18. Tag! You're It...

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Band: Stray Kids
Ship: Jisung x Skz
Top: Stray Kids
Bottom: Jisung

"Alright so everybody understands the rules right?" Chan announces. They all nodded as they loaded their gear. They were filming for another skz code. This time they had to play Laser Tag.

They had to be divided into 2 teams. One team was Team Blue and the other was Team Green. Team Blue had to make sure all the members of Team Green were out before Team Green got them out. They each had plastic chest and back armor and a laser gun. The armor was connected to the staffs tablets telling who got out and who didn't. There were 3 rounds and each round lasted 5 minutes. Whichever team won got to boss around the loosing team.

*I've never played laser tag I'm making shit up here*

The teams were already chosen; Jeong-In, Felix, Seungmin, Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin and Minho on one vs Jisung by himself. The staff said they should change it but the others we're determined to keep it this way. They had referred to Jisung's team as "Team Bottom".

See, the members of Stray Kids we're actually in a poly relationship and Jisung was the bottom. Yeah, just him. Some of them were switches but it didn't happen often. Jisung didn't mind the fact that he was by himself. He knew they were going to do this, so he devised his own plan.

"Alright are you boys ready?" The staff asked, "Yes Noona!" they all yelled. "Alright then places." she said laughing.

The boys all ran into different hiding spots. Jisung knew exactly where he had to go. He had taken a walk around and saw about 12 different places he could hide. He went to his first hiding spot and waited to hear the air horn announcing the beginning of the game.

When they heard the loud ear piercing sound, they knew it was time. Jisung fearlessly walked down the halls in the open with a cocky smirk on his face. He passed by Minhos hiding spot and pretended not to see the older trying to sneak up on him. He quickly ducked and hid behind a pillar dragging Minho with him, away from cameras.

He smashed his lips onto the elders hungrily. Minho let his guard down and kissed back with just as much passion. His hands snaked around Jisung's waist, pulling him closer. Jisung smile and started kissing down Minhos neck. The older was panting as his hand gripped Jisung's waist. Suddenly, the younger abruptly pulled away and smirked once he heard the announcement echo through the building.

"Lee Know eliminated, 7 players left"

He looked at Jisung in shock, then down at his armor and saw it was no longer green but red. He looked up at Jisung with his mouth agape but he had already walked away to spot his next victim. He turned back and winked at Minho.

-Chan P.O.V-

How the hell did he manage to get eliminated so fast? I slowly made my way down the hallway with my camera-man trailing behind me. I looked back at him and laughed. "I guess going against Jisung was a mistake?" He smiled and shook the camera up and down in a nodding motion. I laughed and turned back around heading into a dark room to hide. I saw Hyunjin and his camera-man already in there. "I bet you Felix is next" Hyunjin said laughing.

I shook my head and smiled, "Jisung and Felix are attached by the hip, there's no way he's next. He'll probably save him for last." I said. Hyunjin nodded, we heard footsteps coming this way and immediately pointed our guns at the door.

"Channie Hyung~" Jisung's voice came from behind the closed door. He sounded like a psychopath. "Where are you~" he said in a sing song voice. I looked over at Hyunjin and saw he was trying to hold in his laugh. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the door. "I guess he's not here Mr. Camera-Man. I do know where Jeongin is though let's go find him." We heard footsteps fading away and slowly lowered the guns.

"He sounded so scary" Hyunjin said laughing and looking at the camera in shock. "He said he knew where Jeongin was does that mean he knows where we are?" I asked.

"Yup" we heard a voice and looked back. Jisung stood there with his gun pointed at us. He had come through the door in the corner that I forgot about. "Bye-bye" he said with a smile on his face before shooting the armor straight in the middle. It turned from green to red. Hyunjin fell to his knees and screamed, "nooooooooooooo"

I looked over at Jisung in shock. He winked at me before leaving the room. What the fuck is he up too and why am I turned on?!

"Chan and Hyunjin eliminated, 5 players left"

"That little demon." I mumbled laughing and looking at my camera-man. "STAY, don't be fooled by Jisung's cute looks, he's the demon hiding in the corner of your room at night." I said, Hyunjin laughed and nodded. He swung his arm over my shoulder and walked out the room with our camera-men following behind. He covered his mic and mine before whispering, "you're turned on too, right?" I groaned. "Abso-fucking-lutely". He nodded and uncovered the mics before looking back and smiling at the cameras as we kept on walking towards the lobby of the building to watch the rest of the game with the staff and main camera's.

