the dorm."The older flushed a deep red as the the others just simply held in their laughter. He flipped them all off and continued on his way towards the studio embarrassed and gay panicking.


He heard them yell. He ignored them but couldn't hide the smile that creeped up his face. "I love you assholes too " he mumbled, getting into their car.


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