-Jisung P.O.V-

I walked away from Chan and Hyunjin's room and looked back at the camera as I made my way across the other side of the building. "We only have 5 players left STAY, me being one of them and I am determined to end them all." I said.

I heard the air horn again echo through the building.

"Round 1 over, all players return to the lobby"

I raised my hands in the air and screamed. "YES!" I raced towards the lobby forgetting that the I had a camera-man.


-Author P.O.V-

Once everyone was gathered in the lobby. They all striped themselves of their armor and grabbed some water before sitting down on the floor. "Jisung-Hyung is scary. Can we switch the teams?" Jeong-In asked. Jisung who was laying with his head on Seungmin's lap as the younger played with his hair, laughed. "Yeah he is scary but don't switch teams." Minho said, "let's see if he can get us all out in the second round." He said staring at the blonde boy. Jisung smirked and sipped his water. "We'll see..."

Everyone looked at him then slowly backed away. You could hear the staff laughing in the background.

"So, are you boys ready for Round 2?"



Once again they were all hiding waiting for the air horn. Chan, Hyunjin and Minho remained in the lobby watching the rest of the game take place. And there was the ear piercing sound.

Jisung continued to walk down the hallway towards the other side of the building. He had already swept the entire other half of the building and came up with nothing. He strolled down the hallway bored as he hasn't seen anyone. He looked back at his camera-man, "Have you seen anyone yet?" The dude shook the camera to say "No" and Jisung nodded. Suddenly, he heard hush whispering coming from behind him. He smirked and looked behind the camera-man to see Changbin and Seungmin sneaking into a room to hide. He looked back at his camera-man and laughed. "Pabos" The camera-man had to prevent himself from laughing before following the male towards the room.

-Changbin P.O.V-

Seungmin and I ran into a room and locked the door. "STAY's are gonna watch this video and think that we're pretending to be scared when in reality, where actually scared out of our minds." I said laughing. Seungmin giggled and nodded. "Jisung is really competitive just like Channie-Hyung and that makes it 10x more scary."

Suddenly, Jisung's voice could be heard from the hallway. He was singing the Freddy Krueger theme song.

"1,2 Freddy's coming for you. 3,4 better lock your door. 5,6 grab your crucifix, 7,8 gonna stay up late. 9,10-"

His voice could no longer be heard. I gulped and pointed my gun towards the door. Seungmin looked at me, "I'm about to start crying."

"9,10 never sleep again". We screamed as we heard the whisper come from behind me and saw Jisung there smiling like a maniac. He shot my armor then Seungmin's. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" seungmin yelled. Jisung clutched his stomach as he fell on the floor laughing. The camera-men looked scared out of his mind meanwhile Jisung's was trying not to laugh. "STAY, never trust Jisung." I said. His laughing died down as he got up from the floor.

"Oh my god that was golden. I'm so glad you made me watch Nightmare on Elm Street with you." He said wiping tears from his eyes. He picked his gun up and looked back at us. "If you excuse me, I have to go find our other maknaes."

"Changbin and Seungmin eliminated, 3 players left."

I watched Jisung walk out the room and he turns back around. The camera men were looking somewhere else but he blew a kiss to me then winked. I stood there dumbfounded. I'm not supposed to be turned on.....


A few minutes had gone by and Jisung couldn't find anyone else.

Round 2 over. Players please make your way to the lobby

He groaned and grumpily made his way back to the lobby. Once he arrived everyone was already there. "We just watched the clip of you shooting Seungmin and Changbin-hyung" Jeongin said. "You're terrifying" Felix yelled.

Jisung laughed and took his armor off then sat down. "You two are hard to find, are you hiding together?" He asked. They both shook their heads "no".

"Are you hungry? We can take a break and get something to eat?" The staff said. They all nodded and made their way towards the tables of food.

They had turned all the cameras off and were seated, conversing and eating, Hyunjin looked over at Jisung's camera-man. "Hyung, doesn't he scare you?" He asked. The man chuckled, "a little bit." He answered. Jisung smiled and kept on eating. "How's it feel to be following his scary ass around?" Jeongin asked. "Not bad, it's pretty funny sometimes."

"We should do this game again but no cameras and let the staff play." Chan said looking at their manager. He nodded and smiled, "why not"


Part 2 is coming, I got carried away💀

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